""" Antigen processing neural network implementation """ from __future__ import print_function import time import collections import numpy from .hyperparameters import HyperparameterDefaults from .class1_neural_network import DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE from .flanking_encoding import FlankingEncoding class Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork(object): """ A neural network for antigen processing prediction """ network_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( amino_acid_encoding="BLOSUM62", peptide_max_length=15, n_flank_length=10, c_flank_length=10, flanking_averages=False, convolutional_filters=16, convolutional_kernel_size=8, convolutional_activation="tanh", convolutional_kernel_l1_l2=[0.0001, 0.0001], dropout_rate=0.5, post_convolutional_dense_layer_sizes=[], ) """ Hyperparameters (and their default values) that affect the neural network architecture. """ fit_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( max_epochs=500, validation_split=0.1, early_stopping=True, minibatch_size=256, ) """ Hyperparameters for neural network training. """ early_stopping_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( patience=30, min_delta=0.0, ) """ Hyperparameters for early stopping. """ compile_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( optimizer="adam", learning_rate=None, ) """ Loss and optimizer hyperparameters. Any values supported by keras may be used. """ auxiliary_input_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( ) """ Allele feature hyperparameters. """ hyperparameter_defaults = network_hyperparameter_defaults.extend( fit_hyperparameter_defaults).extend( early_stopping_hyperparameter_defaults).extend( compile_hyperparameter_defaults).extend( auxiliary_input_hyperparameter_defaults) def __init__(self, **hyperparameters): self.hyperparameters = self.hyperparameter_defaults.with_defaults( hyperparameters) self._network = None self.network_json = None self.network_weights = None self.fit_info = [] @property def sequence_lengths(self): """ Supported maximum sequence lengths Returns ------- dict of string -> int Keys are "peptide", "n_flank", "c_flank". Values give the maximum supported sequence length. """ return { "peptide": self.hyperparameters['peptide_max_length'], "n_flank": self.hyperparameters['n_flank_length'], "c_flank": self.hyperparameters['c_flank_length'], } def network(self): """ Return the keras model associated with this network. """ if self._network is None and self.network_json is not None: import keras.models self._network = keras.models.model_from_json(self.network_json) if self.network_weights is not None: self._network.set_weights(self.network_weights) return self._network def update_network_description(self): """ Update self.network_json and self.network_weights properties based on this instances's neural network. """ if self._network is not None: self.network_json = self._network.to_json() self.network_weights = self._network.get_weights() def fit( self, sequences, targets, sample_weights=None, shuffle_permutation=None, verbose=1, progress_callback=None, progress_preamble="", progress_print_interval=5.0): """ Fit the neural network. Parameters ---------- sequences : FlankingEncoding Peptides and upstream/downstream flanking sequences targets : list of float 1 indicates hit, 0 indicates decoy sample_weights : list of float If not specified all samples have equal weight. shuffle_permutation : list of int Permutation (integer list) of same length as peptides and affinities If None, then a random permutation will be generated. verbose : int Keras verbosity level progress_callback : function No-argument function to call after each epoch. progress_preamble : string Optional string of information to include in each progress update progress_print_interval : float How often (in seconds) to print progress update. Set to None to disable. """ x_dict = self.network_input(sequences) # Shuffle if shuffle_permutation is None: shuffle_permutation = numpy.random.permutation(len(targets)) targets = targets[shuffle_permutation] assert numpy.isnan(targets).sum() == 0, targets if sample_weights is not None: sample_weights = numpy.array(sample_weights)[shuffle_permutation] for key in list(x_dict): x_dict[key] = x_dict[key][shuffle_permutation] fit_info = collections.defaultdict(list) if self._network is None: self._network = self.make_network( **self.network_hyperparameter_defaults.subselect( self.hyperparameters)) if verbose > -1: self._network.summary() self.network().compile( loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer=self.hyperparameters['optimizer']) last_progress_print = None min_val_loss_iteration = None min_val_loss = None start = time.time() for i in range(self.hyperparameters['max_epochs']): epoch_start = time.time() fit_history = self.network().fit( x_dict, targets, validation_split=self.hyperparameters['validation_split'], batch_size=self.hyperparameters['minibatch_size'], epochs=i + 1, sample_weight=sample_weights, initial_epoch=i, verbose=verbose) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start for (key, value) in fit_history.history.items(): fit_info[key].extend(value) # Print progress no more often than once every few seconds. if progress_print_interval is not None and ( not last_progress_print or ( time.time() - last_progress_print > progress_print_interval)): print((progress_preamble + " " + "Epoch %3d / %3d [%0.2f sec]: loss=%g. " "Min val loss (%s) at epoch %s" % ( i, self.hyperparameters['max_epochs'], epoch_time, fit_info['loss'][-1], str(min_val_loss), min_val_loss_iteration)).strip()) last_progress_print = time.time() if self.hyperparameters['validation_split']: val_loss = fit_info['val_loss'][-1] if min_val_loss is None or ( val_loss < min_val_loss - self.hyperparameters['min_delta']): min_val_loss = val_loss min_val_loss_iteration = i if self.hyperparameters['early_stopping']: threshold = ( min_val_loss_iteration + self.hyperparameters['patience']) if i > threshold: if progress_print_interval is not None: print((progress_preamble + " " + "Stopping at epoch %3d / %3d: loss=%g. " "Min val loss (%g) at epoch %s" % ( i, self.hyperparameters['max_epochs'], fit_info['loss'][-1], ( min_val_loss if min_val_loss is not None else numpy.nan), min_val_loss_iteration)).strip()) break if progress_callback: progress_callback() fit_info["time"] = time.time() - start fit_info["num_points"] = len(sequences.dataframe) self.fit_info.append(dict(fit_info)) if verbose > -1: print( "Output weights", *numpy.array( self.network().get_layer( "output").get_weights()).flatten()) def predict( self, peptides, n_flanks=None, c_flanks=None, batch_size=DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE): """ Predict antigen processing. Parameters ---------- peptides : list of string Peptide sequences n_flanks : list of string Upstream sequence before each peptide c_flanks : list of string Downstream sequence after each peptide batch_size : int Prediction keras batch size. Returns ------- numpy.array Processing scores. Range is 0-1, higher indicates more favorable processing. """ if n_flanks is None: n_flanks = [""] * len(peptides) if c_flanks is None: c_flanks = [""] * len(peptides) sequences = FlankingEncoding( peptides=peptides, n_flanks=n_flanks, c_flanks=c_flanks) return self.predict_encoded(sequences=sequences, batch_size=batch_size) def predict_encoded( self, sequences, batch_size=DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE): """ Predict antigen processing. Parameters ---------- sequences : FlankingEncoding Peptides and flanking sequences batch_size : int Prediction keras batch size. Returns ------- numpy.array """ x_dict = self.network_input(sequences) raw_predictions = self.network().predict( x_dict, batch_size=batch_size) predictions = numpy.squeeze(raw_predictions).astype("float64") return predictions def network_input(self, sequences): """ Encode peptides to the fixed-length encoding expected by the neural network (which depends on the architecture). Parameters ---------- sequences : FlankingEncoding Peptides and flanking sequences Returns ------- numpy.array """ encoded = sequences.vector_encode( self.hyperparameters['amino_acid_encoding'], self.hyperparameters['peptide_max_length'], n_flank_length=self.hyperparameters['n_flank_length'], c_flank_length=self.hyperparameters['c_flank_length'], allow_unsupported_amino_acids=True) result = { "sequence": encoded.array, "peptide_length": encoded.peptide_lengths, } return result def make_network( self, amino_acid_encoding, peptide_max_length, n_flank_length, c_flank_length, flanking_averages, convolutional_filters, convolutional_kernel_size, convolutional_activation, convolutional_kernel_l1_l2, dropout_rate, post_convolutional_dense_layer_sizes): """ Helper function to make a keras network given hyperparameters. """ # We import keras here to avoid tensorflow debug output, etc. unless we # are actually about to use Keras. from keras.layers import Input import keras.initializers from keras.layers.core import Dense, Flatten, Dropout from keras.layers.merge import Concatenate model_inputs = {} empty_x_dict = self.network_input(FlankingEncoding([], [], [])) sequence_dims = empty_x_dict['sequence'].shape[1:] numpy.testing.assert_equal( sequence_dims[0], peptide_max_length + n_flank_length + c_flank_length) model_inputs['sequence'] = Input( shape=sequence_dims, dtype='float32', name='sequence') model_inputs['peptide_length'] = Input( shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='peptide_length') current_layer = model_inputs['sequence'] current_layer = keras.layers.Conv1D( filters=convolutional_filters, kernel_size=convolutional_kernel_size, kernel_regularizer=keras.regularizers.l1_l2( *convolutional_kernel_l1_l2), padding="same", activation=convolutional_activation, name="conv1")(current_layer) if dropout_rate > 0: current_layer = keras.layers.Dropout( name="conv1_dropout", rate=dropout_rate, noise_shape=( None, 1, int(current_layer.get_shape()[-1])))( current_layer) convolutional_result = current_layer outputs_for_final_dense = [] for flank in ["n_flank", "c_flank"]: current_layer = convolutional_result for (i, size) in enumerate( list(post_convolutional_dense_layer_sizes) + [1]): current_layer = keras.layers.Conv1D( name="%s_post_%d" % (flank, i), filters=size, kernel_size=1, kernel_regularizer=keras.regularizers.l1_l2( *convolutional_kernel_l1_l2), activation=( "tanh" if size == 1 else convolutional_activation ))(current_layer) single_output_result = current_layer dense_flank = None if flank == "n_flank": def cleavage_extractor(x): return x[:, n_flank_length] single_output_at_cleavage_position = keras.layers.Lambda( cleavage_extractor, name="%s_cleaved" % flank)( single_output_result) def max_pool_over_peptide_extractor(lst): import tensorflow as tf (x, peptide_length) = lst # We generate a per-sample mask that is 1 for all peptide # positions except the first position, and 0 for all other # positions (i.e. n flank, c flank, and the first peptide # position). starts = n_flank_length + 1 limits = n_flank_length + peptide_length row = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, x.shape[1]), axis=0) mask = tf.logical_and( tf.greater_equal(row, starts), tf.less(row, limits)) # We are assuming that x >= -1. The final activation in the # previous layer should be a function that satisfies this # (e.g. sigmoid, tanh, relu). max_value = tf.reduce_max( (x + 1) * tf.expand_dims( tf.cast(mask, tf.float32), axis=-1), axis=1) - 1 # We flip the sign so that initializing the final dense # layer weights to 1s is reasonable. return -1 * max_value max_over_peptide = keras.layers.Lambda( max_pool_over_peptide_extractor, name="%s_internal_cleaved" % flank)([ single_output_result, model_inputs['peptide_length'] ]) def flanking_extractor(lst): import tensorflow as tf (x, peptide_length) = lst # mask is 1 for n_flank positions and 0 elsewhere. starts = 0 limits = n_flank_length row = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, x.shape[1]), axis=0) mask = tf.logical_and( tf.greater_equal(row, starts), tf.less(row, limits)) # We are assuming that x >= -1. The final activation in the # previous layer should be a function that satisfies this # (e.g. sigmoid, tanh, relu). average_value = tf.reduce_mean( (x + 1) * tf.expand_dims( tf.cast(mask, tf.float32), axis=-1), axis=1) - 1 return average_value if flanking_averages and n_flank_length > 0: # Also include average pooled of flanking sequences pooled_flank = keras.layers.Lambda( flanking_extractor, name="%s_extracted" % flank)([ convolutional_result, model_inputs['peptide_length'] ]) dense_flank = Dense( 1, activation="tanh", name="%s_avg_dense" % flank)( pooled_flank) else: assert flank == "c_flank" def cleavage_extractor(lst): import tensorflow as tf (x, peptide_length) = lst indexer = peptide_length + n_flank_length - 1 result = tf.squeeze( tf.gather(x, indexer, batch_dims=1, axis=1), -1) return result single_output_at_cleavage_position = keras.layers.Lambda( cleavage_extractor, name="%s_cleaved" % flank)([ single_output_result, model_inputs['peptide_length'] ]) def max_pool_over_peptide_extractor(lst): import tensorflow as tf (x, peptide_length) = lst # We generate a per-sample mask that is 1 for all peptide # positions except the last position, and 0 for all other # positions (i.e. n flank, c flank, and the last peptide # position). starts = n_flank_length limits = n_flank_length + peptide_length - 1 row = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, x.shape[1]), axis=0) mask = tf.logical_and( tf.greater_equal(row, starts), tf.less(row, limits)) # We are assuming that x >= -1. The final activation in the # previous layer should be a function that satisfies this # (e.g. sigmoid, tanh, relu). max_value = tf.reduce_max( (x + 1) * tf.expand_dims( tf.cast(mask, tf.float32), axis=-1), axis=1) - 1 # We flip the sign so that initializing the final dense # layer weights to 1s is reasonable. return -1 * max_value max_over_peptide = keras.layers.Lambda( max_pool_over_peptide_extractor, name="%s_internal_cleaved" % flank)([ single_output_result, model_inputs['peptide_length'] ]) def flanking_extractor(lst): import tensorflow as tf (x, peptide_length) = lst # mask is 1 for c_flank positions and 0 elsewhere. starts = n_flank_length + peptide_length limits = n_flank_length + peptide_length + c_flank_length row = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, x.shape[1]), axis=0) mask = tf.logical_and( tf.greater_equal(row, starts), tf.less(row, limits)) # We are assuming that x >= -1. The final activation in the # previous layer should be a function that satisfies this # (e.g. sigmoid, tanh, relu). average_value = tf.reduce_mean( (x + 1) * tf.expand_dims( tf.cast(mask, tf.float32), axis=-1), axis=1) - 1 return average_value if flanking_averages and c_flank_length > 0: # Also include average pooled of flanking sequences pooled_flank = keras.layers.Lambda( flanking_extractor, name="%s_extracted" % flank)([ convolutional_result, model_inputs['peptide_length'] ]) dense_flank = Dense( 1, activation="tanh", name="%s_avg_dense" % flank)( pooled_flank) outputs_for_final_dense.append(single_output_at_cleavage_position) outputs_for_final_dense.append(max_over_peptide) if dense_flank is not None: outputs_for_final_dense.append(dense_flank) if len(outputs_for_final_dense) == 1: (current_layer,) = outputs_for_final_dense else: current_layer = Concatenate(name="final")(outputs_for_final_dense) output = Dense( 1, activation="sigmoid", name="output", kernel_initializer=keras.initializers.Ones(), )(current_layer) model = keras.models.Model( inputs=[model_inputs[name] for name in sorted(model_inputs)], outputs=[output], name="predictor") return model def __getstate__(self): """ serialize to a dict. Model weights are included. For pickle support. Returns ------- dict """ self.update_network_description() result = dict(self.__dict__) result['_network'] = None return result def __setstate__(self, state): """ Deserialize. For pickle support. """ self.__dict__.update(state) def get_weights(self): """ Get the network weights Returns ------- list of numpy.array giving weights for each layer or None if there is no network """ self.update_network_description() return self.network_weights def get_config(self): """ serialize to a dict all attributes except model weights Returns ------- dict """ self.update_network_description() result = dict(self.__dict__) del result['_network'] result['network_weights'] = None return result @classmethod def from_config(cls, config, weights=None): """ deserialize from a dict returned by get_config(). Parameters ---------- config : dict weights : list of array, optional Network weights to restore Returns ------- Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork """ config = dict(config) instance = cls(**config.pop('hyperparameters')) instance.__dict__.update(config) instance.network_weights = weights assert instance._network is None return instance