- WCM Base: Patched Menu Block module to allow custom delta values.
- WCM News Client: Removed "read more" links from teaser display.
- WCM Omega:
- Updated Global Menu styles for use with menu blocks.
- Allow enter key to activate top-level menu links if they are not parents.
- Updated main menu tooltip language to explain enter key changes.
- Updated page title and breadcrumbs on webform confirmation page.
- Added aria-hidden attribute to social media icons in Media Magnet panes.
- Improved focus handling for anchors and targeted form elements inside accordions.
- Changed FontAwesome loading to CDN script to enable Auto Accessibility.
- WCM User Config: Updated login form validation to improve accessibility.
- OCIO Main Menu: Changed Global Menu core block to Menu Block to improve accessibility.
- OCIO Site Information: Added aria-hidden attribute to social media icons.
- OCIO Web Form: Made form error session variables generic and improved error messages.
- WCM Base:
- Removed jQuery Update patch to correct accessibility of tab panels.
- Added webform patch to wrap radios and checkboxes in fieldsets.
- WCM Omega:
- Updated styles for media elements to accomodate videos in featured image fields.
- Removed headings from Tile Panes and updated styles accordingly.
- Moved accordion toggle icon into its own nested element for accessibility.
- Fixed featured image caption width on mobile.
- WCM Panels Settings: Added hidden text to Media Magnet pane title for accessibility.
- OCIO News:
- Allow adding videos to Featured Image field.
- Changed Featured Image field to display as generic file instead of image.
- Updated preview video display modes for images and videos to make them the same size.
- OCIO Search: Moved Search Block Toggle icon into its own element for accessibility.
- OCIO Site Information: Added more context for social media links as per ADA recomendations.
- OCIO Web Form: Adds configuration option to enable fieldset wrapping.
- Updated Drupal to 7.59 per SA-CORE-2018-004.
- Updated Media to 2.19 per SA-CONTRIB-2018-020.
- Added Peristent Menu Items contrib module.
- WCM Omega: Added clearfix class to panels panes.
- WCM User Config: Added r4032 config, changed Access Denied message.
- WCM Base: Updated Display Suite to 2.15 per SA-CONTRIB-2018-019.
- WCM Omega: Fixed accordions being processed multiple times in Panels IPE.
WCM Base 7.x-1.6, 2018-03-28
- WCM Base: Updated Drupal to 7.58 per SA-CORE-2018-002.
WCM Base 7.x-1.6-rc3, 2018-03-27
- WCM Omega: Accordion bugfixes.
- Hide upload buttons for single file upload webform components.
- Added accessible tooltip to main menu navigation.
- Overrode Superfish theme functions to fix incorrect ARIA attributes in menu.
- Removed redundant aria-current attribute on views pager items.
- Sorted various template.php functions into seperate files.
- WCM Accessibility: Disable chosen plugin for public-facing single-select fields.
- WCM Omega:
- Implemented new slideshow library with increased accessibility.
- Accomodate grouped views accordions using new accesible accordions.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Changed configuration to support new accessible slideshow.
- OCIO Field Bases: Added tokens for custom body field summary.
- WCM Metatags:
- Added configuration for FAQ, News Article, User and Taxononomy Term.
- Added new custom body field summary tokens to default node configuration.
- WCM Omega:
- Added error checking to custom FPP preprocess to reduce writing to database logs.
- Added fallback background colors on global menus.
- Added visual focus for form components.
- Fixed CKEditor table scope accessibility.
- Implemented new universal accordions with improved accessibility.
- Improved accessibility by increasing color contrast throughout theme.
- Improved accessibility of accordion filter pane.
- Improved accessibility of main menu, global menu, breadcrumbs, side menu.
- Update table and caption styles.
- WCM Permissions: Removed devel module permissions so it can be disabled on live sites.
- WCM User Leadership: Removed link from user photos to improve accessibility.
- OCIO News: Improved accesibility of news archive block and teasers pane.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Allow caption tags in Filtered HTML text format.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Drupal to 7.57 per SA-CORE-2018-001.
- Remove metatag and wcm_metatag dependencies until config is finalized.
- WCM Omega:
- Moved main-content anchor to between breadcrumbs and messages.
- Added accessible focus indicators to links and buttons.
- WCM Panels Settings:
- Changes image pane field widget type to Media Browser.
- Deletes duplicate link fields on image panes.
- WCM User Leadership: Hide display options on leadership views pane.
- OCIO Web Form:
- Added aria-required attribute to required webform fields.
- Improved form error accessibility with links and error count.
- WCM Base: Updated Panopoly to 1.50 per SA-CONTRIB-2018-013.
WCM Base 7.x-1.5-rc1, 2018-02-09
- WCM Base: Updated contrib modules Better Exposed Filters, ctools, Media, Mime Mail.
- WCM Omega: Updated styles for menu blocks, tile panes, accordion lists, typography groups.
- WCM Workbench Settings: Updated Drafty contrib module to 1.0-rc1.
- OCIO Landing Page: Added svg to allowed uploads on banner field.
- OCIO Calendar:
- Display all-day and multi-day events as separate events in month view.
- Fixed navigation on month view pane.
- OCIO Landing Page: Added missing views panes from allowed content.
- WCM Omega:
- Set table alignment to 'left' by default so CKEditor adds 'center' classes to table headers.
- Only restyle level two views accordions if the are part of a views group.
- WCM Panels Settings:
- Updated Media Magnet pane form to match Panopoly's change to the form structure.
- Move Workbench Access field (if it exists) on right column on node edit form.
- Accordion Filter now only hides entire panel panes if they are views panes.
- Removed FAQ pane pager.
- Added anchors/links to node titles for list and accordion FAQ panes and pages.
- OCIO Landing Page:
- Fields added for friendly social media previews.
- Added accordion filter block to allowed content.
- OCIO Media: Display caption file field on node edit form image fields.
- OCIO News: Render captions on featured images.
- OCIO Seven: Fixed media browser previews for large images.
- WCM Base:
- Updated media module to 2.14
- Improved error handling in contributed patch for editing video file URLs.
- WCM Omega:
- Styled featured image field captions the same as WYSIWYG media captions.
- Removed superfluous accordion margins.
- Support accordion anchor scrolling in views accordions
- Allow activation of first accordion (via anchor), now that it's closed by default.
- WCM Panels Settings: Updated accordion filter block to search views accordions and
to hide pane titles when hiding accordion sets.
- WCM Metatag: Updated for friendly social media previews for landing pages.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.49 per SA-CONTRIB-2017-093.
- Added prepopulate contrib module to allow prepopulating node fields via URL arguments.
- Updated webform to 4.16.
- Patched draggableviews module to fix new sorting bugs.
- OCIO FAQs: Now supports multiple FAQ sets and panel panes.
- OCIO Featured Slideshow: Prepopulate tag field when creating new slide nodes.
- WCM Permissions: Added missing permissions.
- WCM Base:
- Updated Panopoly to 1.48.
- Updated views, media and field_group contrib modules.
- WCM Media: Allow setting alt text on file entities instead of instances.
- Updated link styles for the main menu, search toggle, panel panes, and footer.
- Added various Omega-recommended polyfill libraries.
- WCM Workbench: Added "Created Date" column to Workbench views, updated timestamp
formats and cloned default views so they could be modified.
- WCM Panels Settings:
- Disabled remaining default Workbench views.
- Allow accordion filter to be used in panels panes.
- WCM Omega:
- Further improved menu accessibility by implementing role attributes.
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