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Command-line tutorial

Downloading models

Most users will use pre-trained MHCflurry models that we release. These models are distributed separately from the pip package and may be downloaded with the :ref:`mhcflurry-downloads` tool:

$ mhcflurry-downloads fetch models_class1_presentation

Files downloaded with :ref:`mhcflurry-downloads` are stored in a platform-specific directory. To get the path to downloaded data, you can use:

We also release a number of other "downloads," such as curated training data and some experimental models. To see what's available and what you have downloaded, run mhcflurry-downloads info.

Most users will only need models_class1_presentation, however, as the presentation predictor includes a peptide / MHC I binding affinity (BA) predictor as well as an antigen processing (AP) predictor.


The code we use for generating the downloads is in the downloads_generation directory in the repository.

Generating predictions

The :ref:`mhcflurry-predict` command generates predictions for individual peptides (see the next section for how to scan protein sequences for epitopes). By default it will use the pre-trained models you downloaded above. Other models can be used by specifying the --models argument.


results in a file like this:

The binding affinity predictions are given as affinities (KD) in nM in the mhcflurry_affinity column. Lower values indicate stronger binders. A commonly-used threshold for peptides with a reasonable chance of being immunogenic is 500 nM.

The mhcflurry_affinity_percentile gives the quantile of the affinity prediction among a large number of random peptides tested on that allele. Lower is stronger. Two percent is a commonly-used threshold.

The last two columns give the antigen processing and presentation scores, respectively. These range from 0 to 1 with higher values indicating more favorable processing or presentation.


The processing predictor is experimental and under development. It models allele-independent effects that influence whether a peptide will be detected in a mass spec experiment. The presentation score is a simple logistic regression model that combines the (log) binding affinity prediction with the processing score to give a composite prediction. The resulting prediction is appropriate for prioritizing potential epitopes to test, but no thresholds have yet been established for what constitutes a "high enough" presentation score.

In most cases you'll want to specify the input as a CSV file instead of passing peptides and alleles as commandline arguments. If you're relying on the processing or presentation scores, you may also want to pass the upstream and downstream sequences of the peptides from their source proteins for potentially more accurate cleavage prediction. See the :ref:`mhcflurry-predict` docs.

Scanning protein sequences for predicted MHC I ligands

Starting in version 1.6.0, MHCflurry supports scanning proteins for MHC-binding peptides using the mhcflurry-predict-scan command.

We'll generate predictions across example.fasta, a FASTA file with two short sequences:

Here's the mhcflurry-predict-scan invocation to scan the proteins for binders to either of two MHC I genotypes:

See the :ref:`mhcflurry-predict-scan` docs for more options.

Fitting your own models

If you have your own data and want to fit your own MHCflurry models, you have a few options. If you have data for only one or a few MHC I alleles, the best approach is to use the :ref:`mhcflurry-class1-train-allele-specific-models` command to fit an "allele-specific" predictor, in which separate neural networks are used for each allele. Here's an example:

$ mhcflurry-class1-train-allele-specific-models \
    --data TRAINING_DATA.csv \
    --hyperparameters hyperparameters.yaml \
    --min-measurements-per-allele 75 \
    --out-models-dir models


MHCflurry predictors are serialized to disk as many files in a directory. The command above will write the models to the output directory specified by the --out-models-dir argument. This directory has files like:

The manifest.csv file gives metadata for all the models used in the predictor. There will be a weights_... file for each model giving its weights (the parameters for the neural network). The percent_ranks.csv stores a histogram of model predictions for each allele over a large number of random peptides. It is used for generating the percent ranks at prediction time.

To call :ref:`mhcflurry-class1-train-allele-specific-models` you'll need some training data. The data we use for our released predictors can be downloaded with :ref:`mhcflurry-downloads`:

$ mhcflurry-downloads fetch data_curated

It looks like this:

To fit pan-allele models like the ones released with MHCflurry, you can use a similar tool, mhcflurry-class1-train-pan-allele-models. You'll probably also want to take a look at the scripts used to generate the production models, which are available in the downloads-generation directory in the MHCflurry repository. The production MHCflurry models were fit using a cluster with several dozen GPUs over a period of about two days.

Environment variables

MHCflurry behavior can be modified using these environment variables:

Path to models directory. If you call Class1AffinityPredictor.load() with no arguments, the models specified in this environment variable will be used. If this environment variable is undefined, the downloaded models for the current MHCflurry release are used.
The pan-allele models can be somewhat slow. As an optimization, when this variable is greater than 0 (default is 1), we "stitch" the pan-allele models in the ensemble into one large tensorflow graph. In our experiments it gives about a 30% speed improvement. It has no effect on allele-specific models. Set this variable to 0 to disable this behavior. This may be helpful if you are running out of memory using the pan-allele models.
For large prediction tasks, it can be helpful to increase the prediction batch size, which is set by this environment variable (default is 4096). This affects both allele-specific and pan-allele predictors. It can have large effects on performance. Alternatively, if you are running out of memory, you can try decreasing the batch size.