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Commit adcab70d authored by Angie Liu's avatar Angie Liu
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# Lab 4
# Importing data file from the repository
# Making plots
# Linear regression
# Model selection
# Forward/backward/stepwise selection
# Ridge
# install packages
# load packages
# SP21 AEDE6120 repository
# Importing data file from the web/repository ####
wage1 <- read_csv("")
# Making plots ####
x <- 1:3
y <- c(1, 4, 6)
plot(x, y, type = "b")
# adding points/line/grid to the current plot
points(1:3, c(3, 2, 2), col="blue")
lines(1:3, c(1, 5, 3), col="red")
abline(v=0, h=1:6, col="grey")
# plots with example dataset
plot(cars$speed, cars$dist)
lines(spline(cars$speed, cars$dist, ties = mean))
# Linear regression ####
# example 1: Y=wage, X1=education, X2=experience, X3=experience^2
lm1 <- lm(wage ~ educ + exper + expersq, data = wage1)
# present result
# export formatted result as html file
stargazer(lm1, type = "html", out = "lm1.html")
# example 2: Y=wage, X1=education, X2=education^2, X3=experience, X4=experience^2
wage1 <- wage1 %>% mutate(educsq = educ^2)
lm2 <- lm(wage ~ educ + educsq + exper + expersq, data = wage1)
# present result
# export formatted result as doc file
stargazer(lm2, type = "text", out = "lm2.doc")
# other useful information stored in the regression result:
# coefficients() -- the coefficients
# confint() -- the confidence intervals (95% by default)
# fitted() -- the fitted values
# residuals() -- the residuals
# plot() -- diagnostic plots of the fitted model
# Model selection ####
# clear the work space
rm(list = ls())
# import data file
wageR <- read.csv("")
# take a look at the data
wageR %>% head
wageR %>% stargazer(type = "text")
# prep steps:
# create the full model
reg1 <- lm(wage ~ ., data = wageR) # '.' represents the rest of the variables
# create the empty model
reg1.null <- lm(wage ~ 1, data = wageR) # '1' represents the intercept
# forward selection ####
# with AIC (default)
reg.fwA <- step(reg1.null,
direction = "forward",
scope = ( ~ educ + exper + nonwhite + female + married + expersq))
# with SBC
reg.fwB <- step(reg1.null,
direction = "forward",
k = log(nrow(wageR)),
scope = ( ~ educ + exper + nonwhite + female + married + expersq))
# backward selection #### <- step(reg1, direction = "backward")
# stepwise selection ####
reg.sw <- step(reg1.null,
direction = "both",
scope = ( ~ educ + exper + nonwhite + female + married + expersq))
# Ridge ####
# prep: extract independent variables as a matrix
Xs <- wageR %>% select(educ, exper, nonwhite, female, married, expersq) %>% as.matrix
# Ridge regression
rdg <- cv.glmnet(x = Xs, y = wageR$wage, alpha = 0)
# see the lambda-MSE plot
# the two threshold lambdas:
# lambda.min - it minimizes the prediction error (MSE)
# lambda.1se - it gives an MSE that's one standard error away from the minimum
# see the selected variables and their coefficients
coef(rdg, s = rdg$lambda.min)
# LASSO ####
lss <- cv.glmnet(x = Xs, y = wageR$wage, alpha = 1)
# see the lambda-MSE plot
# see the selected variables and their coefficients
coef(lss, s = lss$lambda.min)
coef(lss, s = lss$lambda.1se)
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