... | ... | @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ Before, we used a CLI that provided the actions below. For AweSim on Open OnDema |
|cli cmd|purpose|replacement|
|awesim setup|create and modify a bunch of deployment related files, then run update command|for existing apps, manually add and version .env.production and bin/setup-production files (see below)|
|awesim update|rebuild assets and call restart and lint|use dashboard web ui or run shell script (`~wiag/bin/update-app`) to do 3 steps: install gems, rebuild assets, and restart app|
|awesim restart|touch a file that passenger is configured to recognize as a restart file|dashboard web ui or run `touch tmp/restart.txt` or `scl enable git19 rh-ruby22 -- bin/rake ood_appkit:restart`|
|**awesim setup**|create and modify a bunch of deployment related files, then run update command|for existing apps, manually add and version .env.production and bin/setup-production files **(see below table for details)**|
|**awesim update**|rebuild assets and call restart and lint|use dashboard web ui or run shell script (`~wiag/bin/update-app`) to do 3 steps: install gems, rebuild assets, and restart app **(see below table for details)**|
|awesim restart|touch a file that passenger is configured to recognize as a restart file|use dashboard web ui or run `touch tmp/restart.txt` or `scl enable git19 rh-ruby22 -- bin/rake ood_appkit:restart`|
|awesim lint|show errors with app setup|access app details in dashboard to see lint errors|
|awesim permission|change who can access your app|access app details in dashboard to change FACLs OR use `nfs4_setfacl` and `nfs4_getfacl` on the app directory|
|awesim maintenance on/off|put app in maintenance mode|not available - if you think this feature is important for app developers, please let us know|
... | ... | @@ -54,7 +54,15 @@ After cloning an app, we would previously run `awesim setup`. Instead we will: |
1. Create and version a `.env.production` (follow pattern in Rails Application Template or this file: https://github.com/AweSim-OSC/containerfillsim/blob/22e3cbd2163ee2cf0f11266020a461d602eb3320/.env.production)
1. replace the secret with a unique string generated via the rake task (bin/rake secret)
2. Copy https://github.com/AweSim-OSC/rails-application-template/blob/8513c9b6ba9216fc7fe495d144d5162b996109eb/assets/setup-production to `bin/setup-production` and chmod 755 the file
3. Run the update commands below
3. If using Rails 4.0.13, DATABASE_URL cannot be used, so we use DATABASE_PATH plus a modified config/database.yml file wen sharing apps (like before). The modified config/database.yml file must be used. Copy https://github.com/AweSim-OSC/containerfillsim/blob/22e3cbd2163ee2cf0f11266020a461d602eb3320/config/database.yml to `config/database.yml` or update `config/database.yml` to have this for production:
<<: *default
database: <%= ENV['DATABASE_PATH'] %>
4. Run the update commands below
#### Update
... | ... | |