1. Apps now have icons and categories
A. Icons:
In the root of the app, add an icon that is 100x100 in size called icon.png
. It must be png format. You can use image magick (installed on Oakley login nodes) to convert the image to the desired format (i.e. convert my.jpg icon.png
Example of an app without an icon:
Example of an app with an icon:
B. Categories:
in the manifest, if you specify category: My Category
the app will display in a section grouped with other apps that specify the same category.
Here is the Active Jobs app with no category specified:
Here I changed the category in the manifest to OSC (category: OSC
C. Manifest documentation field is now ignored
We only display the description field to the user. Share documentation in the app. If necessary, direct users to documentation outside of the app by adding links to the description field.
2. Web UI replaces AweSim CLI
Before, we used a CLI that provided the actions below. For AweSim on Open OnDemand we no longer provide a CLI. Here is a table showing the commands and what to do in its place.
cli cmd | purpose | replacement |
awesim setup | create and modify a bunch of deployment related files, then run update command | for existing apps, manually add and version .env.production and bin/setup-production files (see below) |
awesim update | rebuild assets and call restart and lint | use dashboard web ui or run shell script (~wiag/bin/update-app ) to do 3 steps: install gems, rebuild assets, and restart app |
awesim restart | touch a file that passenger is configured to recognize as a restart file | dashboard web ui or run touch tmp/restart.txt or scl enable git19 rh-ruby22 -- bin/rake ood_appkit:restart
awesim lint | show errors with app setup | access app details in dashboard to see lint errors |
awesim permission | change who can access your app | access app details in dashboard to change FACLs OR use nfs4_setfacl and nfs4_getfacl on the app directory |
awesim maintenance on/off | put app in maintenance mode | not available - if you think this feature is important for app developers, please let us know |
After cloning an app, we would previously run awesim setup
. Instead we will:
- Create and version a
(follow pattern in Rails Application Template or this file: https://github.com/AweSim-OSC/containerfillsim/blob/22e3cbd2163ee2cf0f11266020a461d602eb3320/.env.production) - replace the secret with a unique string generated via the rake task (bin/rake secret)
- Copy https://github.com/AweSim-OSC/rails-application-template/blob/8513c9b6ba9216fc7fe495d144d5162b996109eb/assets/setup-production to
and chmod 755 the file - Run the update commands below
Run after changing shared app.
A. You can do this through the web interface:
- click "Bundle Install" & "Build Assets" & "Restart App" or just "Update App" (there will be one button to replace this in the future)
B. Or you can do this via the command line by running this bash script in the app root folder:
efranz@webtest04:~$ cat ~wiag/bin/update-app #!/bin/bash
run this script in the root of an app after pulling the latest code
grep RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT .env.production || { echo "RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT is not set in .env.production"; exit 1; }
scl enable git19 rh-ruby22 nodejs010 -- bin/bundle install --path=vendor/bundle scl enable git19 rh-ruby22 nodejs010 -- bin/rake assets:clobber RAILS_ENV=production scl enable git19 rh-ruby22 nodejs010 -- bin/rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production scl enable git19 rh-ruby22 nodejs010 -- bin/rake ood_appkit:restart