WCM Base 7.x-1.11-rc3, 2019-02-04
- WCM Base: Patched SMTP module to fix errors on webforms with multiple recipients.
- WCM News Client: Updated metatag settings to be enabled by default.
WCM Base 7.x-1.11-rc2, 2019-01-24
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.60 per SA-CONTRIB-2019-004.
WCM Base 7.x-1.11-rc1, 2019-01-23
- WCM Base:
- Upgraded PHP to 7.1
- Updated Panopoly to 1.59.
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.62 per SA-CORE-2019-001.
- WCM News Client: Added news_client_social_image_json field/token handling.
- WCM Omega: Updated FPP preprocess for PHP 7.1 compatability.
- WCM Base: Added SMTP module patch for webform email attachments.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal to 7.61.
- Updated xmlsitemap to 2.6.
- WCM Omega: Added fix for recent changes to keyboard menu navigation.
- WCM URL Aliases: Updated makefile to select specific commit of Redirect module.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal to 7.60 per SA-CORE-2018-006
- Updated Mimemail to 1.1 (Security Update)
WCM Base 7.x-1.9-rc4, 2018-10-12
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.56.
- Updated Search API Solr Search to 1.14. (Security Update)
– Add WCM Suppress Headers module.
WCM Base 7.x-1.9-rc3, 2018-08-29
- WCM Base:
- Updated Display Suite to 2.16.
- Updated Google Analytics to 2.5.
- Updated Redis to 3.17.
- Updated Views Bulk Operations to 3.5.
- WCM News Client: Corrected warnings and notices to improve logging.
- WCM Panels Settings: Converted File pane fields from generic file to media browser.
- WCM Security:
- Updated Antibot to 1.2.
- Updated Honeypot to 1.25.
- OCIO News: Updated change that put "See All News" link at the bottom of news panes.
- WCM Omega:
- Added bottom margin to blockquotes.
- Added padding to CKEditor WYSIWYG fields.
- Replaced non-rendering Capita font with Georgia within WYSIWYG editor.
- Restored Panopoly's Date Popup Authored update which required PHP 5.4+.
- Added update hook to remove all nonexistent modules from the database.
- Added Webform Reply To module to address approved-sender issue.
- WCM User Config: Fixed strict warning on PHP 5.6.
- OCIO News: Added additional checks and refactored code to reduce notices in logs.
- OCIO Media: Added additional checks to reduce notices in logs.
- OCIO Seven: Replaced non-rendering Capita font with Georgia within WYSIWYG editor.
WCM Base 7.x-1.9-rc1, 2018-08-09
- WCM Base: Upgraded PHP to version 5.6.
- WCM Permissions: Allowed editors to delete and revert revisions.
- WCM News Client: Added byline field support.
WCM Base 7.x-1.8, 2018-07-25
- WCM Base: Downgraded Date Popup Authored module due to node creation date bug.
WCM Base 7.x-1.8-rc3, 2018-07-24
- WCM Base: Added patch to fix duplicate results bug introduced in Views 3.20.
WCM Base 7.x-1.8-rc2, 2018-07-23
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.55.
- Updated Views to 3.20 and ctools to 1.14.
- Updated XML Sitemap up to version 2.4, per security advisory.
- OCIO News:
- Allow multiple tags in news views.
- Hide byline field from views if value is '<none>'.
- Hide empty views fields.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Enable text format selection for all roles.
- WCM Base: Added patch to rebuild Menu Block IDs on cache clear.
- WCM Base: Patched Menu Block module to allow custom delta values.
- WCM News Client: Removed "read more" links from teaser display.
- WCM Omega:
- Updated Global Menu styles for use with menu blocks.
- Allow enter key to activate top-level menu links if they are not parents.
- Updated main menu tooltip language to explain enter key changes.
- Updated page title and breadcrumbs on webform confirmation page.
- Added aria-hidden attribute to social media icons in Media Magnet panes.
- Improved focus handling for anchors and targeted form elements inside accordions.
- Changed FontAwesome loading to CDN script to enable Auto Accessibility.
- WCM User Config: Updated login form validation to improve accessibility.
- OCIO Main Menu: Changed Global Menu core block to Menu Block to improve accessibility.
- OCIO Site Information: Added aria-hidden attribute to social media icons.
- OCIO Web Form: Made form error session variables generic and improved error messages.
- WCM Base:
- Removed jQuery Update patch to correct accessibility of tab panels.
- Added webform patch to wrap radios and checkboxes in fieldsets.
- WCM Omega:
- Updated styles for media elements to accomodate videos in featured image fields.
- Removed headings from Tile Panes and updated styles accordingly.
- Moved accordion toggle icon into its own nested element for accessibility.
- Fixed featured image caption width on mobile.
- WCM Panels Settings: Added hidden text to Media Magnet pane title for accessibility.
- OCIO News:
- Allow adding videos to Featured Image field.
- Changed Featured Image field to display as generic file instead of image.
- Updated preview video display modes for images and videos to make them the same size.
- OCIO Search: Moved Search Block Toggle icon into its own element for accessibility.
- OCIO Site Information: Added more context for social media links as per ADA recomendations.
- OCIO Web Form: Adds configuration option to enable fieldset wrapping.
- Updated Drupal to 7.59 per SA-CORE-2018-004.
- Updated Media to 2.19 per SA-CONTRIB-2018-020.
- Added Peristent Menu Items contrib module.
- WCM Omega: Added clearfix class to panels panes.
- WCM User Config: Added r4032 config, changed Access Denied message.
- WCM Base: Updated Display Suite to 2.15 per SA-CONTRIB-2018-019.
- WCM Omega: Fixed accordions being processed multiple times in Panels IPE.
WCM Base 7.x-1.6, 2018-03-28
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal to 7.58 per SA-CORE-2018-002.
WCM Base 7.x-1.6-rc3, 2018-03-27
- WCM Omega: Accordion bugfixes.
- Hide upload buttons for single file upload webform components.
- Added accessible tooltip to main menu navigation.
- Overrode Superfish theme functions to fix incorrect ARIA attributes in menu.
- Removed redundant aria-current attribute on views pager items.
- Sorted various template.php functions into seperate files.
- WCM Accessibility: Disable chosen plugin for public-facing single-select fields.
- WCM Omega:
- Implemented new slideshow library with increased accessibility.
- Accomodate grouped views accordions using new accesible accordions.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Changed configuration to support new accessible slideshow.
- OCIO Field Bases: Added tokens for custom body field summary.
- WCM Metatags:
- Added configuration for FAQ, News Article, User and Taxononomy Term.
- Added new custom body field summary tokens to default node configuration.
- WCM Omega:
- Added error checking to custom FPP preprocess to reduce writing to database logs.
- Added fallback background colors on global menus.
- Added visual focus for form components.
- Fixed CKEditor table scope accessibility.
- Implemented new universal accordions with improved accessibility.
- Improved accessibility by increasing color contrast throughout theme.
- Improved accessibility of accordion filter pane.
- Improved accessibility of main menu, global menu, breadcrumbs, side menu.
- Update table and caption styles.
- WCM Permissions: Removed devel module permissions so it can be disabled on live sites.
- WCM User Leadership: Removed link from user photos to improve accessibility.
- OCIO News: Improved accesibility of news archive block and teasers pane.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Allow caption tags in Filtered HTML text format.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal to 7.57 per SA-CORE-2018-001.
- Remove metatag and wcm_metatag dependencies until config is finalized.
- WCM Omega:
- Moved main-content anchor to between breadcrumbs and messages.
- Added accessible focus indicators to links and buttons.
- WCM Panels Settings:
- Changes image pane field widget type to Media Browser.
- Deletes duplicate link fields on image panes.
- WCM User Leadership: Hide display options on leadership views pane.
- OCIO Web Form:
- Added aria-required attribute to required webform fields.
- Improved form error accessibility with links and error count.
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.50 per SA-CONTRIB-2018-013.
WCM Base 7.x-1.5-rc1, 2018-02-09
- WCM Base: Updated contrib modules Better Exposed Filters, ctools, Media, Mime Mail.
- WCM Omega: Updated styles for menu blocks, tile panes, accordion lists, typography groups.
- WCM Workbench Settings: Updated Drafty contrib module to 1.0-rc1.
- OCIO Landing Page: Added svg to allowed uploads on banner field.
- OCIO Calendar:
- Display all-day and multi-day events as separate events in month view.
- Fixed navigation on month view pane.
- OCIO Landing Page: Added missing views panes from allowed content.
- WCM Omega:
- Set table alignment to 'left' by default so CKEditor adds 'center' classes to table headers.
- Only restyle level two views accordions if the are part of a views group.
- WCM Panels Settings:
- Updated Media Magnet pane form to match Panopoly's change to the form structure.
- Move Workbench Access field (if it exists) on right column on node edit form.
- Accordion Filter now only hides entire panel panes if they are views panes.
- Removed FAQ pane pager.
- Added anchors/links to node titles for list and accordion FAQ panes and pages.
- OCIO Landing Page:
- Fields added for friendly social media previews.
- Added accordion filter block to allowed content.
- OCIO Media: Display caption file field on node edit form image fields.
- OCIO News: Render captions on featured images.
- OCIO Seven: Fixed media browser previews for large images.
- WCM Base:
- Updated media module to 2.14
- Improved error handling in contributed patch for editing video file URLs.
- WCM Omega:
- Styled featured image field captions the same as WYSIWYG media captions.
- Removed superfluous accordion margins.
- Support accordion anchor scrolling in views accordions
- Allow activation of first accordion (via anchor), now that it's closed by default.
- WCM Panels Settings: Updated accordion filter block to search views accordions and
to hide pane titles when hiding accordion sets.
- WCM Metatag: Updated for friendly social media previews for landing pages.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.49 per SA-CONTRIB-2017-093.
- Added prepopulate contrib module to allow prepopulating node fields via URL arguments.
- Updated webform to 4.16.
- Patched draggableviews module to fix new sorting bugs.
- OCIO FAQs: Now supports multiple FAQ sets and panel panes.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Prepopulate tag field when creating new slide nodes.
- WCM Permissions: Added missing permissions.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.48.
- Updated views, media and field_group contrib modules.
- WCM Media: Allow setting alt text on file entities instead of instances.
- Updated link styles for the main menu, search toggle, panel panes, and footer.
- Added various Omega-recommended polyfill libraries.
- WCM Workbench: Added "Created Date" column to Workbench views, updated timestamp
formats and cloned default views so they could be modified.
- WCM Panels Settings:
- Disabled remaining default Workbench views.
- Allow accordion filter to be used in panels panes.
- WCM Omega:
- Further improved menu accessibility by implementing role attributes.
- Updated styles on calendar month view.
- WCM URL Aliases: Updated alias pattern for calendar event nodes.
- OCIO Calendar:
- Added tag filtering to calendar month view.
- Display tags on calendar nodes.
- Added custom breadcrumb to calendar nodes.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Disabled tabbing to slideshow links.
- WCM URL Aliases: Corrected alias patterns for basic pages and landing pages.
- WCM Omega:
- Set width of element-invisible class to prevent page overflows on mobile.
- Fixed nested search form buttons when rendered outside of menu region.
- Added focus outline to new button elements.
- Improved menu accessibilty via enhanced keyboard navigation.
- Removed keyboard navigation from slideshow.
- Allow toggling search box with the space key.
- OCIO News:
- Improved keyboard accessibility of archive block headers.
- Removed redundant 'Read More links' from news articles for better accessibility.
- OCIO Field Bases: Improved keyboard accessibility of accordions.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Removed keyboard arrow navigation.
- WCM Search: Improved accessibility of search submit button.
- WCM Panels Settings: Allow svg uploads to image panes.
- WCM Omega:
- Added enhanced keyboard navigation to main menu.
- Added base mime-mail template and mail.css for html mail
- WCM Base: Added XML Sitemap Module to contrib.
- WCM Base: Remove OCIO Omega Base and OCIO Omega 4 from profile.
- Added location fields: Building name/number, and address field with map link.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Changed CSS reference to WCM Omega theme.
- Added panels layout 6c.
- Added viewport width meta-tag to HTML template.
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.47.
- WCM Omega: Added panels layout 9b.
- SMTP HTML Mail: Added Mime Mail CSS Compressor and Full HTML text format.
WCM Base 7.x-1.2-rc2, 2017-08-17
- WCM Base: Updated views to 7.x-3.17 per DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2017-068.
- WCM Omega: Improved accessibility of AJAX-enabled views using aria-live.
- WCM Base:
- Added core patch to fix problems uploading private files from WYSIWYG.
- Updated media, media_youtube, file_entity modules.
- OCIO Media: Updated file upload directory for media browser, added for file entities.
WCM Base 7.x-1.1, 2017-07-31
- WCM Omega:
- Disabled phone number detection.
- Replaced accordion header images with FontAwesome icons.
- OCIO Site Information: Display phone numbers in international format.
WCM Base 7.x-1.1-rc2, 2017-07-13
- WCM Omega, OCIO Omega Base:
- Only hide empty links with 'href' attribute.
- Fixed media caption alignment.
WCM Base 7.x-1.1-rc1, 2017-07-06
- OCIO Omega Base: Backported search box improvements and extlink fix.
- WCM Base: Updated SMTP contrib module to 1.7.
- WCM Omega: Hid empty links before extlink module can act on them.
- News Client: Updated OAuth2 Client contrib module to 2.0.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Removed paragraph filter from Filtered HTML text format.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-06-23
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.46.
- WCM Panels Settings: Added block for searching accordion content.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-06-07
- WCM Permissions: allow contributor to access more workbench moderation features.
- OCIO Landing Page: Updated default panels layout to use WCM Omega theme.
- OCIO Main Menu: Added a Global Menu feature. It is an optional one-level menu that is located
in the top-right corner of the masthead.
- Minor improvements to all intro text styles.
- Fix padding on Tile Pane Plus Text Area.
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.45 and Date contrib module to 2.10.
- Display a warning message about editing the published revision of a panelized node
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-05-19
- WCM News Client: Various fixes.
- WCM Omega:
- Add panels layouts 3e, 10a, 10b, 10c.
- Finish preliminary styles for upcoming global menu option.
- Unset default favicon in favor of OSU icon defined in html.tpl.
- Various minor style updates and fixes.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-05-16
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Restoring require login feature redirect.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Added 'Intro Text Legacy' style to aid with migration to new theme.
- OCIO News and OCIO Taxonomy: fix features conflict of Taxonomy page layout. Layout will
reside in Taxonomy feature.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Fixed variable name for require login path.
- Added Typography Group 4; Edit to Typography Group 1.
- WCM Base:
- Removed OCIO Omega sub-themes 1, 2, and 3.
- Set WCM Omega as default theme on new installs.
- Updated Media contrib module to 2.1 per SA-CONTRIB-2017-044.
- WCM User Configuration:
- Replace ctools collapsible fieldset with jQuery UI accordion to improve accessibility.
- Dynamically generate 'create new account' link and set accordion default state based
on account registration setting.
- Removes user login page template in favor of hook_form_alter, making updates and
above customization more seamless.
- OCIO Omega, WCM Omega: Updated user login styles for WCM User Configuration changes.
- WCM Search: Added patch to enable partial search in Solr.
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.44.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Fieldable Panels Panes to 1.11 to fix node cloning issues.
- Upgraded and patched contrib modules to improve PHP 7 compatability:
Field Group, Linkchecker, Migrate, Panopoly Magic, and Views.
- Downgraded jQuery UI to 1.11.4 to keep accessibility improvements while also
fixing an issue with 1.12 that caused Views AJAX pagers to break.
- WCM Permissions: Added RAW and DS text formats, 'revert revisions' to Site Builder role.
- Fixed mobile menu colors.
- Minor updates for News Client articles.
- OCIO Omega: Fixed autocomplete on mouse-selected Chosen fields.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Added default value for authmapfix_search_string field.
- OCIO Taxonomy, WCM News Client Display: Updated full page displays for tags.
- WCM Base:
- Added Google Tag Manager module to makefile.
- Updated Media and Private contrib modules to 2.0.
- WCM Panels Settings: Updated private form elements for Private module update.
- OCIO Media: Added file entity render type variable.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Added Media paragraph tag fix to Filtered HTML format.
- OCIO Seven, OCIO Omega, WCM Omega: Updated dialog styles for jQuery UI update.
- OCIO Seven, OCIO Omega, WCM Omega: Added custom jQuery dialog styles.
- OCIO Field Bases: Added jQuery Field Bases variables.
- WCM Base: Added jQuery Update Patch to allow using version 1.11 via CDN.
- WCM Base:
- Added News Client module.
- Added Panopoly Search patch to update Search API contrib modules.
- WCM Omega, OCIO Omega: Added max-width to floated images.
- OCIO News: Allowed byline field to replace new author, or hide it completely.
- WCM Base: Added WCM Metatags module.
- WCM User Config: Changed "OSU" to "Ohio State" on login template.
- WCM User Profile: Fixed permissions check for user profiles.
- WCM Omega: Added a second menu style option.
- WCM User Profile: Made first and last name fields optional.
- WCM Workbench: Fixed unpublished content missing from All Recent Content page.
- OCIO Main Menu: Added context to support new menu style option for WCM Omega theme.
- OCIO News: Added Kicker, Byline, Sidebar, Learn More fields.
- OCIO Web Form: Hid node revision option instead of all publishing options.
- WCM Base:
- Improved development and deployment documentation in
- Updated contrib modules media, views_bulk_operations, views.
- Updated Panopoly to 1.43.
- WCM Workbench Settings:
- Fixed access to content comparison messages.
- Replaced overridden Needs Review and Drafts views with custom view.
- Updated Needs Review view to link to draft instead of published revision.
- WCM Permissions: Added permissions for Featured Slideshow taxonomy.
- OCIO Landing Page: Removed new panels IPE CSS button from non-admins.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-02-17
- WCM Base: Updated contrib modules media, redis, smtp, token.
- WCM Media Gallery: Updated colorbox contrib module to 2.12.
- WMM Omega: Merged commits to fix search buttons, tile pane resizing, misc form fixes.
- WCM Search: Updated search_api_attachments contrib module to 1.10.
- WCM UUID Settings: Updated uuid_features contrib module to 1.0-rc1.
- WCM Workbench Settings: Added edit and compare links to Needs Review and My Drafts views.
- OCIO Image Styles: Added JPG image quality variable, set to 90%.
- OCIO Site Information: Fixed front page variable being stored as path alias.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Updated simplify contrib module to 3.4.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-02-15
- WCM Workbench Settings: Added patch to Diff module that fixes HTML appearing in diff
generated by node edit form "view changes" button.
- OCIO Omega Base:
- Updated tile panel region resizing to only apply to tile panes.
- Exclude radios and checkboxes from full-width inputs on mobile.
- WCM Base:
- Added News Client Display module.
- Updated Panels contrib module to 3.9.
- OCIO Web Form: Added Webform Matrix Component contrib module.
- WCM Omega, OCIO Omega Base: Search box bugfixes.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-02-02
- WCM Base: Updated Better Exposed Filters to 3.4, per SA-CONTRIB-2017-009.
- WCM Base: Added core patch to write unpublished nodes to the taxonomy index.
- WCM User Contact, WCM User Leadership: Updated Realname field display as H3 on panes.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Expanded functionality to allow multiple slideshows.
- OCIO Landing Page: Allow manually setting slideshows on every landing page.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Added taxonomy field to enable ability to assign
slides to a particular slideshow.
- WCM Omega:
- Adjust text and images on lt-gray masthead and footer.
- Fixes class selector in main-menu region to style for any Superfish
menu placed in that region.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-01-26
- WCM Workbench: Fixed workbench block appearing on all node view modes.
- WCM User Contact, WCM User Leadership, OCIO FAQ, OCIO Featured Slideshow:
Disable draggableviews argument handling.
- WCM Omega:
- Fixed inconsistent bottom padding.
- Make sure all block and pane titles are the same weight.
- Added basic styles for views exposed form and text input field.
- Added darker red for improved accessibility, support for new Tile colors.
- WCM Base: Added Smart Trim contrib module.
- WCM Tiles Panes: Added more background color options to Textarea Tile Panes.
- OCIO Omega Base: Added darker red for improved accessibility, support for new Tile colors.
- OCIO News: Update Teaser view mode to use Smart Trim field formatter.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-01-17
- WCM User Contact: Disallow fields override from view.
- WCM Omega:
- Improve jQuery widget anchor scrolling.
- Adjust h1 for tags pages.
- Add body class for views pages and style h1 for those pages.
- Add jQuery to hide views-group-header if only one group is chosen in user contact view panes.
- Update ability to filter view by contact group when using panels pane.
- WCM Base: Updated Better Exposed Filters contrib module to 3.3.
- OCIO Omega Base, WCM Omega: Navigating to anchors contained in jQuery UI tab
and accordion widgets will now cause the parent widget to open, allowing the
page to automatically scroll to the target anchor, as expected.
- WCM Base:
- Updated file_entity module to 2.0-beta3.
- Patched Panels module to improve dragging and dropping panes in the IPE.
- WCM News, WCM Omega: Configure and styles taxonomy term pages for Tags.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-01-04
- OCIO Omega Base, WCM Omega: Only use display: table for captioned media.
- OCIO Seven: Updated jQuery UI dialog z-index.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2017-01-01
- WCM Base: Added Views Nested Accordion module.
- WCM Panels Settings: Fixed Media Magnet icon display.
- OCIO News: Updated News Archive block display.
- OCIO Omega Base:
- Fixed panelizer+media overlay z-index.
- Define Media Magnet channel variable, even if empty.
- Add jQuery behavior for active links in News Archive block.
- OCIO Seven: Match jQuery UI dialog to ocio_omega_base.
- WCM Omega:
- Fixed panelizer+media overlay z-index.
- Define Media Magnet channel variable, even if empty.
- Add jQuery behavior for active links in News Archive block.
- Switch to 24 column grid, adjust grids and gutters.
- Change block and pane titles to dk-gray.
- Lighten lt-gray when used as body background, panels rows, and footer.
- Added IT OSU News Client custom module (needed for OCIO/ODEE sites only).
- OCIO Media:
- Disabled manual crop for default media browser.
- Enabled preview thumbnails on video alignment image styles.
- OCIO News: Merged new Trio Pane variant into original, added panel settings for
hiding/displaying AJAX pager, as well as Body and Featured Image fields.
- OCIO Omega Base: Fix image/video floating, with or without captions.
- Adjusted main menu link colors for better accessibility.
- Added templates and basic styles for IT OSU News Client.
- WCM Base: Added patch to revert a change to the Panels module that breaks some of
Panelizer's integration with the Features module.
- OCIO News:
- Added variant of News Trio pane that uses AJAX and displays featured images.
- Allow filtering News view page by tag.
- Updated 'more' links on views panes to utilize tag filtering.
- Reduced size of featured images on full content view of News nodes.
- Added featured images to teaser view of News page.
- OCIO Landing Page: Added Paged Trio Image Pane to allowed content.
- OCIO Omega Base: Updated news pane header styles to work on new Trio pane.
- WCM User Config: Added require_login module (disabled), hide menu on login if enabled.
- WCM Workbench: Fixed Workbench block appearing on some node views.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-12-04
- WCM Omega: Add panels layout 4d.
- OCIO Image Styles: Add missing imageareaselect and imagesloaded libraries to fix manual crop.
- Reduce size of file icons.
- Adjust line breaking of social media links based on quantity of items and breakpoints.
- OCIO Buckeye Alert: Adjusted css so that div doesn't show when inactive on admin theme as well.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-11-29
- WCM Base: Add wcm_omega and remove ocio_2 and ocio_3 from enabled themes array on site install.
- OCIO Buckeye Alert: Adjusted css so that div doesn't show when inactive.
- Updated css to improve spacing and readability, and to update to correct red background.
- Added 'max-width' to list of classes in default settings.
- WCM User Leadership: Added and additional view pane option for leadership listing.
- WCM User Profile: Added additional image style to be used with alternate leadership view pane.
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.41.
- WCM Tile Panes: Added centered icon style to textarea tile panes.
- WCM URL Aliases: Patched Redirect module to reproduce Global Redirect functions.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-11-17
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.52.
- WCM Workbench: Added workaround for private node access in Workbench Moderation
3.0, which allows access to a node even if other grants do not.
- WCM Base: Added patch to allow SVG files to render as images by bypassing
incompatible image styles processing.
- WCM Media: Add SVG to allowed extensions.
- WCM Tile Panes:
- Provided instructions on how to prepare images prior to upload.
- WCM User Config: Allow authenticated users to change their passwords.
- WCM Workbench: Updated Workbench Moderation to 3.0 per SA-CONTRIB-2016-060.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Disable auth type field for anonymous user registration.
- Added 70% width to dropdown styles.
- Added fine-print to selectable styles.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-10-26
- WCM Base:
- Updated contrib: ctools, panels, smtp and webform.
- Updated Drupal core to 7.51.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-10-04
- OCIO FAQ: Fixed FAQ view permissions.
- WCM Base: Added patch to build pantheon.yml (sets PHP version to 5.3).
- OCIO Omega Base: Added new layout with four-across tiles and equal columns below.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Added option to hide text slide text.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-09-12
- WCM Workbench: Added diff module, including custom links in Workbench Block.
- WCM Panels Settings: Clear page cache when saving panelized nodes in panels IPE.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Added custom plugin menuMod (removes fields in table cell dialog).
- OCIO Omega Base: Improved webform styles.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-08-29
- WCM Search:
- Removed apachesolr and related contrib modules.
- Reconfigured search pages to only use Search API and Views.
- Replaced default Panopoly node index with custom node index.
- Added tabs for quick switching between nodes and files in search results.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-08-24
- WCM Base: Updated panopoly to 1.40, and updated contrib modules: context, ctools,
panels, panelizer, realname, and webform.
- WCM Search: Added search index config and view for files.
- WCM Security: Updated antibot module to 1.0.
- WCM User Configuration: Updated adminsterusersbyrole module to 2.0.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-08-10
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-08-03
-WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.38.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-07-27
- WCM User Configuration: Add and configure userprotect module to prevent
authenticated users (that are not editor or above) from editing their profiles.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-07-26
- WCM Taxonomy: Hide tags on image medium.
- WCM Field Bases: Remove field_answer.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-07-19
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal core to 7.50.
- Updated Views to 3.14.
- WCM Search: Added override to enable Solr index and disable unneeded modules.
- WCM Panels Settings: Do not create a new revision for landing pages by default.
- OCIO FAQs: Fixed form action submit on FAQ order edit form.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-06-29
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.37.
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.44.
- WCM Security: Created new feature, includes Honeypot and Antibot modules.
- OCIO Omega Base: Added external links to single channel Media Magnet template.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth:
- Set entity ID based on configuration value instead of server variable.
- Added metadata expiration and refresh when logging in.
- Updated default metadata path.
- WCM Base, WCM Workbench, OCIO Landing PAge: Enable revisions and moderation
on landing pages, only for site manager role and up.
- WCM Permissions: Enhance contributor permissions to be able to create and
submissions under certain conditions.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Force metadata refresh on every cron run.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-06-02
- WCM Base: Added core patch that fixes files not being attached to webform
submissions under certain conditions.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth, WCM Permissions: Added permission to allow
changing a user's authentication type.
- OCIO Omega Base: Style fixes for search box, blockquote and mobile videos.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-05-24
- WCM Base: Added patch to Link module to allow tel: links.
- OCIO Omega Base: Added missing tile row classes to newer layouts.
- OCIO Omega Base: Add new "ocio-omega-ehs" layout.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Fixed bug where weights would not save.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-05-18
- OCIO Omega Base: Update "ocio-omega-sidebar-tiles" layout.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-05-17
- OCIO Omega Base: Add new "ocio-omega-sidebar-tiles" layout.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-05-06
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.35.
- WCM Workbench: Link file names to file download instead of entity page.
- OCIO Media: Added dotx as allowed file extension.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Show user password fields to SimpleSAML users if
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-05-05
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Disallow logging in with or resetting passwords
for local accounts when auth type is changed to SimpleSAML.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-05-04
- WCM Panels Settings: Added link field to image panels panes.
- OCIO Omega Base:
- Render link field on image panels panes.
- Updated user login page to wrap local login within a collapsible div.
- WCM Base: Updated Fieldable Panes Panes to 1.10 (security release).
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-04-28
- OCIO Omega Base: Fixed regression where tile pane title appears twice.
- WCM User Config: Use better patch to fix administerusersbyrole image field bug.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-04-27
- WCM Base: Updated DisplaySuite to 2.14
- OCIO Omega Base:
- Fixed displaying of all tile pane links as blocks.
- Allow blocks to be inserted in footer_2 and footer_3 regions, and for
blocks to coexist with prerendered content from ocio_siteinfo module.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-04-21
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.34 and Features to 2.10.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-04-19
- Media Magnet: Increased query field limit to 512 characters.
- OCIO Omega Base: Added styles for Views exposed filter and Chosen module.
- OCIO Media: Fixed improperly sized YouTube embeds.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-04-14
- WCM Base: Update Panopoly to 1.33.
- OCIO Omega Base: Add current layout indicator, improved layout changer styles.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-04-13
- WCM Base: Updated Features module to 2.9 (security release).
- OCIO Omega Base: Improved accordion and table styles.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Fix accordion and tab group indicators.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-04-12
- WCM Base:
- Update Panopoly to 1.32.
- No longer enable theme 'ocio_1' on install.
- WCM Accessibility: Updated Chosen module and library.
- OCIO Media: Add dxf mimetype setting, disable flash by default.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-04-07
- OCIO Omega Base:
- Improve browser compatability by forcing all versions of IE to edge mode.
- Allow query parameters to be used in Tile Pane URLs.
- OCIO Media: Added support for .dxf files.
- OCIO Omega Base: Open Media Magnet links in a new window in an accessible manner.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-04-04
- WCM Base: Updated Features and DisplaySuite contrib modules.
- OCIO News: Enable summary on body field, use on trio pane.
- OCIO Omega Base: Various visual fixes and improvements.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-03-31
- OCIO News: Added 'rss.xml' display to news view, configured RSS view mode.
- OCIO Taxonomy: Added tag format to RSS display.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp auth: Updated metadata path.
- OCIO Omega Base: Various visual fixes and improvements.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-03-18
- OCIO Image Styles: Added medium image style.
- OCIO Media: Added medium image view mode.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-03-17
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Added patch to fix missing email address when
accounts are auto-provisioned.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-03-15
- OCIO Omega Base: Added styles for tabs, start importing webfonts in CSS.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Added tabs plugin, new icons for tabs and accordions.
- OCIO Field Bases: Added tabs to list of configured jQuery UI widgets.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-03-10
- WCM User Config: Allow Site Managers and Site Builders to cancel
non-administrative user accounts.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-03-09
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Check and correct SAML insallation directory
each time a user attempts to log in via SimpleSAML.
- OCIO Omega Base: Added 'ocio-omega-sidebars' Panels layout.
- OCIO Admin Menu: Allow menu links to local file paths.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Patched Linkit to work on menu items.
- WCM Base: Added Linkchecker module.
- WCM Panels Settings: Added hook to check panel panes for broken links.
- WCM Admin Menu:
- Renamed module from OCIO Admin Menu, including permissions.
- Created Tools page under Advanced menu item.
- Added Linkchecker page to Tools menu.
- Moved Clear Cache to Tools menu.
- WCM Permissions: Updated permissions renamed above.
- WCM Panels Settings: Check panelized nodes for broken links.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2016-03-02
- WCM Base: Updated Fieldable Panels Panes to 1.8 (security release).
- WCM Base:
- Added Node Clone contrib module.