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University software catalog
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A Docker container with a Shibboleth-enabled Apache instance configured as a reverse proxy for another attached container
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Drupal theme for WCM platform based on Buckeye UX design system. This is NOT a shared project and should only be used within sites built in the WCM platform.
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The official upstream for Arts and Sciences Standard Sites
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Rails engine that abstracts out user admin, authentication, roles, and permissions.
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Helm chart repository for those maintained by the OTDI Cloud Services team
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Fork of the Storage Finder module originally written by Cornell at https://github.com/CU-CommunityApps/CD-finder.git
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Scripts for identifying mismatch and missing files in backups, and identifying duplicate files,
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Various migrations from a Drupal 7 source to a Drupal 9 target, utilizing the csv source method.
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Drupal 10 container based on a Web Hosting PHP container image
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Command line tools for Arts and Sciences College (ASC) Drupal Development
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