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Commit cb88dac8 authored by Tim O'Donnell's avatar Tim O'Donnell Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #84 from hammerlab/add-class1-ensemble-rebased

Add class1 ensemble models, with model selection using imputation
parents e93299b6 741d873e
No related merge requests found
with 20036 additions and 237 deletions
......@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ env:
# download data and models, then run tests
- mhcflurry-downloads fetch
- mhcflurry-downloads fetch models_class1_allele_specific_ensemble
- mhcflurry-downloads fetch models_class1_allele_specific_single
- mhcflurry-downloads info # just to test this command works
- nosetests test --with-coverage --cover-package=mhcflurry && ./
......@@ -42,14 +42,11 @@ WORKDIR /home/user
# Setup virtual envs and install convenience packages. Note: installing
# cherrypy as part of the mhcflurry installation weirdly fails on a unicode
# issue in python2, but installing it separately seems to work.
# We also install bokeh so that dask distributed will have an admin web interface.
RUN virtualenv venv-py3 --python=python3 && \
venv-py3/bin/pip install --upgrade pip && \
venv-py3/bin/pip install --upgrade \
numpy \
bokeh \
cherrypy \
git+ \
jupyter \
lxml \
scipy \
......@@ -59,9 +56,10 @@ RUN virtualenv venv-py3 --python=python3 && \
# RUN venv-py3/bin/pip install --upgrade
# Install mhcflurry and download data and models.
# Install mhcflurry and latest kubeface and download data and models.
COPY . ./mhcflurry
RUN venv-py3/bin/pip install ./mhcflurry && venv-py3/bin/mhcflurry-downloads fetch
RUN venv-py3/bin/pip install --upgrade ./mhcflurry git+ \
&& venv-py3/bin/mhcflurry-downloads fetch
CMD venv-py3/bin/jupyter notebook --no-browser
......@@ -5,15 +5,32 @@ Open source neural network models for peptide-MHC binding affinity prediction
The [adaptive immune system]( depends on the presentation of protein fragments by [MHC]( molecules. Machine learning models of this interaction are used in studies of infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, vaccine development, and cancer immunotherapy.
MHCflurry currently supports peptide / [MHC class I]( affinity prediction using one model per MHC allele. The predictors may be trained on data that has been augmented with data imputed based on other alleles (see [Rubinsteyn 2016]( We anticipate adding additional models, including pan-allele and class II predictors.
MHCflurry currently supports allele-specific peptide / [MHC class I]( affinity prediction using two approaches:
You can fit MHCflurry models to your own data or download trained models that we provide. Our models are trained on data from [IEDB]( and [Kim 2014]( See [here]( for details on the training data preparation. The steps we use to train predictors on this data, including hyperparameter selection using cross validation, are [here](
* Ensembles of predictors trained on random halves of the training data (the default)
* Single-model predictors for each allele trained on all data
For both kinds of predictors, you can fit models to your own data or download
trained models that we provide.
The downloadable models were trained on data from
[IEDB]( and [Kim 2014](
The ensemble predictors include models trained on data that has been
augmented with values imputed from other alleles (see
[Rubinsteyn 2016](
In validation experiments using presented peptides identified by mass-spec,
the ensemble models perform best. We are working on a performance comparison of
these models with other predictors such as netMHCpan, which we hope to make
available soon.
We anticipate adding additional models, including pan-allele and class II predictors.
The MHCflurry predictors are implemented in Python using [keras](
## Setup
To configure keras, the neural network library used by MHCflurry, you'll need to set an environment variable in your shell:
The MHCflurry predictors are implemented in Python using [keras](
To configure keras you'll need to set an environment variable in your shell:
export KERAS_BACKEND=theano
......@@ -73,25 +90,28 @@ The predictions returned by `predict` are affinities (KD) in nM.
## Training your own models
See the [class1_allele_specific_models.ipynb]( notebook for an overview of the Python API, including predicting, fitting, and scoring models.
See the [class1_allele_specific_models.ipynb]( notebook for an overview of the Python API, including predicting, fitting, and scoring single-model predictors. There is also a script called `mhcflurry-class1-allele-specific-cv-and-train` that will perform cross validation and model selection given a CSV file of training data. Try `mhcflurry-class1-allele-specific-cv-and-train --help` for details.
There is also a script called `mhcflurry-class1-allele-specific-cv-and-train` that will perform cross validation and model selection given a CSV file of training data. Try `mhcflurry-class1-allele-specific-cv-and-train --help` for details.
The ensemble predictors are trained similarly using the `mhcflurry-class1-allele-specific-ensemble-train` command.
## Details on the downloaded class I allele-specific models
## Details on the downloadable models
Besides the actual model weights, the data downloaded with `mhcflurry-downloads fetch` also includes a CSV file giving the hyperparameters used for each predictor. Another CSV gives the cross validation results used to select these hyperparameters.
The scripts we use to train predictors, including hyperparameter selection
using cross validation, are
for the ensemble predictors and [here](downloads-generation/models_class1_allele_specific_single)
for the single-model predictors.
To see the hyperparameters for the production models, run:
For the ensemble predictors, we also generate a [report](
that describes the hyperparameters selected and the test performance of each
open "$(mhcflurry-downloads path models_class1_allele_specific_single)/production.csv"
To see the cross validation results:
Besides the model weights, the data downloaded when you run
`mhcflurry-downloads fetch` also includes a CSV file giving the
hyperparameters used for each predictor. Run `mhcflurry-downloads path
models_class1_allele_specific_ensemble` or `mhcflurry-downloads path
models_class1_allele_specific_single` to get the directory where these files are stored.
open "$(mhcflurry-downloads path models_class1_allele_specific_single)/cv.csv"
## Problems and Solutions
### undefined symbol
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
Combine 2013 Kim/Peters NetMHCpan dataset[*] with more recent IEDB entries
* = "Dataset size and composition impact the reliability..."
* = "AffinityMeasurementDataset size and composition impact the reliability..."
from __future__ import (
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo 'WARNING: This script is intended to be called with additional arguments to pass to mhcflurry-class1-allele-specific-cv-and-train'
echo 'See'
set -e
set -x
SCRIPT_ABSOLUTE_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
mkdir -p "$SCRATCH_DIR"
# Send stdout and stderr to a logfile included with the archive.
exec > >(tee -ia "$SCRATCH_DIR/$DOWNLOAD_NAME/LOG.txt")
exec 2> >(tee -ia "$SCRATCH_DIR/$DOWNLOAD_NAME/LOG.txt" >&2)
# Log some environment info
pip freeze
git rev-parse HEAD
git status
mkdir models
python > models.json
time mhcflurry-class1-allele-specific-ensemble-train \
--ensemble-size 16 \
--model-architectures models.json \
--train-data "$(mhcflurry-downloads path data_combined_iedb_kim2014)/combined_human_class1_dataset.csv" \
--min-samples-per-allele 20 \
--out-manifest selected_models.csv \
--out-model-selection-manifest all_models.csv \
--out-models models \
--verbose \
bzip2 all_models.csv
tar -cjf "../${DOWNLOAD_NAME}.tar.bz2" *
echo "Created archive: $SCRATCH_DIR/$DOWNLOAD_NAME.tar.bz2"
# Class I allele-specific models (ensemble)
This download contains trained MHC Class I allele-specific MHCflurry models. For each allele, an ensemble of predictors is trained on random halves of the training data. Model architectures are selected based on performance on the other half of the dataset, so in general each ensemble contains predictors of different architectures. At prediction time the geometric mean IC50 is taken over the trained models. The training data used is in the [data_combined_iedb_kim2014](../data_combined_iedb_kim2014) MHCflurry download.
The training script supports multi-node parallel execution using the [kubeface]( library.
To use kubeface, you should make a google storage bucket and pass it below with the --storage-prefix argument.
To generate this download we run:
./ \
--parallel-backend kubeface \
--target-tasks 200 \
--kubeface-backend kubernetes \
--kubeface-storage gs://kubeface-tim \
--kubeface-worker-image hammerlab/mhcflurry-misc:latest \
--kubeface-kubernetes-task-resources-memory-mb 10000 \
--kubeface-worker-path-prefix venv-py3/bin \
--kubeface-max-simultaneous-tasks 200 \
--kubeface-speculation-max-reruns 3 \
To debug locally:
./ \
--parallel-backend local-threads \
--target-tasks 1
# Class1 allele-specific ensemble models
To generate the report, run:
time jupyter-nbconvert report.ipynb \
--execute \
--ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name=python \
--ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=60 \
--to html \
--stdout > report.html
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
import sys
from mhcflurry.class1_allele_specific_ensemble import HYPERPARAMETER_DEFAULTS
import json
models = HYPERPARAMETER_DEFAULTS.models_grid(
impute=[False, True],
layer_sizes=[[12], [64], [128]],
embedding_output_dim=[8, 32, 64],
dropout_probability=[0, .1, .25],
fraction_negative=[0, .1, .2],
# Imputation arguments
# Arguments specific to imputation method (mice)
{"n_burn_in": 5, "n_imputations": 50, "n_nearest_columns": 25}
sys.stderr.write("Models: %d\n" % len(models))
print(json.dumps(models, indent=4))
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -14,7 +14,11 @@
from .class1_allele_specific.class1_binding_predictor import (
from .predict import predict
from .prediction import predict
from .affinity_measurement_dataset import AffinityMeasurementDataset
from .class1_allele_specific_ensemble import Class1EnsembleMultiAllelePredictor
from .class1_allele_specific import Class1SingleModelMultiAllelePredictor
from .measurement_collection import MeasurementCollection
from . import parallelism
__version__ = "0.2.0"
......@@ -23,5 +27,9 @@ __all__ = [
......@@ -37,12 +37,15 @@ from .imputation_helpers import (
class Dataset(object):
class AffinityMeasurementDataset(object):
Peptide-MHC binding dataset with helper methods for constructing
different representations (arrays, DataFrames, dictionaries, &c).
This class is specific for affinity measurements (IC50s), whereas the
MeasurementCollection class supports both affinitites and other
measurement types like mass spec hits.
Design considerations:
- want to allow multiple measurements for each pMHC pair (which can
be dynamically combined)
......@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
def __init__(self, df):
Constructs a DataSet from a pandas DataFrame with the following
Constructs a AffinityMeasurementDataset from a pandas DataFrame with the following
- allele
- peptide
......@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
def to_dataframe(self):
Returns DataFrame representation of data contained in Dataset
Returns DataFrame representation of data contained in AffinityMeasurementDataset
return self._df
......@@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
return len(self.to_dataframe())
def __str__(self):
return "Dataset(n=%d, alleles=%s)" % (
return "AffinityMeasurementDataset(n=%d, alleles=%s)" % (
len(self), list(sorted(self.unique_alleles())))
def __repr__(self):
......@@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
Two datasets are equal if they contain the same number of samples
with the same properties and values.
if type(other) is not Dataset:
if type(other) is not AffinityMeasurementDataset:
return False
elif len(self) != len(other):
return False
......@@ -180,13 +183,13 @@ class Dataset(object):
def unique_alleles(self):
Returns the set of allele names contained in this Dataset.
Returns the set of allele names contained in this AffinityMeasurementDataset.
return set(self.alleles)
def unique_peptides(self):
Returns the set of peptide sequences contained in this Dataset.
Returns the set of peptide sequences contained in this AffinityMeasurementDataset.
return set(self.peptides)
......@@ -202,11 +205,11 @@ class Dataset(object):
entries just for that allele.
for (allele_name, group_df) in self.to_dataframe().groupby("allele"):
yield (allele_name, Dataset(group_df))
yield (allele_name, AffinityMeasurementDataset(group_df))
def groupby_allele_dictionary(self):
Returns dictionary mapping each allele name to a Dataset containing
Returns dictionary mapping each allele name to a AffinityMeasurementDataset containing
only entries from that allele.
return dict(self.groupby_allele())
......@@ -314,7 +317,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
def from_single_allele_dataframe(cls, allele_name, single_allele_df):
Construct a Dataset from a single MHC allele's DataFrame
Construct a AffinityMeasurementDataset from a single MHC allele's DataFrame
df = single_allele_df.copy()
df["allele"] = allele_name
......@@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
Given nested dictionaries mapping allele -> peptide -> affinity,
construct a Dataset with uniform sample weights.
construct a AffinityMeasurementDataset with uniform sample weights.
alleles = []
peptides = []
......@@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
def create_empty(cls):
Returns an empty Dataset containing no pMHC entries.
Returns an empty AffinityMeasurementDataset containing no pMHC entries.
return cls.from_nested_dictionary({})
......@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
Given a peptide->affinity dictionary for a single allele,
create a Dataset.
create a AffinityMeasurementDataset.
return cls.from_nested_dictionary({allele_name: peptide_to_affinity_dict})
......@@ -382,7 +385,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
def get_allele(self, allele_name):
Get Dataset for a single allele
Get AffinityMeasurementDataset for a single allele
if allele_name not in self.unique_alleles():
raise KeyError("Allele '%s' not found, available alleles: %s" % (
......@@ -393,7 +396,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
def get_alleles(self, allele_names):
Restrict Dataset to several allele names.
Restrict AffinityMeasurementDataset to several allele names.
datasets = []
for allele_name in allele_names:
......@@ -446,7 +449,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
weight = row["sample_weight"]
# we're either going to create a fresh original peptide column
# or extend the existing original peptide tuple that tracks
# the provenance of entries in the new Dataset
# the provenance of entries in the new AffinityMeasurementDataset
original_peptide = row.get("original_peptide")
if original_peptide is None:
original_peptide = ()
......@@ -569,14 +572,14 @@ class Dataset(object):
def slice(self, indices):
Create a new Dataset by slicing through all columns of this dataset
Create a new AffinityMeasurementDataset by slicing through all columns of this dataset
with the given indices.
indices = np.asarray(indices)
max_index = indices.max()
n_total = len(self)
if max_index >= len(self):
raise ValueError("Invalid index %d for Dataset of size %d" % (
raise ValueError("Invalid index %d for AffinityMeasurementDataset of size %d" % (
max_index, n_total))
df = self.to_dataframe()
......@@ -587,7 +590,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
def random_split(self, n=None, stratify_fn=None):
Randomly split the Dataset into smaller Dataset objects.
Randomly split the AffinityMeasurementDataset into smaller AffinityMeasurementDataset objects.
......@@ -598,7 +601,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
Function that takes a row and returns bool, stratifying sampling
into two groups.
Returns a pair of Dataset objects.
Returns a pair of AffinityMeasurementDataset objects.
n_total = len(self)
if n is None:
......@@ -646,7 +649,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
test_samples = self
test_sample_indices = np.arange(n_total)
elif test_allele not in self.unique_alleles():
raise ValueError("Allele '%s' not in Dataset" % test_allele)
raise ValueError("Allele '%s' not in AffinityMeasurementDataset" % test_allele)
test_sample_indices = np.where(self.alleles == test_allele)[0]
......@@ -685,7 +688,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
Split an allele into training and test sets, and then impute values
for peptides missing from the training set using data from other alleles
in this Dataset.
in this AffinityMeasurementDataset.
(apologies for the wordy name, this turns out to be a common operation)
......@@ -698,13 +701,13 @@ class Dataset(object):
Size of the training set to return for this allele.
stratify_fn : function
Function mapping from rows of the Dataset to booleans for stratifying
Function mapping from rows of the AffinityMeasurementDataset to booleans for stratifying
by two groups.
**kwargs : dict
Extra keyword arguments passed to Dataset.impute_missing_values
Extra keyword arguments passed to AffinityMeasurementDataset.impute_missing_values
Returns three Dataset objects:
Returns three AffinityMeasurementDataset objects:
- training set with original pMHC affinities for given allele
- larger imputed training set for given allele
- test set
......@@ -729,7 +732,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
The two arguments are assumed to be the same length.
Returns Dataset of equal or smaller size.
Returns AffinityMeasurementDataset of equal or smaller size.
if len(alleles) != len(peptides):
raise ValueError(
......@@ -746,7 +749,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
allele_peptide_pairs : list of (str, str) tuples
The two arguments are assumed to be the same length.
Returns Dataset of equal or smaller size.
Returns AffinityMeasurementDataset of equal or smaller size.
require_iterable_of(allele_peptide_pairs, tuple)
keys_to_remove_set = set(allele_peptide_pairs)
......@@ -763,7 +766,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
other_dataset : Dataset
other_dataset : AffinityMeasurementDataset
Returns a new Dataset object of equal or lesser size.
......@@ -792,7 +795,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
of floats and replaces some or all NaN values with synthetic
log_transform : function
log_transform : bool
Transform affinities with to log10 values before imputation
(and then transform back afterward).
......@@ -802,7 +805,7 @@ class Dataset(object):
min_observations_per_allele : int
Drop allele columns with fewer than this number of observed values.
Returns Dataset with original pMHC affinities and additional
Returns AffinityMeasurementDataset with original pMHC affinities and additional
synthetic samples.
if isinstance(imputation_method, string_types):
from .presentation_model import PresentationModel
from .presentation_model import PresentationModel, build_presentation_models
from .percent_rank_transform import PercentRankTransform
from . import presentation_component_models, decoy_strategies
__all__ = [
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Expression(PresentationComponentModel):
group in expression_values.columns
for group in experiment_to_expression_group.values())
self.experiment_to_expression_group = experiment_to_expression_group
self.expression_values = expression_values
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ class FixedAffinityPredictions(PresentationComponentModel):
- "value", "percentile_rank" (IC50 and percent rank)
- peptide (string)
- allele (string)
name : string
Used to name output columns and in debug messages
def __init__(
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class MHCBindingComponentModelBase(PresentationComponentModel):
fallback_predictor : function: (allele, peptides) -> predictions
Used when missing an allele.
iedb_dataset : mhcflurry.Dataset
iedb_dataset : mhcflurry.AffinityMeasurementDataset
IEDB data for this allele. If not specified no iedb data is used.
decoys_per_hit : int
......@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import numpy
import pandas
from ...common import normalize_allele_name
from ...predict import predict
from ...prediction import predict
from ..percent_rank_transform import PercentRankTransform
from ...peptide_encoding import encode_peptides
from .presentation_component_model import PresentationComponentModel
......@@ -21,15 +22,22 @@ class MHCflurryReleased(PresentationComponentModel):
random_peptides_for_percent_rank : list of string
If specified, then percentile rank will be calibrated and emitted
using the given peptides.
predictor : Class1EnsembleMultiAllelePredictor-like object
Predictor to use.
def __init__(
PresentationComponentModel.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.experiment_to_alleles = experiment_to_alleles
self.predictor = predictor
self.predictor_name = predictor_name
if random_peptides_for_percent_rank is None:
self.percent_rank_transforms = None
self.random_peptides_for_percent_rank = None
......@@ -39,9 +47,9 @@ class MHCflurryReleased(PresentationComponentModel):
def column_names(self):
columns = ['mhcflurry_released_affinity']
columns = [self.predictor_name + '_affinity']
if self.percent_rank_transforms is not None:
columns.append(self.predictor_name + '_percentile_rank')
return columns
def requires_fitting(self):
......@@ -59,15 +67,18 @@ class MHCflurryReleased(PresentationComponentModel):
def predict_min_across_alleles(self, alleles, peptides):
alleles = [
alleles = list(set([
for allele in alleles
df = predict(alleles, numpy.unique(numpy.array(peptides)))
df = predict(
pivoted = df.pivot(index='Peptide', columns='Allele')
pivoted.columns = pivoted.columns.droplevel()
result = {
'mhcflurry_released_affinity': (
self.predictor_name + '_affinity': (
if self.percent_rank_transforms is not None:
......@@ -77,8 +88,11 @@ class MHCflurryReleased(PresentationComponentModel):
percentile_ranks[allele] = (
result['mhcflurry_released_percentile_rank'] = (
result[self.predictor_name + '_percentile_rank'] = (
for (key, value) in result.items():
assert len(value) == len(peptides), (len(peptides), result)
return result
def predict_for_experiment(self, experiment_name, peptides):
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from copy import copy
import pandas
from numpy import log, exp, nanmean
from ...dataset import Dataset
from ...affinity_measurement_dataset import AffinityMeasurementDataset
from ...class1_allele_specific import Class1BindingPredictor
from ...common import normalize_allele_name
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class MHCflurryTrainedOnHits(MHCBindingComponentModelBase):
iedb_dataset : mhcflurry.Dataset
iedb_dataset : mhcflurry.AffinityMeasurementDataset
IEDB data for this allele. If not specified no iedb data is used.
mhcflurry_hyperparameters : dict
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class MHCflurryTrainedOnHits(MHCBindingComponentModelBase):
if self.iedb_dataset is not None:
df = df.append(iedb_dataset_df, ignore_index=True)
dataset = Dataset(
dataset = AffinityMeasurementDataset(
df.sample(frac=1)) # shuffle dataframe
print("Train data: ", dataset)
model = Class1BindingPredictor(
......@@ -187,7 +187,12 @@ class PresentationComponentModel(object):
assert len(return_value) == len(peptides_df), str(self)
assert len(return_value) == len(peptides_df), (
"%d != %d" % (len(return_value), len(peptides_df)),
assert_no_null(return_value, str(self))
peptides_df = (
......@@ -202,7 +207,9 @@ class PresentationComponentModel(object):
result_df.loc[sub_df.index, "experiment_name"] ==
unique_peptides = numpy.unique(sub_df.peptide.values)
unique_peptides = list(set(sub_df.peptide))
if len(unique_peptides) == 0:
result_dict = self.predict_for_experiment(
experiment_name, unique_peptides)
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