Login to Glenn, and do `module load ruby`. The awesim command line interface is provided via a Ruby gem.
Clone the app's repo into a subdirectory of `awesim_shared_apps`
mkdir ~/awesim_shared_apps
cd ~/awesim_shared_apps
git clone /url/or/path/to/my/repo hello_sim
cd into it and run `awesim setup`
$ cd hello_sim
$ awesim setup
* if there is a conflict, you can press d and enter to see the diff of the file and press Y and enter to overwrite what is there or n and enter to skip
Run awesim lint to verify setup is good.
$ awesim lint
Everybody does not have read and execute access to restart directory: /nfs/17/efranz/awesim_shared_apps/.tmp/hello_sim. Fix then restart!
If you see this error, you will need to change permission on your home directory and ~/awesim_shared_apps to 755:
If awesim lint doesn't throw any errors, you should be good to go. Go to the dashboard, refresh and try accessing the app through the dashboard (a link should now appear).