_Note: Your AweSim account needs to be added to the Ansys Scalability License Server before you can do anything outlined below_
* [Ansys Workbench/Fluent/CFX VNC Session](#vnc-app)
* [Connect to VNC session **Universal** (Recommended)](Connect-to-VNC-through-SSH-Tunnel/#universal-tunnel)
* [Connect to VNC session using Linux](Connect-to-VNC-through-SSH-Tunnel/#linux-tunnel)
* [Connect to VNC session using OSX](Connect-to-VNC-through-SSH-Tunnel/#osx-tunnel)
* [Connect to VNC session using Windows](Connect-to-VNC-through-SSH-Tunnel/#windows-tunnel)
* [Fluent batch solver](#fluent-solver)
* [CFX batch solver](#cfx-solver)
### <a name="vnc-app"></a>Ansys Workbench/Fluent/CFX VNC Session
1. Connect to
using your favorite SSH client and your AweSim account username/password.
2. Change the working directory to the location where your project files reside:
$ cd ~/path/to/project/files
3. Run the Henny Penny OSC script:
$ ~jnicklas/hennypenny/hp_script
Welcome to a simple OSC Ansys batch submission script.
Make sure you are in the working directory with your data files.
Current path: /nfs/17/username/path/to/project/files
1. Ansys Workbench (bigmem)
2. Ansys Workbench (multi-node)
3. Fluent GUI (multi-node)
4. Fluent batch (multi-node)
5. CFX GUI (bigmem)
6. CFX GUI (multi-node)
7. CFX-Solver batch (multi-node)
Choose (default 1):
4. Choose option `1`, `2`, `3`, `5`, or `6` for VNC sessions
* **#1** - Launches serial Ansys Workbench on bigmem node giving you access to 12 cores and 192 GB RAM.
* **#2** - Launches serial Ansys Workbench with access to multiple nodes. List of nodes is provided in the email.
* **#3** - Launches Fluent with access to multiple nodes. In fact all the nodes will be automatically included when Fluent is launched, you don't need to add them manually.
* **#5** - Launches CFX GUI on bigmem node giving you access to 12 cores and 192 GB RAM.
* **#6** - Launches CFX GUI with access to multiple nodes. List of "unique" nodes is provided in the email to manually type in the GUI. Don't forget to partition each of them to `12`.
Further details may need to be provided for specific option chosen above:
* **resolution** - Specify the resolution you want the VNC session to run in `WxH` (e.g., `1920x1200`)
* **# nodes** - This is the number of nodes the job will run on (12 cores per node on Oakley)
* **# hours** - This is the upper limit of time the job will run. If you go beyond this time requested, the job will die unexpectedly.
* **Run mode** - For Fluent you can choose 2D, 3D, 2D double precision, or 3D double precision
5. Wait until you receive an email with the location of a file that contains the **connection information** for the VNC session launched as well as some useful host information.
> Your VNC job has started. The connection information can be found at:
> /nfs/17/username/path/to/project/files/3456195.oak-batch.osc.edu.conn
> A list of the hosts allocated for this job can be found at (used when launching Fluent from Ansys Workbench):
> /nfs/17/username/path/to/project/files/3564940.oak-batch.osc.edu.nodes
> A list of unique hosts are (used for supplying hosts in the CFX-Solver GUI):
> * n0616
> * n0617
6. Back in your SSH client connected to `oakley.osc.edu` output the contents of that secure file:
$ cat /nfs/17/username/path/to/project/files/3456195.oak-batch.osc.edu.conn
Host: n0666.ten.osc.edu
Port: 5901
Pass: 3juRnrx0Mt
Display: 1
7. Use this information in your VNC client to connect to this session through SSH tunneling
* [**Universal** (Recommended)](Connect-to-VNC-through-SSH-Tunnel/#universal-tunnel)
* [Linux](Connect-to-VNC-through-SSH-Tunnel/#linux-tunnel)
* [OSX](Connect-to-VNC-through-SSH-Tunnel/#osx-tunnel)
* [Windows](Connect-to-VNC-through-SSH-Tunnel/#windows-tunnel)
### <a name="fluent-solver"></a>Fluent batch solver
**Note: You need a *.cas file already generated from the Fluent GUI before you can run this in batch mode!**
1. Same as [Ansys Workbench or Fluent GUI VNC Session](#vnc-app)
2. Same again...
3. Same again...
4. Choose option `4`
$ ~jnicklas/hennypenny/hp_script
Welcome to a simple OSC Ansys batch submission script.
Make sure you are in the working directory with your data files.
Current path: /nfs/17/username/path/to/project/files
1. Ansys Workbench (bigmem)
2. Ansys Workbench (multi-node)
3. Fluent GUI (multi-node)
4. Fluent batch (multi-node)
5. CFX GUI (bigmem)
6. CFX GUI (multi-node)
7. CFX-Solver batch (multi-node)
Choose (default 1): 4
# Fluent batch (multi-nodes) #
Run mode -
1. 2d (2D)
2. 3d (3D)
3. 2ddp (2D w/ double precision)
4. 3ddp (3D w/ double precision)
From here you can set the following options:
* **run mode** - For Fluent you can choose 2D, 3D, 2D double precision, or 3D double precision.
* **# nodes** - This is the number of nodes the job will run on (12 cores per node on Oakley).
* **# hours** - This is the upper limit of time the job will run. If you go beyond this time requested, the job will die unexpectedly.
* **choose *.cas file** - The batch script needs a *.cas file to read when running the simulation in the background.
* **# iterations** - The number of iterations Fluent will run during the calculation.
5. If successfully submitted, your job will sit in queue and run quietly in the background when some nodes are free.
6. The results will be placed in a CAS and DAT file in the working directory.
If you ran the simulation on `tube.cas`.
The results DAT file will be named `tube_result.dat`.
The results CAS file will be named `tube_result.cas`.
### <a name="cfx-solver"></a>CFX batch solver
**Note: You need a *.def file already generated from the CFX GUI before you can run this in batch mode!**
1. Same as [Ansys Workbench or Fluent GUI VNC Session](#vnc-app)
2. Same again...
3. Same again...
4. Choose option `7`
$ ~jnicklas/hennypenny/hp_script
Welcome to a simple OSC Ansys batch submission script.
Make sure you are in the working directory with your data files.
Current path: /nfs/17/username/path/to/project/files
1. Ansys Workbench (bigmem)
2. Ansys Workbench (multi-node)
3. Fluent GUI (multi-node)
4. Fluent batch (multi-node)
5. CFX GUI (bigmem)
6. CFX GUI (multi-node)
7. CFX-Solver batch (multi-node)
Choose (default 1): 7
# CFX batch (multi-nodes) #
Number of hours alotted for calculation
# hours (default 1):
From here you can set the following options:
* **# nodes** - This is the number of nodes the job will run on (12 cores per node on Oakley).
* **# hours** - This is the upper limit of time the job will run. If you go beyond this time requested, the job will die unexpectedly.
* **choose *.def file** - The batch script needs a *.def file to read when running the simulation in the background.
5. If successfully submitted, your job will sit in queue and run quietly in the background when some nodes are free.
6. The results will be placed in the current working directory. |
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