@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Before, we used a CLI that provided the actions below. For AweSim on Open OnDema
|awesim setup|create and modify a bunch of deployment related files, then run update command|for existing apps, manually add and version .env.production and bin/setup-production files (see below)|
|awesim update|||
|awesim restart|touch a file that passenger is configured to recognize as a restart file|Run `touch tmp/restart.txt` or use dashboard web ui controls to restart app|
|awesim restart|touch a file that passenger is configured to recognize as a restart file|Run `touch tmp/restart.txt` or `scl enable git19 rh-ruby22 -- bin/rake ood_appkit:restart` or use dashboard web ui controls to restart app|
|awesim lint||access app details in dashboard to see lint errors|
|awesim permission||access app details in dashboard to change FACLs OR use `nfs4_setfacl` and `nfs4_getfacl` on the app directory|
|awesim maintenance on/off||not available - if you think this feature is important for app developers, please let us know|