Accordion widget: extra non-functional aria
The accordion info panels (the part that gets revealed) have aria-expanded attributes on them. Only the thing that controls the expanding and collapsing (the button) should use aria-expanded. Remove it from the panel content. "4.1.2 Name, Role, Value A" Minor Comments:
- Not sure if this will be possible as this is something Bootstrap is adding.
I'll review their javascript and see if I can't figure out where its adding this extra aria-expanded (Brian Canini - Aug 29, 2023)
- Appears to be from bootstrap js located at web/themes/asc_bootstrap/bootstrap/javascripts/bootstrap/collapse.js (Brian Canini - Sep 6, 2023)
- Correction. It's not (Brian Canini - Sep 6, 2023)
- it's from bootstrap 3 which our site theme is based on. If we update to bootstrap 5, they have fixed this problem.
however, updating could mean some of our existing functionality may break. I'll investigate further (Brian Canini - Jun 18, 2024)