Add courses for Popular Culture Studies to a testsite
We would like to add the KMdata version of courses to the PopularCultureStudies website.
Here is a listing of their courses:
Put the courses on a testsite first.
Need to find out from popular culture studies if their listing of courses changes every semester or if they have a set list that they work with.
- @evadale Any word from the pop culture people about this? (lkjhhjl - Mar 17, 2015)
- @kevinwhaley1 I will check with Jody on this. (Eva Dale - Mar 17, 2015)
- Looking good! But not the complete list. Please add all the courses found in the attached .pdf file. Thanks! (Jody Croley Jones - Mar 25, 2015)
- Also, when done adding the courses, please go ahead and 'move' the page to simply Thanks (Jody Croley Jones - Mar 25, 2015)
Above is the link to the working courses module. As of now there is no link to it in the menu bar. (lkjhhjl - Apr 7, 2015)
- These are the courses that are supposed to be in the Popular Culture Studies module. Could you please correct it so that these are the ones that appear? Thanks! J (Jody Croley Jones - Apr 7, 2015)