H4 style fix
The h4 tags in the following areas need to be changed to Proxima Nova:
-Related Program
-Connect with...
- 'Related Programs' needs to be capita and centered. (Eva Dale - Aug 14, 2015)
- We are very close. I looked back at the CWT site and saw that there were some line breaks as well. The attached screenshot shows what we are aiming for. http://ascweb-cwt.asc.ohio-state.edu/academics/departments-centers/african-american-african-studies-community-extension-center-aaascec (Eva Dale - Aug 14, 2015)
- After closer inspection, there was a template file that was in the wrong place and has been deleted. The department pages look like the picture now. (Dustin Perzanowski - Aug 14, 2015)
- That looks great! (Eva Dale - Aug 14, 2015)