## App Kit 1.0 Ruby Gems
Main web app gems:
* osc_machete_rails (1.0.0) - for building Rails based web apps
* awesim_rails (1.0.0) - AweSim branding and helpers
* awesim_rails_logging (1.0.0) - logging modification to eventually support log access for developers
Utility gems
* osc-reservations (1.0.0) - for accessing reservation information
* osc-vnc (1.0.0) - for starting VNC sessions
* osc-machete (1.0.0) - dependency of osc_machete_rails
* pbs (1.0.0) - dependency of multiple gems: uses Torque C libraries to qsub, qstat, and qdel jobs
## How to get it
* For preexisting apps, follow the migration plan at the bottom of this document.
* For new apps, just run `awesim rails new` to generate a new app. It will already be configured to use the new code.
## Overview of new features and changes
* **Re-architecture**: All rails specific code is moved into osc_machete_rails gem (a rails engine) from osc-machete gem
* Better test coverage – Rails specific integration and unit tests
* Enables us to eventually add shared models, controllers, views to provide developers default solutions to problems without developers having to write a single line of code
* Enables us to add generators for quickly scaffolding code required to manage a simulation
* **Rails generators for building workflows**
* From the very beginning of choosing Rails to build the App Kit we envisioned having generators to quickly scaffold an application. Now we have this.
* Custom rails generators turns a multi-step process into a single command run from the terminal. Generator creates workflow and job models, associated controllers, views, and a default job template, including the database migrations necessary to support these
* Reduces what new developers need to learn to get started
* Saves development time
* **Error handling**
* We now properly handle errors from qstat, qsub, or qdel. Exceptions are thrown and are handled appropriately by the default controllers to both log the error and display a helpful error message to the user
* We can more quickly determine during development why things are not working
* We better protect against the state of simulations from being corrupted when something goes wrong
* **Reduced complexity in dealing with simulation status**
* Previously, status was represented as a character, the same one that was, putting the onus on the developer to know what these characters meant and what user friendly strings to use in their place
* We now use a Status value object to encapsulate the complexity, reducing the amount of code we need to maintain
* These changes are (mostly) backwards compatible with current apps
* **Better documentation**
* Tutorials
* Short migration plan
* Documentation to address problems previously addressed in email exchanges with developers
* **Support for submitting jobs to the Ruby cluster**
* **Speeds up app development**
* Generators, status value, other additions shorten time to develop app
* Having a rails engine will allow us to eventually make a certain class of applications buildable in minutes, using just configuration (no code modifications required)
* **Backwards compatibility with preexisting database schemas.** Developers have the option to port existing apps and it will not require a database migration, so existing users can use the updated app
* **Handle simulation deletion properly**: When deleting a simulation, we handle qdel-ing jobs and removing the simulation directory automatically. Before developers had to manually manage this.
## Details
For a list of all the changes made, see:
* [osc-machete changelog](https://github.com/AweSim-OSC/osc-machete/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#100---2016-02-03)
* [osc_machete_rails changelog](https://github.com/AweSim-OSC/osc_machete_rails/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#100---2016-02-03)
Bugfixes include:
* `update_status!` on the `Job` models (models that include `OscMacheteRails::Statusable`) is called at beginning of each request instead of in the `after_find` hook, so you no longer need to preload to trigger the update (a big hangup we had earlier for each new developer)
* even if you did preload for the `Job` models, superfluous sql calls were being made for each model - this was eliminated
* with the latest version of torque new status values were causing problems with status display on simulations. Introducing the Status value object fixed this problem
* proper error handling avoided various odd behavior that resulted if job submission failed
* i.e. `TorqueHelper#qstat`, used by `Job#status` would return nil if the job completed or if an error occurred with `qstat` shell command; now `TorqueHelper#qstat` throws exception in error cases and returns a valid `Status` value otherwise
## Migrating existing apps
* Some breaking changes were introduced in App Kit 1.0. [This page explains how to update your app](Port-an-existing-app-to-AppKit-1.0) so you can use the latest versions of each gem. |