- Oct 12, 2020
Brian Canini authored
- Jan 03, 2019
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - focus boxes on accordions for accessibility, updating contact us link to be <p> VS <h3>, adding underlines to links in footer, fixing h3 color when dark scarlett bgcolor is applied
- Nov 30, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - sass updates, add link to contact form to contact header, fixing UTC bug when comparing start date and end date and adjusting for daylight savings time, adding for loop around event card info for future multi-date events, adding social media to news and events
- Nov 13, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - adding people taxonomy to hook_form_alter, sass updates, fixing fontawesome error message, fixing footer email bug
- Nov 08, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - debugging hook_form_alter for filters so that new fields work and are displayed correctly, adding js to clear and resubmit people search field, hiding div borders in contactinfo if phone or fax not entered
- Nov 02, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - sass updates, contactinfo address fix, allout boxes and fun facts padding readded, fixing sidebar_menuin page temp if statement
- Oct 24, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - sass updates, contactinfo and paragraph btn temp updates, js update for news and event filters
- Oct 16, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - sass updates, temp updates, contact info temp and theme function, fixing aside to only appear when sidebar content exists, footer adjustments, paragraph styles
- Aug 07, 2018
bcweaver authored