WCM Base 7.x-1.51, 2024-03-26
- WCM Security: Updates Antibot contrib module to 7.x-1.3.
WCM Base 7.x-1.50, 2024-02-13
- WCM Site Information: Replaces Twitter icon with X icon in footer.
WCM Base 7.x-1.49, 2024-01-10
- WCM Base: Updated File Entity contrib module to 2.38 per SA-CONTRIB-2024-001.
WCM Base 7.x-1.48, 2023-12-08
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.99.
WCM Base 7.x-1.47, 2023-12-06
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.98.
WCM Base 7.x-1.46, 2023-04-20
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.96 per SA-CORE-2023-005.
WCM Base 7.x-1.45, 2023-03-15
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal core to 7.95 per SA-CORE-2023-004.
- Updated Context contrib module to 3.12.
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.91 per SA-CORE-2022-012.
WCM Base 7.x-1.43, 2022-05-05
- WCM Base: Updated Link module to 1.11 per SA-CONTRIB-2022-034.
- WCM User Config: Updated Role Delegation module to 1.3 per SA-CONTRIB-2022-031.
WCM Base 7.x-1.42, 2022-03-16
- WCM Base:
- Switched drops-7 clone mode from git to https.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Updated CKEditor library to 4.18.0 per SA-CORE-2022-005.
WCM Base 7.x-1.41, 2022-02-16
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.88 per SA-CORE-2022-003.
WCM Base 7.x-1.40, 2022-01-20
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.87.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Reverted WYSIWYG contrib module to 2.5 due to Linkit bug.
WCM Base 7.x-1.39, 2022-01-06
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.84.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Updated WYSIWYG contrib module to 2.9 per SA-CONTRIB-2022-003.
- WCM URL Aliases: Turning off redirect_global_clean to prevent redirect exploit
- WCM Search: Updated Search API Attachments modules to 1.19.
- WCM Base: Patched Media Vimeo module to fix poor exception handling.
- WCM Site Information: Updated deprecated join() calls for PHP 7.4 compatibility.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal core to 7.82 per SA-CORE-2021-004.
- Added WCM OneTrust module.
- Changed Pantheon Drops 7 branch from master to default.
- Added new OneTrust-compatable templates for YouTube and Vimeo videos.
- Added OneTrust script preprocessing for Google Anaytics and AddToAny.
- Added core patch to remove absolete has_js cookie.
- Added Omega patch to allow altering script attributes.
- OCIO Image Styles: Remove unused Adaptive Image module.
- OCIO Media: Added variable to skip has_js cookie check for manualcrop.
WCM Base 7.x-1.34, 2021-01-20
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.78 per SA-CORE-2021-001.
- WCM Base: Updated PHP to 7.3.
- WCM Omega: Added new Landing Page layout 6e.
WCM Base 7.x-1.32, 2020-12-17
- WCM Base:
- Patched Date module for PHP 7.3 compatability.
- WCM User Config: Updated User Protect module to 1.3 for PHP 7.3 compatability.
WCM Base 7.x-1.31, 2020-12-04
- Updated Drupal core to 7.77.
- WCM Search: Disabled unused Solr server configuration.
WCM Base 7.x-1.30, 2020-11-30
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.75 per SA-CORE-2020-013.
WCM Base 7.x-1.29, 2020-11-18
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.74 per SA-CORE-2020-012.
WCM Base 7.x-1.28, 2020-09-23
- WCM Omega: Added new Landing Page layout 6d.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.76.
- Updated Media to 2.21.
- Updated Views to 3.24.
- Updated Views Bulk Operations to 3.6.
WCM Base 7.x-1.27, 2020-09-16
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.73 per SA-CORE-2020-007.
- WCM Omega: Numerous accessibility improvements.
- WCM Search: Search index name cleanup.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Updated default metadata files, improved expiration check.
WCM Base 7.x-1.26, 2020-06-26
- WCM Search: Change Search API indexes from Solr to Drupal Database Search.
WCM Base 7.x-1.25, 2020-06-17
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.72 per SA-CORE-2020-004.
WCM Base 7.x-1.24, 2020-06-09
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.71.
WCM Base 7.x-1.23, 2020-05-15
- WCM Base: Patched Link module to fix truncation bug.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Link to 1.7.
- Updated Panopoly to 1.72.
- Updated Redis to 3.18.
- Updated Search API Solr to 1.15.
- Updated Slack to 1.7.
- Set WCM Security module to download as working copy for development.
- WCM Security: Updated Honeypot to 1.26.
- WCM User Configuration: Updated Role Delegation to 1.2.
- OCIO Buckeye Alert: Updated Buckeye Alert library to improve accessiblity.
WCM Base 7.x-1.21, 2019-12-18
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.69 per SA-CORE-2019-012.
- WCM Omega: Force full width on floated, captioned images on mobile.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal core to 7.68.
- Updated Webform to 4.21 per SA-CONTRIB-2019-096.
- WCM Omega, OCIO WYSIWYG: Added fixed table layout style.
WCM Base 7.x-1.19, 2019-11-20
- WCM Base:
- Upgraded PHP to 7.2.
- Updated Panopoly to 1.71.
- WCM Base: Updated contrib modules in preparation for PHP 7.2 upgrade.
- Chain Menu Access updated to 2.1.
- Diff updated to 3.4.
- Migrate updated to 2.11.
- Rules Conditional updated to 1.0.
- WCM Omega: IE 11 compatability fix for WCM Timeline.
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