WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2015-08-05
- OCIO Omega Base:
- Improved panel row classes.
- Fixed incorrect button link colors.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2015-08-03
- Media: updated to 7.x-2.0-beta1, removed obviated patches.
- OCIO Media:
- Added float left/right, and max width media styles for images and videos.
- Restrict alt and title text fields to media browser edit form.
- Restrict description field to file entity upload/edit form.
- OCIO Omega Base:
- Added SASS mixin to generate media style CSS, fixed image captions.
- Added four-column tiles panels layout.
- Added left, center and right align classes.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Added left, center and right align plugins.
- OCIO WYSIWYG: Added 'Tagline', 'Subhead', 'Intro Text', and 'Callout' text styles.
- OCIO Landing Page: Added 'Pre-Footer Banner Photo' field.
- OCIO Omega Base: Added 'Flip-Flop' panels layout.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2015-07-23
- OCIO Omega Base: Added two new panels layouts.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2015-07-20
- WCM User Profile: Changed user photo field to use media browser.
- OCIO UUID Settings: Fixed home page alias missing on import.
- OCIO Panels Settings: Removed unnecessary panel panes from allowed content.
- OCIO Landing Page: Fixed display to start with empty panels.
- OCIO Landing Page: Added Banner Image field to be displayed in Hero region.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2015-07-18
- Media Magnet: Updated to include numerous improvements.
- Main Menu:
- Added second level to mobile menu.
- Fixed Style for <nolink> items.
- OCIO Field Bases: Added Admin Lock field.
- OCIO Landing Page: Added default home page with Admin Lock.
- Media Magnet: Added OpenOSU module to allow adding Media Magnet feeds.
- Media: Updated to 7.x-2.0-alpha4
- Panopoly: Updated to 1.25, includes accessibility enhancements.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2015-07-10
- OCIO Site Information: Fixed site name bug and improved input filtering.
- OCIO Omega Base: Fixed search box and mobile menu z-indexing.
- OCIO Admin Menu: Moved Aggregator config pages to Advanced menu.
- OCIO Panels Settings: Disable accordion style for Panels regions. Replaced
functionality with Panels Accordion contrib module.
- OCIO Image Styles/OCIO Media: Added 'Max Width' image style and file display.
- OCIO Omega Base:
- Fixed image overflow, image captions and missing mobile menu icon.
- Added 3x3 tile grid to 'ocio-omega-tiles-equalcol' panels layout.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2015-07-06
- Created changelog.
- OCIO Aggregator: Added custom module to provide feed aggregation and enhancements
- All OCIO Omega Themes: Added maximum width to content containers.
- OCIO Panels Settings: Re-enabled accordion style for Panels regions.
WCM Base 7.x-1.x, 2015-06-30
- OCIO Admin Menu: Added Clear Cache link to Advanced menu.
- OCIO Landing Page: Fixed site builder/manager access to landing page panelizer.
- OCIO Panels Settings: Removed unwanted layouts.
- Special Menu Items: Added contrib module to allow unlinked menu items.