Give Now button - tweaks
Move button up a bit so that the top of the button is aligned with the top of the F in OF.
Also could it be moved over to the right a touch as well. If you could close the space between the button’s right edge and the flag by 1/3 I think that would do it.
- @briancanini Mobile View: Please make the button a bit smaller and left aligned with the wordmark. Libby has agreed to this idea in place of putting it in the menu. (Eva Dale - Feb 6, 2018)
- @briancanini Libby has approved the latest version. This can be pushed to the live site. Don't worry about removing the 'Giving' link in the main navigation. I'll have Libby decide when she wants to make that change. (Eva Dale - Feb 7, 2018)
- @briancanini I'm not seeing the give now button on the live site. Could this be a caching issue? (Eva Dale - Feb 7, 2018)
- @evadale No, just been working on other projects and haven't gotten to it yet. It's live now (Brian Canini - Feb 7, 2018)
- @briancanini Sorry. I thought it was done. The story was asking me to accept it. Looks good. I'll let Libby know. (Eva Dale - Feb 7, 2018)
- @briancanini Libby has asked that the tablet view match the mobile view. (Eva Dale - Feb 8, 2018)
- It is done and viewable on Dev (Brian Canini - Feb 9, 2018)
- @briancanini Looks good. I will run it by Libby. (Eva Dale - Feb 9, 2018)
- This is ready to push to the live site. Libby has given her approval. @briancanini (Eva Dale - Feb 12, 2018)
- @briancanini unaccepting this so we don't forget to push it to live. (Eva Dale - Feb 12, 2018)
- It is live (Brian Canini - Feb 13, 2018)