* awesim_branding optionally replaces awesim_rails (fonts are extracted and now system installed)
* ood_support User, Process, and Group classes
\ No newline at end of file
### `ood_appkit` replaces `awesim_rails`
* Much of the functionality of the AwesimRails gem has been transferred to the [OodAppkit](https://github.com/OSC/ood_appkit) gem. Please be aware that there is not a 1:1 mapping of functionality between `awesim_rails` and `ood_appkit`, however, and some updates to existing apps may be required.
Some notable changes from `awesim_rails`:
*`/docs` route has been renamed to `/wiki` for internal app documentation.
* The 'awesim_bredcrumbs` helper has been removed. Please use the Navbar Breadcrumbs described at [OodAppkit Branding Features](https://github.com/OSC/ood_appkit/blob/master/README.md#branding-features) instead.
See the [README documentation](https://github.com/OSC/ood_appkit/blob/master/README.md) for a full list of OodAppkit features.
### cluster config
### `awesim_branding` optionally replaces `awesim_rails` (fonts are extracted and now system installed)