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Commit 0facdb51 authored by M Miller's avatar M Miller
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remove it-osu-web/it-osu-pl-drupal

parent 1577fc48
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1 merge request!3Theme in progress.
with 0 additions and 745 deletions
{% if not attributes %}
<div class="form-item">
<label for="select" class="form-item__label form-item__label--textfield">{{field_label}}</label>
<div class="form-item__dropdown">
<select class="form-item__select">
<optgroup label="{{dropdown_label}}">
{% endif %}
{% for select_item in list_items %}
{% include "@atoms/05-form-elements/select/_select-item.twig" %}
{% endfor %}
{% if not attributes %}
{% endif %}
.form-item__textarea {
font-family: $font;
font-size: 0.9em;
&:focus {
border: 2px solid $gray;
outline: none;
* @file
* Theme override for a 'textarea' #type form element.
* Available variables
* - wrapper_attributes: A list of HTML attributes for the wrapper element.
* - attributes: A list of HTML attributes for the textarea element.
* - resizable: An indicator for whether the textarea is resizable.
* - required: An indicator for whether the textarea is required.
* - value: The textarea content.
* @see template_preprocess_textarea()
<div{{ wrapper_attributes }}>
<textarea class="form-item__textarea">{{ value }}</textarea>
/* Styling for the text areas */
.form-item__textfield {
border: 1px solid $gray-lighter;
padding: 0.625em 1em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
font-size: rem-calc(14);
line-height: 1.5;
width: 100%;
&:focus {
border: 2px solid $gray;
outline: none;
&.has-placeholder {
&:not(:placeholder-shown):invalid {
border: 2px solid $red;
&:not(:placeholder-shown):valid {
border: 2px solid $teal;
&::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: $gray-light;
&:-moz-placeholder {
color: $gray-light;
&::-moz-placeholder {
color: $gray;
&:-ms-input-placeholder {
color: $gray;
&:-moz-ui-invalid {
box-shadow: none;
* @file
* Theme override for a form element text field..
* Available variables:
* - field_base_class - the base class name
* - field_modifiers - array of modifiers to add to the base classname
* - field_attributes - array of attribute,value pairs
* - field_placeholder - placeholder text for the field
* @see template_preprocess_form_element_label()
{% set field_base_class = field_base_class|default('form-item__textfield') %}
{% set classes_array = [field_base_class] %}
{% if field_modifiers is defined or field_placeholder %}
{% for field_modifier in field_modifiers %}
{% set classes_array = classes_array|merge(["#{field_base_class}--#{field_modifier}"]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% if field_placeholder %}
{% set classes_array = classes_array|merge(["has-placeholder"]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set field_classes = classes_array|join(' ') %}
{% else %}
{% set field_classes = field_base_class %}
{% endif %}
<label for="{{ field_id }}" class="form-item__label form-item__label--textfield" aria-required="{{ textfield_data.aria-required }}">{{ field_label }}</label>
class="{{ field_classes }}" id="{{ field_id }}"
{% for attribute,value in field_attributes %}
{{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"
{% endfor %}
placeholder="{{ field_placeholder }}"
{% if field_description %}
<div class="form-item__description">
{{ field_description }}
{% endif %}
* @file
* Default theme implementation of a responsive image.
* Available variables:
* - sources: The attributes of the <source> tags for this <picture> tag.
* - img_element: The controlling image, with the fallback image in srcset.
* - output_image_tag: Whether or not to output an <img> tag instead of a
* <picture> tag.
* @see template_preprocess()
* @see template_preprocess_responsive_image()
* @ingroup themeable
{% set responsive_image_base_class = responsive_image_base_class|default('image') %}
{% if output_image_tag %}
{% include "@atoms/06-images/_image.twig" with {
image_base_class: responsive_image_base_class,
image_modifiers: responsive_image_modifiers,
image_blockname: responsive_image_blockname,
img_srcset: img_srcset|default(img_element['#attributes'].srcset),
img_sizes: img_sizes|default(img_element['#attributes'].sizes),
img_src: img_src|default(img_element['#uri']),
img_alt: img_alt|default(img_element['#alt']),
img_title: img_title|default(img_element['#title']),
} %}
{% else %}
{% include "@atoms/06-images/_picture.twig" with {
picture_base_class: responsive_image_base_class,
picture_modifiers: responsive_image_modifiers,
picture_blockname: responsive_image_blockname,
img_srcset: img_srcset|default(img_element['#attributes'].srcset),
img_sizes: img_sizes|default(img_element['#attributes'].sizes),
img_src: img_src|default(img_element['#uri']),
img_alt: img_alt|default(img_element['#alt']),
img_title: img_title|default(img_element['#title']),
} %}
{% endif %}
@mixin img {
display: block;
height: auto;
max-width: 100%;
picture {
@include img;
img {
border: 1px solid $gray;
figure {
margin: 0; //override normalize
.figure__caption {
font-style: italic;
{% set image_base_class = image_base_class|default('img') %}
{% set classes_array = [img_base_class] %}
{% if img_modifiers is defined %}
{% for img_modifier in img_modifiers %}
{% set classes_array = classes_array|merge(["#{img_base_class}--#{img_modifier}"]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% set img_classes = classes_array|join(' ') %}
{% else %}
{% set img_classes = img_base_class %}
{% endif %}
class="{{ img_classes }}"
{% if img_srcset %}
srcset="{{ img_srcset }}"
{% endif %}
{% if img_sizes %}
sizes="{{ img_sizes }}"
{% endif %}
src="{{ img_src }}"
{% if img_alt %}
alt="{{ img_alt }}"
{% endif %}
{% if img_title %}
title="{{ img_title }}"
{% endif %}
{% set picture_base_class = picture_base_class|default('picture') %}
{% set classes_array = [picture_base_class] %}
{% if picture_modifiers is defined %}
{% for picture_modifier in picture_modifiers %}
{% set classes_array = classes_array|merge(["#{picture_base_class}--#{picture_modifier}"]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% set picture_classes = classes_array|join(' ') %}
{% else %}
{% set picture_classes = picture_base_class %}
{% endif %}
<picture class="{{ picture_classes }}">
{% if sources %}
Internet Explorer 9 doesn't recognise source elements that are wrapped in
picture tags. See
<!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]-->
{% for source_attributes in sources %}
<source{{ source_attributes }}/>
{% endfor %}
<!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]-->
{% endif %}
{# The controlling image, with the fallback image in srcset. #}
{% include "@atoms/06-images/_image.twig" with {
image_blockname: picture_image_blockname|default(picture_blockname),
} %}
// Responsive Video using CSS only
.video {
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
padding-top: 35px;
padding-bottom: 56.25%; // 56.25% = 16x9
position: relative;
&--full {
padding-bottom: 75%; // 75% = 4x3
iframe {
height: 100%;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
* Available variables:
* - video_modifiers - array of modifiers to add to the base classname
* - video_content - the content of the video (typically an iframe)
* the "|raw" filter is applied so that the iframe is rendered instead
* of simply passing the iframe as plain text.
* Available blocks:
* - video_content - used to replace the content of the video with something other than the typical iframe
* for example: to insert an html5 video component
{% set video_base_class = video_base_class|default('video') %}
{% set classes_array = [video_base_class] %}
{% if video_modifiers is defined %}
{% for video_modifier in video_modifiers %}
{% set classes_array = classes_array|merge(["#{video_base_class}--#{video_modifier}"]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% set video_classes = classes_array|join(' ') %}
{% else %}
{% set video_classes = video_base_class %}
{% endif %}
<div class="{{ video_classes }}">
{% block video_content %}
{{ video_content|raw }}
{% endblock %}
.address-block__wordmark {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
img {
width: 280px;
border: none;
.address-block__address {
p {
margin: 0;
font-size: 0.875rem;
line-height: 1.375;
font-weight: 300;
.site-name {
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 1rem;
margin-bottom: 2px;
.pipe {
font-size: 120%;
vertical-align: -2%;
span.mailto {
display: none;
* @file
* Pattern for address-block.
<div class="address-block">
<div class="address-block__wordmark">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="{{ base_path ~ directory }}/images/osu-logos/wordmark/osu-footer-wordmark-{{ footer_color }}.svg" alt="The Ohio State University" /></a>
<address class="address-block__address">
<p class="site-name">{{ site_name_prefix }} {{ site_name }}</p>
<p class="address-line">
{% if address_1|length and address_2|length %}
{{ address_1 }}<span class="pipe"> | </span>{{ address_2 }}
{% else %}
{{ address_1 }}{{ address_2 }}
{% endif %}
{% if city|length and state|length %}
<span class="pipe"> | </span>{{ city }}, {{ state }} {{ zip }}
{% elseif city|length or state|length or zip|length %}
<span class="pipe"> | </span>{{ city }} {{ state }} {{ zip }}
{% endif %}
{% if phone|length or fax|length or tty|length %}
<p class="phone-line">
{% if phone|length %}
Phone: <a href="tel:{{ phone }}">{{ phone }}</a>
{% if fax|length or tty|length %}
<span class="pipe"> | </span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{# end phone length #}
{% if fax|length %}
Fax: {{ fax }}
{% if tty|length %}
<span class="pipe"> | </span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {# end fax length #}
{% if tty|length %}
Text Telephone for the Deaf: <a href="tel:+1{{ tty }}" data-rel="external">{{ tty }}</a>
{% endif %} {# end tty length #}
{% endif %} {# end all three #}
{% if contact_email|length %}
<p>Email: <a href="mailto:{{ contact_email }}">{{ contact_email }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
@mixin callout($color: $gray-light) {
border: 1px solid $color;
margin: 2em 0.625em;
display: flex;
align-items: stretch;
.callout__icon {
float: left;
background: $color;
color: white;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.svg-inline--fa {
font-size: 1.5em;
margin: 0 0.5em;
&.fa-exclamation {
font-size: 1.625em;
margin: 0 0.6875em;
.callout__body {
margin: 1em 1.25em 1em 1.5em;
line-height: 1.4;
.callout {
@include callout();
.callout--caution {
@include callout($orange);
.callout--ux-tip {
@include callout($violet);
.callout {
p:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
<div class="callout callout--{{ callout_type }}">
<div class="callout__icon">
<i class="fas {{ callout_icon }}"></i>
<div class="callout__body">
{{ content }}
/* Card styling */
.card {
display: inline-block;
margin-bottom: $grid-margin-after;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: $white;
box-shadow: $drop-shadow;
width: 100%;
.card__inner {
padding: $padding-y $padding-x $padding-y-bottom;
.card__image {
border: none;
height: 200px;
width: 100%;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
object-fit: cover;
.card__title {
@include heading(26);
margin-bottom: $header-margin-after-less;
.card__content {
font-weight: 400;
.card button {
margin-top: $space-y-half;
// Card sizes.
// Adjust a bit based on breakpoints.
@include breakpoint(medium) {
.card--small {
max-width: 320px;
.card--medium {
max-width: 440px;
@include breakpoint(large) {
.card--large {
max-width: 640px;
* Pattern for the card molecule
* Available variables:
* - card_modifiers: array of modifiers to add to the base classname
* - card_size: card size, either small, medium or large
* - card_extra_classes: string of extra classes to add to main div
* - card_image: url for the card's header image
* - card_title: text string for the card's title
* - card_text: text string for the card's content
* - card_button_content: text string for the button label
* - card_button_modifiers: modifiers for the button class, defaults to "alt"
{% set card_base_class = card_base_class|default('card') %}
{% set classes_array = [card_base_class] %}
{% if (card_modifiers is defined) or (card_size is defined) %}
{% if card_modifiers is defined %}
{% for card_modifier in card_modifiers %}
{% set classes_array = classes_array|merge(["#{card_base_class}--#{card_modifier}"]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set card_classes = classes_array|join(' ') %}
{% if card_size is defined %}
{% set classes_array = classes_array|merge(["#{card_base_class}--#{card_size}"]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set card_classes = classes_array|join(' ') %}
{% else %}
{% set card_classes = card_base_class %}
{% endif %}
<div class="{{ card_classes }} {{ card_extra_classes }}">
<img class="card__image" alt="Card Image" src="{{ card_image }}"/>
<div class="{{card_base_class}}__inner">
<h2 class="card__title">{{ card_title }}</h2>
<p class="card__content">{{ card_text }}</p>
{# Card button #}
include "@atoms/02-buttons/01-button.twig" with {
"button_content": card_button_content,
"button_url": card_button_url,
"button_modifiers": card_button_modifiers|default(['alt']),
} %}
// Details-item.
.details-item {
margin-bottom: 3px;
border: 1px solid $gray-lightest;
summary {
background: $gray-lightest;
padding: 0.675em 1em;
font-size: rem-calc(18);
font-weight: 600;
&[aria-expanded='true'] {
background: darken($gray-lightest, 5%);
&:focus {
outline: 1px dotted $teal;
.details__inner {
padding: 1em;
// Plus variation.
.details-item--plus {
summary {
// Hide arrows.
list-style: none;
list-style-image: none;
&::-webkit-details-marker {
display: none;
.summary__inner {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
position: relative;
// Plus/Minus.
.summary__controls {
position: absolute;
right: 18px;
.pm-control {
position: relative;
height: 24px;
width: 2px;
&.plus {
background: $gray-darkest;
-webkit-transition: all 0.8s ease;
-moz-transition: all 0.8s ease;
-o-transition: all 0.8s ease;
transition: all 0.8s ease;
&.minus {
background: $clear;
-webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease;
-moz-transition: all 0.4s ease;
-o-transition: all 0.4s ease;
transition: all 0.4s ease;
&:after {
background: $gray-darkest;
content: '';
position: absolute;
height: 2px;
width: 24px;
left: -11px;
top: 11px;
// If icon.
.summary__icon {
display: inline-block;
width: 36px;
line-height: 1;
margin-right: 16px;
text-align: center;
.svg-inline--fa {
font-size: 26px;
color: $red;
{% if variant %}
<details{{ attributes }} class="details-item details-item--{{ variant }}">
{% else %}
<details{{ attributes }} class="details-item">
{% endif %}
set summary_classes = [
required ? 'js-form-required',
required ? 'form-required',
{%- if title -%}
{% if variant == 'plus' %}
<summary{{ summary_attributes.addClass(summary_classes) }} class="summary--plus">
<div class="summary__inner">
{% if details_icon %}
<span class="summary__icon"><i class="{{ details_icon }}"></i></span>
{% endif %}
<span class="summary__text">{{ details_summary }}</span>
<div class="summary__controls">
<div class="pm-control plus"></div>
{% else %}
<summary{{ summary_attributes.addClass(summary_classes) }}>{{ details_summary }}</summary>
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{% if errors %}
{{ errors }}
{% endif %}
<div class="details__inner">
{{ details_content }}
\ No newline at end of file
input {
margin-bottom: 5px !important;
legend {
font-weight: 600;
.label {
background: none;
color: inherit;
padding: 0;
font-size: inherit;
.form-item label {
@extend .form-item__label;
.form-item {
max-width: none;
.form-fieldset {
border: 0;
margin: 2em 0 1em;
padding: 1em 1.5em;
background-color: $gray-lightest;
legend {
text-transform: uppercase;
.button {
margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
//reusable classes
.form-options-list {
line-height: 160%;
input {
margin: 0 4px 0 1px;
// If in PL
.sg-main {
.form-fieldset {
max-width: 600px;
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