Mobile Menus
I think the mobile menus may have broken once the new desktop menus were added.
They do not look the way they used to with the menus spanning the width of the phone screen. Now they just span half of the phone screen.
- Width corrected - just need to style arrows and bg colors (Brian Canini - Dec 21, 2017)
- arrows updated on mobile menu
- ended up having to update sfsmallscreen.js in docroot > libraries in order to change the arrow styles (Brian Canini - Jan 8, 2018)
- This is looking good. We do need to add a vertical line to the left of the arrows so that people can understand that different things will happen if they click on the arrow versus the word. The arrow will open another level of navigation. The word will go to a page. (Eva Dale - Jan 11, 2018)
- Borders have been added (Brian Canini - Jan 26, 2018)