By default, accessing the root of an AweSim app that has been created using the AweSim Rails template will send the user to the `pages/index` route. If you wish to modify the root app path used by the dashboard, you will need to modify the .htaccess files.
See [Managing .htaccess](Managing-htaccess) for details on why this step is necessary.
1) Modify `public/.htaccess.passenger_fix` by replacing the `pages/index` of `RewriteRule ^$ %1pages/index [L]` with the controller path you want to send the user to. For example, for the simulations index we would do `RewriteRule ^$ %1simulations/ [L]`
2) `cd public` then redo `cat .htaccess.development .htaccess.passenger_fix > .htaccess` so the `.htaccess` in dev mode is also updated.
3) Update `config/routes.rb` so the root route goes to the new location.
4) Click "Restart Webserver" on the AweSim dashboard.