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Default editorial workflow for content moderation, plus a config form to let site managers turn content moderation on and off for specific content types.
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Rebecca Garabed / HAEBOS - Hybrid Agent and Equation based Behavioral Outbreak Simulator
Apache License 2.0We present a hybrid model which combines the advantages of equation-based compartmental disease models on farms with agent-based stochastic interactions between farms to investigate the effects of producer behavior on a livestock disease outbreak.
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Some miscellaneous code to share
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Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll
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EngWeb / OSU Auth
MIT LicenseRails engine that abstracts out user admin, authentication, roles, and permissions.
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A composer library to bust PHP opcode and realpath caches for atomic deployments. As I rename this cache invalidation library from OpcacheBuster to OpcacheManager, I realize there is only one valid avatar pic for the project (Phil Karlton).
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Code Samples for connecting to the Student ODS in Python, R, and SQL
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Experimental module that extends image_widget_crop's widget with focal_point's capabilities.
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Publishes a feed in Apple News format to be read and incorporated into the alumni app.
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Creates a small container that provides a stunnel bridge between an internal port and an external, SSL-protected port