News module not showing most recent 7 stories.
When you view a news story you should see the most recent 7 stories in the sidebar. This is not showing up.
- As I look through other D7 sites the 7 news stories are not showing up all the time. Do I just need to clear the cache on all those sites or do we need a certain block in place as well? (Eva Dale - Sep 18, 2014)
- Not seeing the 7 stories on all the D7 sites. We need to go through the sites and make the fix. (Eva Dale - Sep 18, 2014)
- It appears as though some of the sites don't have the block to show the past 7 articles (classics for example) (Dustin Perzanowski - Dec 2, 2014)
- Kevin will go through the D7 sites and make sure the block is in place. @kevinwhaley1 (Eva Dale - Dec 3, 2014)