- Jul 29, 2019
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - creating newsletter and research temps, minot txt updates to evt, news, and langing temps, js for sidebar on newsletter articles
- Jun 19, 2019
Brian Canini authored
- Jun 17, 2019
Brian Canini authored
- Apr 30, 2019
Brian Canini authored
- Apr 18, 2019
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - if statement for fun facts so that no extra space shows if fun facts are blank, removed old js commented out code that's no longer needed, updating styles for event card
- Apr 02, 2019
Brian Canini authored
- Feb 14, 2019
Brian Canini authored
- Jan 29, 2019
Brian Canini authored
- Nov 19, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - p margin updates, fixing homepage block bgcolor and setting it up w/ css VS jquery, adding spacing at btm of page content, fixing slideshow btn widths
- Nov 08, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - debugging hook_form_alter for filters so that new fields work and are displayed correctly, adding js to clear and resubmit people search field, hiding div borders in contactinfo if phone or fax not entered
- Nov 01, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - sass and temp updates, fixing event and news filter display via hook_form_alter, adding padding to cols w/ bgcolor, adding new transparent class to col temps, debugging btn paragraph, fixing a-z glossary bug, removing jquery functions
- Oct 24, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - sass updates, contactinfo and paragraph btn temp updates, js update for news and event filters
- Oct 16, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - sass updates, temp updates, contact info temp and theme function, fixing aside to only appear when sidebar content exists, footer adjustments, paragraph styles
- Oct 11, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - styles & js for filters, styles for footer, debugging btn and slide textbox temps to check for content and not display if none
- Sep 21, 2018
Brian Canini authored
- Sep 17, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - adding default logos to header, setting up btn in theme settings for OSU logo, sass updates, js updates, setting up call out box to not link if no link is entered, debugging fun facts to not display bkd color as txt if not all fun facts are filled in
- Sep 06, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_bootstrap - adding function to .theme for creating var of content type that can be used by paragraph temps, updating mobile menu styles, updating paragraph temps that are used for landing pages so they're positioned appropriately on both land and basic pages
- Aug 20, 2018
Brian Canini authored
asc_botstrap - sass updates, removing header and osu_nav regions, updating fontawesome, adding preprocess function that gives landing page it's own temp, setting up landing page temp, separating header and footer into their own include pages, updating mobile menu display, adding logo check to js
- Aug 13, 2018
bcweaver authored
sass updates, setting up header and footer in their own include files, hard coding osu nav and header images and removing block regions for them, removing extra </div> in accordion for loop that's breaking things, hard coding search box to mobile menu, and updating call out boxes two
- Aug 07, 2018
bcweaver authored