Date fields have formatting advice in the title attr that does not match the field format
<input data-drupal-selector="edit-field-evt-date-range-0-value-date" title="Date (e.g. 2022-12-08)"
type="date" data-drupal-date-format="Y-m-d" placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" data-help="Enter the date using the
format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., 2022-12-08)." id="edit-field-evt-date-range-0-value-date--hBr3zw8aPKw"
name="field_evt_date_range[0][value][date]" value="" size="12" class="form-date">
The date fields have title="Date (e.g. 2022-12-08)"
with the year first. Screen readers read this title attribute and it does not match the format that the field expects. The field likes it American style (MM/DD/YYYY).
Also the date field has three sub parts that do not give any feedback in the screen reader about where you are and if someone starts typing the year first because they heard that hint, the field rejects their input without any feedback.
This may be how HTML5 date fields are. There are some that are just plain broken from an A11Y perspective. I need to research. This may be an accessibility problem that we don't have the power to fix.