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sfsmallscreen.js 15.45 KiB
 * sf-Smallscreen v1.2b - Provides small-screen compatibility for the jQuery Superfish plugin.
 * Developer's note:
 * Built as a part of the Superfish project for Drupal (
 * Found any bug? have any cool ideas? contact me right away!
 * jQuery version: 1.3.x or higher.
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:

  $.fn.sfsmallscreen = function(options){
    options = $.extend({
      mode: 'inactive',
      type: 'accordion',
      breakpoint: 768,
      breakpointUnit: 'px',
      useragent: '',
      title: '',
      addSelected: false,
      menuClasses: false,
      hyperlinkClasses: false,
      excludeClass_menu: '',
      excludeClass_hyperlink: '',
      includeClass_menu: '',
      includeClass_hyperlink: '',
      accordionButton: 1,
      expandText: 'Expand',
      collapseText: 'Collapse'
    }, options);

    // We need to clean up the menu from anything unnecessary.
    function refine(menu){
      refined = menu.clone(),
      // Things that should not be in the small-screen menus.
      rm = refined.find('span.sf-sub-indicator, span.sf-description'),
      // This is a helper class for those who need to add extra markup that shouldn't exist
      // in the small-screen versions.
      rh = refined.find('.sf-smallscreen-remove'),
      // Mega-menus has to be removed too.
      mm = refined.find('ul.sf-megamenu');
      for (var a = 0; a < rh.length; a++){
      for (var b = 0; b < rm.length; b++){
      if (mm.length > 0){
        var ol = refined.find('div.sf-megamenu-column > ol');
        for (var o = 0; o < ol.length; o++){
          ol.eq(o).replaceWith('<ul>' + ol.eq(o).html() + '</ul>');
        var elements = ['div.sf-megamenu-column','.sf-megamenu-wrapper > ol','li.sf-megamenu-wrapper'];
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
          obj = refined.find(elements[i]);
          for (var t = 0; t < obj.length; t++){
      return refined;

    // Creating <option> elements out of the menu.
    function toSelect(menu, level){
      items = '',
      childLI = $(menu).children('li');
      for (var a = 0; a < childLI.length; a++){
        var list = childLI.eq(a), parent = list.children('a, span');
        for (var b = 0; b < parent.length; b++){
          item = parent.eq(b),
          path ='a') ? item.attr('href') : '',
          // Class names modification.
          itemClone = item.clone(),
          classes = (options.hyperlinkClasses) ? ((options.excludeClass_hyperlink && itemClone.hasClass(options.excludeClass_hyperlink)) ? itemClone.removeClass(options.excludeClass_hyperlink).attr('class') : itemClone.attr('class')) : '',
          classes = (options.includeClass_hyperlink && !itemClone.hasClass(options.includeClass_hyperlink)) ? ((options.hyperlinkClasses) ? itemClone.addClass(options.includeClass_hyperlink).attr('class') : options.includeClass_hyperlink) : classes;
          // Retaining the active class if requested.
          if (options.addSelected && item.hasClass('active')){
            classes += ' active';
          // <option> has to be disabled if the item is not a link.
          disable ='span') || item.attr('href')=='#' ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '',
          // Crystal clear.
          subIndicator = 1 < level ? Array(level).join('-') + ' ' : '';
          // Preparing the <option> element.
          items += '<option value="' + path + '" class="' + classes + '"' + disable + '>' + subIndicator + $.trim(item.text()) +'</option>',
          childUL = list.find('> ul');
          // Using the function for the sub-menu of this item.
          for (var u = 0; u < childUL.length; u++){
            items += toSelect(childUL.eq(u), level + 1);
      return items;

    // Create the new version, hide the original.
    function convert(menu){
      var menuID = menu.attr('id'),
      // Creating a refined version of the menu.
      refinedMenu = refine(menu);
      // Currently the plugin provides two reactions to small screens.
      // Converting the menu to a <select> element, and converting to an accordion version of the menu.
      if (options.type == 'accordion'){
        toggleID = menuID + '-toggle',
        accordionID = menuID + '-accordion';
        // Making sure the accordion does not exist.
        if ($('#' + accordionID).length == 0){
          // Getting the style class.
          styleClass = menu.attr('class').split(' ').filter(function(item){
            return item.indexOf('sf-style-') > -1 ? item : '';
          // Creating the accordion.
          accordion = $(refinedMenu).attr('id', accordionID);
          // Removing unnecessary classes.
          accordion.removeClass('sf-horizontal sf-vertical sf-navbar sf-shadow sf-js-enabled');
          // Adding necessary classes.
          accordion.addClass('sf-accordion sf-hidden');
          // Removing style attributes and any unnecessary class.
          // Doing the same and making sure all the sub-menus are off-screen (hidden).
          // Creating the accordion toggle switch.
          var toggle = '<div class="sf-accordion-toggle ' + styleClass + '"><a href="#" id="' + toggleID + '"><span>' + options.title + '</span></a></div>';

          // Adding Expand\Collapse buttons if requested.
          if (options.accordionButton == 2){
            var parent = accordion.find('li.menuparent');
            for (var i = 0; i < parent.length; i++){
              parent.eq(i).prepend('<a href="#" class="sf-accordion-button">' + options.expandText + '</a>');
          // Inserting the according and hiding the original menu.

          accordionElement = $('#' + accordionID),
          // Deciding what should be used as accordion buttons.
          buttonElement = (options.accordionButton < 2) ? 'a.menuparent,span.nolink.menuparent' : 'a.sf-accordion-button',
          button = accordionElement.find(buttonElement);

          // Attaching a click event to the toggle switch.
          $('#' + toggleID).bind('click', function(e){
            // Preventing the click.
            // Adding the sf-expanded class.

            if (accordionElement.hasClass('sf-expanded')){
              // If the accordion is already expanded:
              // Hiding its expanded sub-menus and then the accordion itself as well.
              // This is a bit tricky, it's the same trick that has been in use in the main plugin for sometime.
              // Basically we'll add a class that keeps the sub-menu off-screen and still visible,
              // and make it invisible and removing the class one moment before showing or hiding it.
              // This helps screen reader software access all the menu items.
              // Changing the caption of any existing accordion buttons to 'Expand'.
              if (options.accordionButton == 2){
            else {
              // But if it's collapsed,

          // Attaching a click event to the buttons.
          button.bind('click', function(e){
            // Making sure the buttons does not exist already.
            if ($(this).closest('li').children('ul').length > 0){
              // Selecting the parent menu items.
              var parent = $(this).closest('li');
              // Creating and inserting Expand\Collapse buttons to the parent menu items,
              // of course only if not already happened.
              if (options.accordionButton == 1 && parent.children('a.menuparent,span.nolink.menuparent').length > 0 && parent.children('ul').children('li.sf-clone-parent').length == 0){
                // Cloning the hyperlink of the parent menu item.
                cloneLink = parent.children('a.menuparent,span.nolink.menuparent').clone(),
                // Wrapping the hyerplinks in <li>.
                cloneLink = $('<li class="sf-clone-parent" />').html(cloneLink);
                // Adding a helper class and attaching them to the sub-menus.
              // Once the button is clicked, collapse the sub-menu if it's expanded.
              if (parent.hasClass('sf-expanded')){
                parent.children('ul').slideUp('fast', function(){
                  // Doing the accessibility trick after hiding the sub-menu.
                // Changing the caption of the inserted Collapse link to 'Expand', if any is inserted.
                if (options.accordionButton == 2 && parent.children('.sf-accordion-button').length > 0){
              // Otherwise, expand the sub-menu.
              else {
                // Doing the accessibility trick and then showing the sub-menu.
                // Changing the caption of the inserted Expand link to 'Collape', if any is inserted.
                // Hiding any expanded sub-menu of the same level.
                .slideUp('fast', function(){
                  // Doing the accessibility trick after hiding it.
                // Assuming Expand\Collapse buttons do exist, resetting captions, in those hidden sub-menus.
      else {
        // Class names modification.
        menuClone = menu.clone(), classes = (options.menuClasses) ? ((options.excludeClass_menu && menuClone.hasClass(options.excludeClass_menu)) ? menuClone.removeClass(options.excludeClass_menu).attr('class') : menuClone.attr('class')) : '',
        classes = (options.includeClass_menu && !menuClone.hasClass(options.includeClass_menu)) ? ((options.menuClasses) ? menuClone.addClass(options.includeClass_menu).attr('class') : options.includeClass_menu) : classes,
        classes = (classes) ? ' class="' + classes + '"' : '';

        // Making sure the <select> element does not exist already.
        if ($('#' + menuID + '-select').length == 0){
          // Creating the <option> elements.
          var newMenu = toSelect(refinedMenu, 1),
          // Creating the <select> element and assigning an ID and class name.
          selectList = $('<select' + classes + ' id="' + menuID + '-select"/>')
          // Attaching the title and the items to the <select> element.
          .html('<option>' + options.title + '</option>' + newMenu)
          // Attaching an event then.
            // Except for the first option that is the menu title and not a real menu item.
            if ($('option:selected', this).index()){
              window.location = selectList.val();
          // Applying the addSelected option to it.
          if (options.addSelected){
            selectList.find('.active').attr('selected', !0);
          // Finally inserting the <select> element into the document then hiding the original menu.

    // Turn everything back to normal.
    function turnBack(menu){
      id = '#' + menu.attr('id');
      // Removing the small screen version.
      $(id + '-' + options.type).remove();
      // Removing the accordion toggle switch as well.
      if (options.type == 'accordion'){
        $(id + '-toggle').parent('div').remove();
      // Crystal clear!

    // Return original object to support chaining.
    // Although this is unnecessary because of the way the module uses these plugins.
    for (var s = 0; s < this.length; s++){
      menu = $(this).eq(s),
      mode = options.mode;
      // The rest is crystal clear, isn't it? :)
      if (mode == 'always_active'){
      else if (mode == 'window_width'){
        var breakpoint = (options.breakpointUnit == 'em') ? (options.breakpoint * parseFloat($('body').css('font-size'))) : options.breakpoint,
        windowWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth,
        if ((typeof Modernizr === 'undefined' || typeof !== 'function') && windowWidth < breakpoint){
        else if (typeof Modernizr !== 'undefined' && typeof === 'function' &&'(max-width:' + (breakpoint - 1) + 'px)')) {
          timer = setTimeout(function(){
            var windowWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
            if ((typeof Modernizr === 'undefined' || typeof !== 'function') && windowWidth < breakpoint){
            else if (typeof Modernizr !== 'undefined' && typeof === 'function' &&'(max-width:' + (breakpoint - 1) + 'px)')) {
            else {
          }, 50);
      else if (mode == 'useragent_custom'){
        if (options.useragent != ''){
          var ua = RegExp(options.useragent, 'i');
          if (navigator.userAgent.match(ua)){
      else if (mode == 'useragent_predefined' && navigator.userAgent.match(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od|ad)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i)){
    return this;