diff --git a/mhcflurry/class1_presentation_predictor.py b/mhcflurry/class1_presentation_predictor.py
index 30e535bfbf64c614de6c0659f556010d0351d04f..6bbeb08de509319ad81b4d0f29cf124ecbfdf3ff 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/class1_presentation_predictor.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/class1_presentation_predictor.py
@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ class Class1PresentationPredictor(object):
     A logistic regression model over predicted binding affinity (BA) and antigen
     processing (AP) score.
+    Instances of this class delegate to Class1AffinityPredictor and
+    Class1ProcessingPredictor instances to generate BA and AP predictions.
+    These predictions are combined using a logistic regression model to give
+    a "presentation score" prediction.
     See load() and predict() methods for basic usage.
     model_inputs = ["affinity_score", "processing_score"]
@@ -77,65 +82,124 @@ class Class1PresentationPredictor(object):
     def predict_affinity(
-            experiment_names,
+            experiment_names=None,
+        Predict binding affinities.
-        peptides
-        experiment_names
-        alleles
-        include_affinity_percentile
-        verbose
-        throw
+        peptides : list of string
+        experiment_names : list of string [same length as peptides]
+            Sample names corresponding to each peptide. These are used to
+            lookup the alleles for each peptide in the alleles dict.
+        alleles : dict of string -> list of string
+            Keys are experiment names, values are the alleles for that sample
+        include_affinity_percentile : bool
+            Whether to include affinity percentile ranks
+        verbose : int
+            Set to 0 for quiet.
+        throw : verbose
+            Whether to throw exception (vs. just log a warning) on invalid
+            peptides, etc.
+        pandas.DataFrame : predictions
         df = pandas.DataFrame({
             "peptide": numpy.array(peptides, copy=False),
-            "experiment_name": numpy.array(experiment_names, copy=False),
+        if experiment_names is None:
+            peptides = EncodableSequences.create(peptides)
+            all_alleles = set()
+            for lst in alleles.values():
+                all_alleles.update(lst)
-        iterator = df.groupby("experiment_name")
-        if verbose > 0:
-            print("Predicting affinities.")
-            if tqdm is not None:
-                iterator = tqdm.tqdm(
-                    iterator, total=df.experiment_name.nunique())
+            iterator = sorted(all_alleles)
+            if verbose > 0:
+                print("Predicting affinities.")
+                if tqdm is not None:
+                    iterator = tqdm.tqdm(iterator, total=len(all_alleles))
-        for (experiment, sub_df) in iterator:
-            predictions_df = pandas.DataFrame(index=sub_df.index)
-            experiment_peptides = EncodableSequences.create(sub_df.peptide.values)
-            for allele in alleles[experiment]:
+            predictions_df = pandas.DataFrame(index=df.index)
+            for allele in iterator:
                 predictions_df[allele] = self.affinity_predictor.predict(
-                    peptides=experiment_peptides,
+                    peptides=peptides,
                     model_kwargs={'batch_size': PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE},
-            df.loc[
-                sub_df.index, "affinity"
-            ] = predictions_df.min(1).values
-            df.loc[
-                sub_df.index, "best_allele"
-            ] = predictions_df.idxmin(1).values
-            if include_affinity_percentile:
-                df.loc[sub_df.index, "affinity_percentile"] = (
-                    self.affinity_predictor.percentile_ranks(
-                        df.loc[sub_df.index, "affinity"].values,
-                        alleles=df.loc[sub_df.index, "best_allele"].values,
-                        throw=False))
-        return df
+            dfs = []
+            for (experiment_name, experiment_alleles) in alleles.items():
+                new_df = df.copy()
+                new_df["experiment_name"] = experiment_name
+                new_df["affinity"] = predictions_df[
+                    experiment_alleles
+                ].min(1).values
+                new_df["best_allele"] = predictions_df[
+                    experiment_alleles
+                ].idxmin(1).values
+            result_df = pandas.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
+        else:
+            df["experiment_name"] = numpy.array(experiment_names, copy=False)
+            iterator = df.groupby("experiment_name")
+            if verbose > 0:
+                print("Predicting affinities.")
+                if tqdm is not None:
+                    iterator = tqdm.tqdm(
+                        iterator, total=df.experiment_name.nunique())
+            for (experiment, sub_df) in iterator:
+                predictions_df = pandas.DataFrame(index=sub_df.index)
+                experiment_peptides = EncodableSequences.create(sub_df.peptide.values)
+                for allele in alleles[experiment]:
+                    predictions_df[allele] = self.affinity_predictor.predict(
+                        peptides=experiment_peptides,
+                        allele=allele,
+                        model_kwargs={'batch_size': PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE},
+                        throw=throw)
+                df.loc[
+                    sub_df.index, "affinity"
+                ] = predictions_df.min(1).values
+                df.loc[
+                    sub_df.index, "best_allele"
+                ] = predictions_df.idxmin(1).values
+            result_df = df
+        if include_affinity_percentile:
+            result_df["affinity_percentile"] = (
+                self.affinity_predictor.percentile_ranks(
+                    df.affinity.values,
+                    alleles=df.best_alleles.values,
+                    throw=False))
+        return result_df
     def predict_processing(
             self, peptides, n_flanks=None, c_flanks=None, verbose=1):
+        """
+        Predict antigen processing scores for individual peptides, optionally
+        including flanking sequences for better cleavage prediction.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        peptides : list of string
+        n_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides]
+        c_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides]
+        verbose  : int
+        Returns
+        -------
+        numpy.array : Antigen processing scores for each peptide
+        """
         if (n_flanks is None) != (c_flanks is None):
             raise ValueError("Specify both or neither of n_flanks, c_flanks")
@@ -181,11 +245,26 @@ class Class1PresentationPredictor(object):
+        """
+        Fit the presentation score logistic regression model.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        targets : list of int/float
+            1 indicates hit, 0 indicates decoy
+        peptides : list of string [same length as targets]
+        experiment_names : list of string [same length as targets]
+        alleles : dict of string -> list of string
+            Keys are experiment names, values are the alleles for that sample
+        n_flanks : list of string [same length as targets]
+        c_flanks : list of string [same length as targets]
+        verbose : int
+        """
         df = self.predict_affinity(
-            experiment_names=experiment_names,
+            experiment_names=experiment_names,
         df["affinity_score"] = from_ic50(df.affinity)
         df["target"] = numpy.array(targets, copy=False)
@@ -232,6 +311,20 @@ class Class1PresentationPredictor(object):
             self._models_cache[model_name] = model
     def get_model(self, name=None):
+        """
+        Load or instantiate a new logistic regression model. Private helper
+        method.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        name : string
+            If None (the default), an un-fit LR model is returned. Otherwise the
+            weights are loaded for the specified model.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression
+        """
         if name is None or name not in self._models_cache:
             model = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression(solver="lbfgs")
             if name is not None:
@@ -255,18 +348,41 @@ class Class1PresentationPredictor(object):
         Predict presentation scores across a set of peptides.
+        Presentation scores combine predictions for MHC I binding affinity
+        and antigen processing.
+        For intermediate results, see the `predict_to_dataframe` method.
-        peptides : list of string, or EncodableSequences
+        peptides : list of string
+            Peptide sequences
         alleles : list of string or string -> string dict
-        experiment_names :
-        n_flanks
-        c_flanks
-        verbose
+            If you are predicting for a single sample, pass a list of strings
+            (up to 6) indicating the genotype. If you are predicting across
+            multiple samples, pass a dict where the keys are (arbitrary)
+            experiment names and the values are the alleles to predict for that
+            sample.
+        experiment_names : list of string [same length as peptides]
+            If you are passing a dict for 'alleles', use this argument to
+            specify which peptides go with which experiments.
+        n_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides]
+            Upstream sequences before the peptide. Sequences of any length can
+            be given and a suffix of the size supported by the model will be
+            used.
+        c_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides]
+            Downstream sequences after the peptide. Sequences of any length can
+            be given and a prefix of the size supported by the model will be
+            used.
+        verbose : int
+            Set to 0 for quiet mode.
+        numpy.array
+        Presentation scores for each peptide. Scores range from 0 to 1, with
+        higher values indicating more favorable presentation likelihood.
         return self.predict_to_dataframe(
@@ -276,6 +392,121 @@ class Class1PresentationPredictor(object):
+    def predict_to_dataframe(
+            self,
+            peptides,
+            alleles,
+            experiment_names=None,
+            n_flanks=None,
+            c_flanks=None,
+            include_affinity_percentile=False,
+            verbose=1,
+            throw=True):
+        """
+        Predict presentation scores across a set of peptides.
+        Presentation scores combine predictions for MHC I binding affinity
+        and antigen processing.
+        This method returns a pandas.DataFrame giving presentation scores plus
+        the binding affinity and processing predictions and other intermediate
+        results.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        peptides : list of string
+            Peptide sequences
+        alleles : list of string or string -> string dict
+            If you are predicting for a single sample, pass a list of strings
+            (up to 6) indicating the genotype. If you are predicting across
+            multiple samples, pass a dict where the keys are (arbitrary)
+            experiment names and the values are the alleles to predict for that
+            sample.
+        experiment_names : list of string [same length as peptides]
+            If you are passing a dict for 'alleles', use this argument to
+            specify which peptides go with which experiments.
+        n_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides]
+            Upstream sequences before the peptide. Sequences of any length can
+            be given and a suffix of the size supported by the model will be
+            used.
+        c_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides]
+            Downstream sequences after the peptide. Sequences of any length can
+            be given and a prefix of the size supported by the model will be
+            used.
+        include_affinity_percentile : bool
+            Whether to include affinity percentile ranks
+        verbose : int
+            Set to 0 for quiet.
+        throw : verbose
+            Whether to throw exception (vs. just log a warning) on invalid
+            peptides, etc.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        pandas.DataFrame
+        Presentation scores and intermediate results.
+        """
+        if isinstance(peptides, string_types):
+            raise TypeError("peptides must be a list not a string")
+        if isinstance(alleles, string_types):
+            raise TypeError("alleles must be a list or dict")
+        if isinstance(alleles, dict):
+            if experiment_names is None:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "experiment_names must be supplied when alleles is a dict")
+        else:
+            if experiment_names is not None:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "alleles must be a dict when experiment_names is specified")
+            alleles = numpy.array(alleles, copy=False)
+            if len(alleles) > MAX_ALLELES_PER_SAMPLE:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "When alleles is a list, it must have at most %d elements. "
+                    "These alleles are taken to be a genotype for an "
+                    "individual, and the strongest prediction across alleles "
+                    "will be taken for each peptide. Note that this differs "
+                    "from Class1AffinityPredictor.predict(), where alleles "
+                    "is expected to be the same length as peptides."
+                    % MAX_ALLELES_PER_SAMPLE)
+            experiment_names = ["experiment1"] * len(peptides)
+            alleles = {
+                "experiment1": alleles,
+            }
+        if (n_flanks is None) != (c_flanks is None):
+            raise ValueError("Specify both or neither of n_flanks, c_flanks")
+        processing_scores = self.predict_processing(
+            peptides=peptides,
+            n_flanks=n_flanks,
+            c_flanks=c_flanks,
+            verbose=verbose)
+        df = self.predict_affinity(
+            peptides=peptides,
+            experiment_names=experiment_names,
+            alleles=alleles,
+            include_affinity_percentile=include_affinity_percentile,
+            verbose=verbose,
+            throw=throw)
+        df["affinity_score"] = from_ic50(df.affinity)
+        df["processing_score"] = processing_scores
+        if c_flanks is not None:
+            df.insert(1, "c_flank", c_flanks)
+        if n_flanks is not None:
+            df.insert(1, "n_flank", n_flanks)
+        model_name = 'with_flanks' if n_flanks is not None else "without_flanks"
+        model = self.get_model(model_name)
+        df["presentation_score"] = model.predict_proba(
+            df[self.model_inputs].values)[:,1]
+        del df["affinity_score"]
+        return df
     def predict_sequences(
@@ -306,8 +537,8 @@ class Class1PresentationPredictor(object):
             One of:
              - "best": return the strongest peptide for each sequence
              - "all": return predictions for all peptides
-             - "filtered": return predictions stronger where comparison_quantity
-               is stronger than filter_value.
+             - "filtered": return predictions where comparison_quantity is
+             stronger (i.e (<) for affinity, (>) for scores) than filter_value.
         comparison_quantity : string
             One of "presentation_score", "processing_score", or "affinity".
             Quantity to use to rank (if result is "best") or filter (if result
@@ -443,100 +674,14 @@ class Class1PresentationPredictor(object):
         return result_df
-    def predict_to_dataframe(
-            self,
-            peptides,
-            alleles,
-            experiment_names=None,
-            n_flanks=None,
-            c_flanks=None,
-            include_affinity_percentile=False,
-            verbose=1,
-            throw=True):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        peptides
-        alleles
-        experiment_names
-        n_flanks
-        c_flanks
-        include_affinity_percentile
-        verbose
-        throw
-        Returns
-        -------
-        """
-        if isinstance(peptides, string_types):
-            raise TypeError("peptides must be a list not a string")
-        if isinstance(alleles, string_types):
-            raise TypeError("alleles must be a list or dict")
-        if isinstance(alleles, dict):
-            if experiment_names is None:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "experiment_names must be supplied when alleles is a dict")
-        else:
-            if experiment_names is not None:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "alleles must be a dict when experiment_names is specified")
-            alleles = numpy.array(alleles, copy=False)
-            if len(alleles) > MAX_ALLELES_PER_SAMPLE:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "When alleles is a list, it must have at most %d elements. "
-                    "These alleles are taken to be a genotype for an "
-                    "individual, and the strongest prediction across alleles "
-                    "will be taken for each peptide. Note that this differs "
-                    "from Class1AffinityPredictor.predict(), where alleles "
-                    "is expected to be the same length as peptides."
-                    % MAX_ALLELES_PER_SAMPLE)
-            experiment_names = ["experiment1"] * len(peptides)
-            alleles = {
-                "experiment1": alleles,
-            }
-        if (n_flanks is None) != (c_flanks is None):
-            raise ValueError("Specify both or neither of n_flanks, c_flanks")
-        processing_scores = self.predict_processing(
-            peptides=peptides,
-            n_flanks=n_flanks,
-            c_flanks=c_flanks,
-            verbose=verbose)
-        df = self.predict_affinity(
-            peptides=peptides,
-            experiment_names=experiment_names,
-            alleles=alleles,
-            include_affinity_percentile=include_affinity_percentile,
-            verbose=verbose,
-            throw=throw)
-        df["affinity_score"] = from_ic50(df.affinity)
-        df["processing_score"] = processing_scores
-        if c_flanks is not None:
-            df.insert(1, "c_flank", c_flanks)
-        if n_flanks is not None:
-            df.insert(1, "n_flank", n_flanks)
-        model_name = 'with_flanks' if n_flanks is not None else "without_flanks"
-        model = self.get_model(model_name)
-        df["presentation_score"] = model.predict_proba(
-            df[self.model_inputs].values)[:,1]
-        del df["affinity_score"]
-        return df
     def save(self, models_dir):
-        Serialize the predictor to a directory on disk. If the directory does
+        Save the predictor to a directory on disk. If the directory does
         not exist it will be created.
+        The wrapped Class1AffinityPredictor and Class1ProcessingPredictor
+        instances are included in the saved data.
         models_dir : string
@@ -583,6 +728,9 @@ class Class1PresentationPredictor(object):
         Deserialize a predictor from a directory on disk.
+        This will also load the wrapped Class1AffinityPredictor and
+        Class1ProcessingPredictor instances.
         models_dir : string
diff --git a/mhcflurry/class1_processing_neural_network.py b/mhcflurry/class1_processing_neural_network.py
index 1a7643b7fd85a57a78ee4248e68d8e42c261f36c..5a8e322ba8165de33b0bdaff86b05c3eacf371b3 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/class1_processing_neural_network.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/class1_processing_neural_network.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Antigen processing models
+Antigen processing neural network implementation
 from __future__ import print_function
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 import time
 import collections
 import numpy
-import pandas
 from .hyperparameters import HyperparameterDefaults
 from .class1_neural_network import DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE
@@ -15,6 +14,9 @@ from .flanking_encoding import FlankingEncoding
 class Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork(object):
+    """
+    A neural network for antigen processing prediction
+    """
     network_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults(
@@ -82,6 +84,16 @@ class Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork(object):
     def sequence_lengths(self):
+        """
+        Supported maximum sequence lengths
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict of string -> int
+        Keys are "peptide", "n_flank", "c_flank". Values give the maximum
+        supported sequence length.
+        """
         return {
             "peptide": self.hyperparameters['peptide_max_length'],
             "n_flank": self.hyperparameters['n_flank_length'],
@@ -119,18 +131,28 @@ class Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork(object):
+        Fit the neural network.
-        peptides
-        n_flanks
-        c_flanks
-        targets : array of {0, 1} indicating hits (1) or decoys (0)
-        Returns
-        -------
+        sequences : FlankingEncoding
+            Peptides and upstream/downstream flanking sequences
+        targets : list of float
+            1 indicates hit, 0 indicates decoy
+        sample_weights : list of float
+            If not specified all samples have equal weight.
+        shuffle_permutation : list of int
+            Permutation (integer list) of same length as peptides and affinities
+            If None, then a random permutation will be generated.
+        verbose : int
+            Keras verbosity level
+        progress_callback : function
+            No-argument function to call after each epoch.
+        progress_preamble : string
+            Optional string of information to include in each progress update
+        progress_print_interval : float
+            How often (in seconds) to print progress update. Set to None to
+            disable.
         x_dict = self.network_input(sequences)
@@ -236,9 +258,35 @@ class Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork(object):
     def predict(
-            n_flanks,
-            c_flanks,
+            n_flanks=None,
+            c_flanks=None,
+        """
+        Predict antigen processing.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        peptides : list of string
+            Peptide sequences
+        n_flanks : list of string
+            Upstream sequence before each peptide
+        c_flanks : list of string
+            Downstream sequence after each peptide
+        batch_size : int
+            Prediction keras batch size.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        numpy.array
+        Processing scores. Range is 0-1, higher indicates more favorable
+        processing.
+        """
+        if n_flanks is None:
+            n_flanks = [""] * len(peptides)
+        if c_flanks is None:
+            c_flanks = [""] * len(peptides)
         sequences = FlankingEncoding(
             peptides=peptides, n_flanks=n_flanks, c_flanks=c_flanks)
         return self.predict_encoded(sequences=sequences, batch_size=batch_size)
@@ -248,6 +296,18 @@ class Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork(object):
+        Predict antigen processing.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sequences : FlankingEncoding
+            Peptides and flanking sequences
+        batch_size : int
+            Prediction keras batch size.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        numpy.array
         x_dict = self.network_input(sequences)
         raw_predictions = self.network().predict(
@@ -262,7 +322,8 @@ class Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork(object):
-        peptides : EncodableSequences or list of string
+        sequences : FlankingEncoding
+            Peptides and flanking sequences
@@ -295,14 +356,13 @@ class Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork(object):
-        Helper function to make a keras network
+        Helper function to make a keras network given hyperparameters.
         # We import keras here to avoid tensorflow debug output, etc. unless we
         # are actually about to use Keras.
         from keras.layers import Input
-        import keras.layers.pooling
         import keras.initializers
         from keras.layers.core import Dense, Flatten, Dropout
         from keras.layers.merge import Concatenate
@@ -597,8 +657,6 @@ class Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork(object):
         config : dict
         weights : list of array, optional
             Network weights to restore
-        weights_loader : callable, optional
-            Function to call (no arguments) to load weights when needed
diff --git a/mhcflurry/class1_processing_predictor.py b/mhcflurry/class1_processing_predictor.py
index 5e29e6516afe6c604800b8b8533f3864844c0e37..3a0aa4b2303ba7b7ab94470681321c5aab112bc9 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/class1_processing_predictor.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/class1_processing_predictor.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import json
 import hashlib
 import logging
 import collections
-from six import string_types
 import numpy
 import pandas
@@ -24,11 +23,32 @@ from .common import save_weights, load_weights, NumpyJSONEncoder
 class Class1ProcessingPredictor(object):
+    """
+    User-facing interface to antigen processing prediction.
+    Delegates to an ensemble of Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork instances.
+    """
     def __init__(
+        """
+        Instantiate a new Class1ProcessingPredictor
+        Users will generally call load() to restore a saved predictor rather
+        than using this constructor.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        models : list of Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork
+            Neural networks in the ensemble.
+        manifest_df : pandas.DataFrame
+            Manifest dataframe. If not specified a new one will be created when
+            needed.
+        metadata_dataframes : dict of string -> pandas.DataFrame
+            Arbitrary metadata associated with this predictor
+        """
         self.models = models
         self._manifest_df = manifest_df
         self.metadata_dataframes = (
@@ -36,6 +56,22 @@ class Class1ProcessingPredictor(object):
     def sequence_lengths(self):
+        """
+        Supported maximum sequence lengths.
+        Passing a peptide greater than the maximum supported length results
+        in an error.
+        Passing an N- or C-flank sequence greater than the maximum supported
+        length results in some part of it being ignored.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict of string -> int
+        Keys are "peptide", "n_flank", "c_flank". Values give the maximum
+        supported sequence length.
+        """
         df = pandas.DataFrame([model.sequence_lengths for model in self.models])
         return {
             "peptide": df.peptide.min(),  # min: anything greater is error
@@ -44,6 +80,19 @@ class Class1ProcessingPredictor(object):
     def add_models(self, models):
+        """
+        Add models to the ensemble (in-place).
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        models : list of Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list of string
+        Names of the new models.
+        """
         new_model_names = []
         original_manifest = self.manifest_df
         new_manifest_rows = []
@@ -125,10 +174,30 @@ class Class1ProcessingPredictor(object):
     def predict(
-            n_flanks,
-            c_flanks,
+            n_flanks=None,
+            c_flanks=None,
+        """
+        Predict antigen processing.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        peptides : list of string
+            Peptide sequences
+        n_flanks : list of string
+            Upstream sequence before each peptide
+        c_flanks : list of string
+            Downstream sequence after each peptide
+        batch_size : int
+            Prediction keras batch size.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        numpy.array
+        Processing scores. Range is 0-1, higher indicates more favorable
+        processing.
+        """
         return self.predict_to_dataframe(
@@ -138,9 +207,26 @@ class Class1ProcessingPredictor(object):
     def predict_to_dataframe(
-            n_flanks,
-            c_flanks,
+            n_flanks=None,
+            c_flanks=None,
+        """
+        Predict antigen processing.
+        See `predict` method for parameter descriptions.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        pandas.DataFrame
+        Processing predictions are in the "score" column. Also includes
+        peptides and flanking sequences.
+        """
+        if n_flanks is None:
+            n_flanks = [""] * len(peptides)
+        if c_flanks is None:
+            c_flanks = [""] * len(peptides)
         sequences = FlankingEncoding(
             peptides=peptides, n_flanks=n_flanks, c_flanks=c_flanks)
@@ -149,6 +235,20 @@ class Class1ProcessingPredictor(object):
     def predict_to_dataframe_encoded(
             self, sequences, batch_size=DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE):
+        """
+        Predict antigen processing.
+        See `predict` method for more information.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sequences : FlankingEncoding
+        batch_size : int
+        Returns
+        -------
+        pandas.DataFrame
+        """
         score_array = []
diff --git a/mhcflurry/common.py b/mhcflurry/common.py
index cd602d25da11beb2139ca2815d66ce8e7b73ca1e..4097f12c735363e59e9a0bcc8d533285ecd13a2a 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/common.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/common.py
@@ -210,6 +210,9 @@ def load_weights(filename):
 class NumpyJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+    """
+    JSON encoder (used with json module) that can handle numpy arrays.
+    """
     def default(self, obj):
         if isinstance(obj, (
                 numpy.int_, numpy.intc, numpy.intp, numpy.int8,
@@ -222,4 +225,4 @@ class NumpyJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
             return float(obj)
         if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray):
             return obj.tolist()
-        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
\ No newline at end of file
+        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
diff --git a/mhcflurry/encodable_sequences.py b/mhcflurry/encodable_sequences.py
index a1a14f41b5ee7c17a6444b500b55203a42d5877e..037f55fd053f2d946fe7215f32909cbf32df2eb2 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/encodable_sequences.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/encodable_sequences.py
@@ -141,11 +141,20 @@ class EncodableSequences(object):
             encodings is given by available_vector_encodings().
         alignment_method : string
             One of "pad_middle" or "left_pad_right_pad"
-        left_edge : int, size of fixed-position left side
+        left_edge : int
+            Size of fixed-position left side.
             Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method
-        right_edge : int, size of the fixed-position right side
+        right_edge : int
+            Size of the fixed-position right side.
             Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method
-        max_length : maximum supported peptide length
+        max_length : int
+            Maximum supported peptide length
+        trim : bool
+            If True, longer sequences will be trimmed to fit the maximum
+            supported length. Not supported for all alignment methods.
+        allow_unsupported_amino_acids : bool
+            If True, non-canonical amino acids will be replaced with the X
+            character before encoding.
@@ -237,11 +246,20 @@ class EncodableSequences(object):
         sequences : list of string
         alignment_method : string
             One of "pad_middle" or "left_pad_right_pad"
-        left_edge : int, size of fixed-position left side
+        left_edge : int
+            Size of fixed-position left side.
             Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method
-        right_edge : int, size of the fixed-position right side
+        right_edge : int
+            Size of the fixed-position right side.
             Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method
-        max_length : maximum supported peptide length
+        max_length : int
+            maximum supported peptide length
+        trim : bool
+            If True, longer sequences will be trimmed to fit the maximum
+            supported length. Not supported for all alignment methods.
+        allow_unsupported_amino_acids : bool
+            If True, non-canonical amino acids will be replaced with the X
+            character before encoding.
diff --git a/mhcflurry/flanking_encoding.py b/mhcflurry/flanking_encoding.py
index 05efe478ef42475660bd1c88ea19afa7abc9bf67..63c22295e9de0c8d8c4892065a50525ea477efa0 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/flanking_encoding.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/flanking_encoding.py
@@ -17,12 +17,33 @@ import pandas
 EncodingResult =  namedtuple(
     "EncodingResult", ["array", "peptide_lengths"])
 class FlankingEncoding(object):
+    Encode peptides and optionally their N- and C-flanking sequences into fixed
+    size numerical matrices. Similar to EncodableSequences but with support
+    for flanking sequences and the encoding scheme used by the processing
+    predictor.
+    Instances of this class have an immutable list of peptides with
+    flanking sequences. Encodings are cached in the instances for faster
+    performance when the same set of peptides needs to encoded more than once.
     unknown_character = "X"
     def __init__(self, peptides, n_flanks, c_flanks):
+        """
+        Constructor. Sequences of any lengths can be passed.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        peptides : list of string
+            Peptide sequences
+        n_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides]
+            Upstream sequences
+        c_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides]
+            Downstream sequences
+        """
         self.dataframe = pandas.DataFrame({
             "peptide": peptides,
             "n_flank": n_flanks,
@@ -31,6 +52,9 @@ class FlankingEncoding(object):
         self.encoding_cache = {}
     def __len__(self):
+        """
+        Number of peptides.
+        """
         return len(self.dataframe)
     def vector_encode(
@@ -41,35 +65,31 @@ class FlankingEncoding(object):
-        Encode variable-length sequences to a fixed-size matrix. Amino acids
-        are encoded as specified by the vector_encoding_name argument.
-        See `sequences_to_fixed_length_index_encoded_array` for details.
-        See also: variable_length_to_fixed_length_categorical.
+        Encode variable-length sequences to a fixed-size matrix.
         vector_encoding_name : string
-            How to represent amino acids.
-            One of "BLOSUM62", "one-hot", etc. Full list of supported vector
-            encodings is given by available_vector_encodings().
-        alignment_method : string
-            One of "pad_middle" or "left_pad_right_pad"
-        left_edge : int, size of fixed-position left side
-            Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method
-        right_edge : int, size of the fixed-position right side
-            Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method
-        max_length : maximum supported peptide length
+            How to represent amino acids. One of "BLOSUM62", "one-hot", etc.
+            See `amino_acid.available_vector_encodings()`.
+        peptide_max_length : int
+            Maximum supported peptide length.
+        n_flank_length : int
+            Maximum supported N-flank length
+        c_flank_length : int
+            Maximum supported C-flank length
+        allow_unsupported_amino_acids : bool
+            If True, non-canonical amino acids will be replaced with the X
+            character before encoding.
-        numpy.array with shape (num sequences, encoded length, m)
+        numpy.array with shape (num sequences, length, m)
+            - num sequences is number of peptides, i.e. len(self)
+            - length is peptide_max_length + n_flank_length + c_flank_length
             - m is the vector encoding length (usually 21).
-            - encoded length is max_length if alignment_method is pad_middle;
-              3 * max_length if it's left_pad_right_pad.
         cache_key = (
@@ -91,13 +111,29 @@ class FlankingEncoding(object):
     def encode(
-        vector_encoding_name,
-        df,
-        peptide_max_length,
-        n_flank_length,
-        c_flank_length,
-        allow_unsupported_amino_acids=False):
+            vector_encoding_name,
+            df,
+            peptide_max_length,
+            n_flank_length,
+            c_flank_length,
+            allow_unsupported_amino_acids=False):
+        Encode variable-length sequences to a fixed-size matrix.
+        Helper function. Users should use `vector_encode`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vector_encoding_name : string
+        df : pandas.DataFrame
+        peptide_max_length : int
+        n_flank_length : int
+        c_flank_length : int
+        allow_unsupported_amino_acids : bool
+        Returns
+        -------
+        numpy.array
         error_df = df.loc[
             (df.peptide.str.len() > peptide_max_length) |
diff --git a/mhcflurry/multiple_allele_encoding.py b/mhcflurry/multiple_allele_encoding.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b51529b3a7c0dac78265c092fba31cc7046cb6d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/mhcflurry/multiple_allele_encoding.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-from copy import copy
-from .allele_encoding import AlleleEncoding
-class MultipleAlleleEncoding(object):
-    def __init__(
-            self,
-            experiment_names=[],
-            experiment_to_allele_list={},
-            max_alleles_per_experiment=6,
-            allele_to_sequence=None,
-            borrow_from=None):
-        padded_experiment_to_allele_list = {}
-        for (name, alleles) in experiment_to_allele_list.items():
-            assert len(alleles) > 0
-            assert len(alleles) <= max_alleles_per_experiment
-            alleles_with_mask = alleles + [None] * (
-                    max_alleles_per_experiment - len(alleles))
-            padded_experiment_to_allele_list[name] = alleles_with_mask
-        flattened_allele_list = []
-        for name in experiment_names:
-            flattened_allele_list.extend(padded_experiment_to_allele_list[name])
-        self.allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding(
-            alleles=flattened_allele_list,
-            allele_to_sequence=allele_to_sequence,
-            borrow_from=borrow_from
-        )
-        self.max_alleles_per_experiment = max_alleles_per_experiment
-        self.experiment_names = numpy.array(experiment_names)
-    def append_alleles(self, alleles):
-        extended_alleles = list(self.allele_encoding.alleles)
-        for allele in alleles:
-            extended_alleles.append(allele)
-            extended_alleles.extend(
-                [None] * (self.max_alleles_per_experiment - 1))
-        assert len(extended_alleles) % self.max_alleles_per_experiment == 0, (
-            len(extended_alleles))
-        self.allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding(
-            alleles=extended_alleles,
-            borrow_from=self.allele_encoding)
-        self.experiment_names = numpy.concatenate([
-            self.experiment_names,
-            numpy.tile(None, len(alleles))
-        ])
-    @property
-    def indices(self):
-        return self.allele_encoding.indices.values.reshape(
-            (-1, self.max_alleles_per_experiment))
-    @property
-    def alleles(self):
-        return numpy.reshape(
-            self.allele_encoding.alleles.values,
-            (-1, self.max_alleles_per_experiment))
-    def compact(self):
-        result = copy(self)
-        result.allele_encoding = self.allele_encoding.compact()
-        return result
-    def allele_representations(self, encoding_name):
-        return self.allele_encoding.allele_representations(encoding_name)
-    @property
-    def allele_to_sequence(self):
-        return self.allele_encoding.allele_to_sequence
-    def fixed_length_vector_encoded_sequences(self, encoding_name):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def shuffle_in_place(self, shuffle_permutation=None):
-        alleles_matrix = self.alleles
-        if shuffle_permutation is None:
-            shuffle_permutation = numpy.random.permutation(len(alleles_matrix))
-        self.allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding(
-            alleles=alleles_matrix[shuffle_permutation].flatten(),
-            borrow_from=self.allele_encoding
-        )
-        self.experiment_names = self.experiment_names[shuffle_permutation]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mhcflurry/predict_command.py b/mhcflurry/predict_command.py
index 1ce75cda94b93bc8366a727591cd3d2c46cb843e..f468b16807570e1b311926f6a13477d69d950224 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/predict_command.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/predict_command.py
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
-Run MHCflurry predictor on specified peptide/allele pairs.
+Run MHCflurry predictor on specified peptides.
+By default, the presentation predictor is used, and predictions for
+MHC I binding affinity, antigen processing, and the composite presentation score
+are returned. If you just want binding affinity predictions, pass
-Write a CSV file containing the contents of INPUT.csv plus an
-additional column giving MHCflurry binding affinity predictions:
+Write a CSV file containing the contents of INPUT.csv plus additional columns
+giving MHCflurry predictions:
     $ mhcflurry-predict INPUT.csv --out RESULT.csv
-The input CSV file is expected to contain columns ``allele`` and ``peptide``.
-The predictions are written to a column called ``mhcflurry_prediction``.
-These default column names may be changed with the `--allele-column`,
-`--peptide-column`, and `--prediction-column` options.
+The input CSV file is expected to contain columns "allele", "peptide", and,
+optionally, "n_flank", and "c_flank".
-If `--out` is not specified, results are written to standard out.
+If `--out` is not specified, results are written to stdout.
 You can also run on alleles and peptides specified on the commandline, in
 which case predictions are written for all combinations of alleles and
@@ -35,8 +38,7 @@ import os
 import pandas
-from .common import set_keras_backend
-from .downloads import get_default_class1_models_dir, get_default_class1_presentation_models_dir
+from .downloads import get_default_class1_presentation_models_dir
 from .class1_affinity_predictor import Class1AffinityPredictor
 from .class1_presentation_predictor import Class1PresentationPredictor
 from .version import __version__
@@ -148,8 +150,10 @@ model_args.add_argument(
-    help="Directory containing models. "
-    "Default: %s" % get_default_class1_models_dir(test_exists=False))
+    help="Directory containing models. Either a binding affinity predictor or "
+    "a presentation predictor can be used. "
+    "Default: %s" % get_default_class1_presentation_models_dir(
+        test_exists=False))
@@ -161,6 +165,7 @@ model_args.add_argument(
     help="Do not use flanking sequence information even when available")
 def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
     logging.getLogger('tensorflow').disabled = True
@@ -195,8 +200,6 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
                 "--affinity-only. Specify this argument to silence this warning.")
             args.affinity_only = True
-    # The following two are informative commands that can come 
-    # if a wrapper would like to incorporate input validation.
     if args.list_supported_alleles: