WCM Base 7.x-1.17-rc3, 2019-09-20
- WCM Panels Settings: Improved flexibility of Accordion Filter functionality.
- WCM Omega:
- Added margins and arrow button transtions to WCM Slide Gallery.
- Themed new download link for Colorbox.
- WCM Media Gallery: Updated and patched Colorbox module to add download link option.
WCM Base 7.x-1.17-rc1, 2019-07-24
- WCM Omega: Added theme support for experimental WCM Slide Gallery feature.
WCM Base 7.x-1.16, 2019-07-16
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.70.
- Removed newly redundant contrib modules from wcm_base.make.
- WCM Omega: Fixed search box JS error when WCM Search feature is disabled.
WCM Base 7.x-1.16-rc3, 2019-06-05
- WCM Omega: Added theme support for video stream embed pane captions.
- OCIO News: Removed link from featured image in news trio pane for accessibility.
WCM Base 7.x-1.16-rc2, 2019-05-29
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.68 per SA-CONTRIB-2019-051 and -052.
WCM Base 7.x-1.16-rc1, 2019-05-17
- WCM Omega:
- Adjusted styles for past-events tag view.
- Reset code formatting for wcm-omega.behaviors.js.
- OCIO Calendar: Updated event tag view.
- OCIO News: Reduced duplicates in news archive view.
- OCIO Site Information: Fixed several minor markup issues.
- OCIO Taxonomy: Configure calendar tags vocabulary to use view display.
WCM Base 7.x-1.15, 2019-05-09
- WCM Base: Upgraded Panopoly to 1.67.
- OCIO News: Fixed tag filtering issue on news archive pages.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Switched WYSIWYG module from dev branch to stable 2.5.
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.67 per SA-CORE-2019-007.
- WCM Omega:
- Added WCM Timeline mobile view, improved alignment and hover styles.
- Render video files in Landing Page banner image field.
- Added new layout 11b.
- WCM Timeline: Added right align class to last quarter of timeline entry labels.
- OCIO Landing Page:
- Added mp4 videos to allowed file types in banner image field.
- Added new layout 11b to allowed layouts and timeline pane to allowed content.
- WCM Base: Removed nonexistant logging_alerts module from
- WCM Omega:
- Simplified WCM Timeline style.
- Updated calendar tags view to show upcoming and past events.
- Temporarily altered calendar tag page breadcrumbs via jQuery.
- Changed all instances of font-weight: 500 to 600.
- OCIO Calendar: Improved calendar tag page display.
WCM Base 7.x-1.15-rc1, 2019-04-19
- WCM Base:
- Added WCM Addtoany module to allow social sharing of news articles.
- Updated Panopoly to 1.66 per SA-CONTRIB-2019-045.
WCM Base 7.x-1.14, 2019-04-18
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.66 per SA-CORE-2019-005 and -006.
- WCM Omega:
- Added panels layout 11a.
- Added margin below breadcrumbs.
WCM Base 7.x-1.14-rc2, 2019-04-04
- OCIO Media: Added PDF mimetype to document type missing since Panopoly 1.65.
WCM Base 7.x-1.14-rc1, 2019-04-03
- WCM Base: Added WCM Timeline custom module.
- WCM Omega: Added styles for WCM Timeline.
WCM Base 7.x-1.13, 2019-03-28
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.65 per SA-CONTRIB-2019-042.
- Updated Fieldable Panels Panes to 1.13.
- Updated File Entity to 2.25 and patched to allow playsinline video attribute.
- Updated Panopoly to 1.64.
WCM Base 7.x-1.13-rc2, 2019-03-20
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.65 per SA-CORE-2019-004.
WCM Base 7.x-1.13-rc1, 2019-03-13
- WCM Base:
- Updated Views to 3.21 per SA-CONTRIB-2019-034, -035 and -036.
- Patched SMTP module to allow changing timeout value.
- OCIO SimpleSAMLphp Auth: Improved metadata location and logging.
WCM Base 7.x-1.12, 2019-03-07
- WCM Base: Updated Fieldable Panels Panes to 1.12.
- WCM Base:
- Added WCM Watchdog to Slack feature along with required contrib modules.
- Updated Better Exposed Filters to 3.6.
- Updated ctools to 1.15.
- Updated Features to 2.11.
- Updated Google Analytics to 2.6.
- Updated Media to 2.21.
- Updated Media Youtube to 3.8.
- Updated Menu Block to 2.8.
- Updated Real Name to 1.4.
- Updated Views Accordion to 1.2.
WCM Base 7.x-1.12-rc2, 2019-02-28
- OCIO News: Reset default filter overrides for news view.
WCM Base 7.x-1.12-rc1, 2019-02-27
- WCM Base: Updated Context to 3.10 per SA-CONTRIB-2019-028.
WCM Base 7.x-1.11, 2019-02-25
- Updated Link to 1.6 per SA-CONTRIB-2019-004, removed obsolete patch for tel: links.
- Updated Webform to 4.19, removed obsolete patch for fieldset accessibility.
WCM Base 7.x-1.11-rc3, 2019-02-04
- WCM Base: Patched SMTP module to fix errors on webforms with multiple recipients.
- WCM News Client: Updated metatag settings to be enabled by default.
WCM Base 7.x-1.11-rc2, 2019-01-24
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.60 per SA-CONTRIB-2019-004.
WCM Base 7.x-1.11-rc1, 2019-01-23
- WCM Base:
- Upgraded PHP to 7.1
- Updated Panopoly to 1.59.
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal core to 7.62 per SA-CORE-2019-001.
- WCM News Client: Added news_client_social_image_json field/token handling.
- WCM Omega: Updated FPP preprocess for PHP 7.1 compatability.
- WCM Base: Added SMTP module patch for webform email attachments.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal to 7.61.
- Updated xmlsitemap to 2.6.
- WCM Omega: Added fix for recent changes to keyboard menu navigation.
- WCM URL Aliases: Updated makefile to select specific commit of Redirect module.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal to 7.60 per SA-CORE-2018-006
- Updated Mimemail to 1.1 (Security Update)
WCM Base 7.x-1.9-rc4, 2018-10-12
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.56.
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