diff --git a/downloads-generation/models_class1_pan/GENERATE.sh b/downloads-generation/models_class1_pan/GENERATE.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3aa7fad9441be3d33ba7815855857b7409aab9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/downloads-generation/models_class1_pan/GENERATE.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Model select pan-allele MHCflurry Class I models and calibrate percentile ranks.
+set -e
+set -x
+SCRIPT_ABSOLUTE_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
+mkdir -p "$SCRATCH_DIR"
+# Send stdout and stderr to a logfile included with the archive.
+exec >  >(tee -ia "$SCRATCH_DIR/$DOWNLOAD_NAME/LOG.txt")
+exec 2> >(tee -ia "$SCRATCH_DIR/$DOWNLOAD_NAME/LOG.txt" >&2)
+# Log some environment info
+pip freeze
+git status
+GPUS=$(nvidia-smi -L 2> /dev/null | wc -l) || GPUS=0
+echo "Detected GPUS: $GPUS"
+echo "Detected processors: $PROCESSORS"
+if [ "$NUM_JOBS" -eq "0" ]; then
+   NUM_JOBS=1
+echo "Num jobs: $NUM_JOBS"
+UNSELECTED_PATH="$(mhcflurry-downloads path models_class1_pan_unselected)"
+for kind in with_mass_spec #no_mass_spec
+    MODELS_DIR="$UNSELECTED_PATH/models.${kind}"
+    time mhcflurry-class1-select-pan-allele-models \
+        --data "$MODELS_DIR/train_data.csv.bz2" \
+        --models-dir "$MODELS_DIR" \
+        --out-models-dir models.${kind} \
+        --min-models 8 \
+        --max-models 32 \
+        --num-jobs 0 \
+        --num-jobs $NUM_JOBS --max-tasks-per-worker 1 --gpus $GPUS --max-workers-per-gpu 1
+    time mhcflurry-calibrate-percentile-ranks \
+        --models-dir models.${kind} \
+        --num-peptides-per-length 10000 \
+        --num-jobs $NUM_JOBS --max-tasks-per-worker 1 --gpus $GPUS --max-workers-per-gpu 1
+bzip2 LOG.txt
+for i in $(ls LOG-worker.*.txt) ; do bzip2 $i ; done
+RESULT="$SCRATCH_DIR/${DOWNLOAD_NAME}.$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.bz2"
+tar -cjf "$RESULT" *
+echo "Created archive: $RESULT"
diff --git a/downloads-generation/models_class1_pan_unselected/GENERATE.sh b/downloads-generation/models_class1_pan_unselected/GENERATE.sh
index b70d5b8d3d1a82aa911f68b504cce1d4b5ba6d2d..4be7648aec01ce91adae8370f3e0512fecd31dd8 100755
--- a/downloads-generation/models_class1_pan_unselected/GENERATE.sh
+++ b/downloads-generation/models_class1_pan_unselected/GENERATE.sh
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ echo "Detected GPUS: $GPUS"
 echo "Detected processors: $PROCESSORS"
-if [ "$NUM_JOBS" -eq "0" ]; then
-   NUM_JOBS=1
+if [ "$GPUS" -eq "0" ]; then
 echo "Num jobs: $NUM_JOBS"
diff --git a/mhcflurry/calibrate_percentile_ranks_command.py b/mhcflurry/calibrate_percentile_ranks_command.py
index 87243bdbf3cdaeba3a84277b03056d1acf0ea5eb..43cc9d8664c12d23fdf59880110af96e2b2d60f9 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/calibrate_percentile_ranks_command.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/calibrate_percentile_ranks_command.py
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ parser.add_argument(
-    help="Alleles to train models for. If not specified, all alleles with "
-    "enough measurements will be used.")
+    help="Alleles to calibrate percentile ranks for. If not specified all "
+    "alleles are used")
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ parser.add_argument(
 def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
     global GLOBAL_DATA
@@ -78,7 +79,8 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
     start = time.time()
-    print("Performing percent rank calibration. Encoding peptides.")
+    print("Performing percent rank calibration for %d alleles: encoding peptides" % (
+        len(alleles)))
     encoded_peptides = predictor.calibrate_percentile_ranks(
         alleles=[],  # don't actually do any calibration, just return peptides
diff --git a/mhcflurry/class1_affinity_predictor.py b/mhcflurry/class1_affinity_predictor.py
index 3497e25d8a2437103d70dfe48d968578b53ed9e6..0c38373927c00da15ff86f835e688d75f605f075 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/class1_affinity_predictor.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/class1_affinity_predictor.py
@@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ class Class1AffinityPredictor(object):
         if class1_pan_allele_models is None:
             class1_pan_allele_models = []
-        self.allele_to_sequence = allele_to_sequence
+        self.allele_to_sequence = (
+            dict(allele_to_sequence)
+            if allele_to_sequence is not None else None)  # make a copy
         self.master_allele_encoding = None
         if class1_pan_allele_models:
             assert self.allele_to_sequence
@@ -112,8 +115,7 @@ class Class1AffinityPredictor(object):
-            for (allele,
-                 models) in self.allele_to_allele_specific_models.items():
+            for (allele, models) in self.allele_to_allele_specific_models.items():
                 for (i, model) in enumerate(models):
                         self.model_name(allele, i),
@@ -126,6 +128,18 @@ class Class1AffinityPredictor(object):
                 columns=["model_name", "allele", "config_json", "model"])
         return self._manifest_df
+    def subselect_alleles(self, alleles):
+        if self.allele_to_sequence:
+            alleles = [
+                mhcnames.normalize_allele_name(allele)
+                for allele in set(alleles)
+            ]
+            allele_to_sequence = dict(
+                (a, self.allele_to_sequence[a]) for a in alleles)
+            self.allele_to_sequence = allele_to_sequence
+            self.clear_cache()
     def clear_cache(self):
         Clear values cached based on the neural networks in this predictor.
@@ -439,7 +453,7 @@ class Class1AffinityPredictor(object):
         if exists(join(models_dir, "allele_sequences.csv")):
             allele_to_fixed_length_sequence = pandas.read_csv(
                 join(models_dir, "allele_sequences.csv"),
-                index_col="allele").sequence.to_dict()
+                index_col=0).iloc[:,0].to_dict()
         allele_to_percent_rank_transform = {}
         percent_ranks_path = join(models_dir, "percent_ranks.csv")
diff --git a/mhcflurry/class1_neural_network.py b/mhcflurry/class1_neural_network.py
index 6e1b3148c381b2b838c7cf9ce42b337ce3d03a08..0be671aca5634d988114722396aabcb6a533c40c 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/class1_neural_network.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/class1_neural_network.py
@@ -1197,12 +1197,42 @@ class Class1NeuralNetwork(object):
-        reshaped = allele_representations.reshape((allele_representations.shape[0], -1))
-        layer = self.network().get_layer("allele_representation")
-        (existing,) = layer.get_weights()
-        if existing.shape == reshaped.shape:
-            layer.set_weights([reshaped])
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError(
-                "Network surgery required: %s != %s" % (
-                    str(existing.shape), str(reshaped.shape)))
+        from keras.models import model_from_json
+        reshaped = allele_representations.reshape(
+            (allele_representations.shape[0], -1))
+        original_model = self.network()
+        layer = original_model.get_layer("allele_representation")
+        (existing_weights,) = layer.get_weights()
+        # Only changes to the number of supported alleles (not the length of
+        # the allele sequences) are allowed.
+        assert existing_weights.shape[1:] == reshaped.shape[1:]
+        if existing_weights.shape != reshaped.shape:
+            # Network surgery required. Make a new network with this layer's
+            # dimensions changed. Kind of a hack.
+            layer.input_dim = reshaped.shape[0]
+            new_model = model_from_json(original_model.to_json())
+            # copy weights for other layers over
+            for layer in new_model.layers:
+                if layer.name != "allele_representation":
+                    layer.set_weights(
+                        original_model.get_layer(name=layer.name).get_weights())
+            self._network = new_model
+            self.update_network_description()
+            layer = new_model.get_layer("allele_representation")
+            (existing_weights,) = layer.get_weights()
+            # Disable the old model to catch bugs.
+            def throw(*args, **kwargs):
+                raise RuntimeError("Using a disabled model!")
+            original_model.predict = \
+                original_model.fit = \
+                original_model.fit_generator = throw
+        assert existing_weights.shape == reshaped.shape, (
+            existing_weights.shape, reshaped.shape)
+        layer.set_weights([reshaped])
diff --git a/mhcflurry/downloads.yml b/mhcflurry/downloads.yml
index afc109f36c1324a93729c179572e91f62fce9766..b9ecff5259f3eefe3fc8a810e027622cd65222eb 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/downloads.yml
+++ b/mhcflurry/downloads.yml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ releases:
         compatibility-version: 2
-            - name: model_class1_pan_unselected
+            - name: models_class1_pan_unselected
               url: https://github.com/openvax/mhcflurry/releases/download/pan-dev1/model_class1_pan_unselected.manual_build.20190730.tar.bz2
               default: false
diff --git a/mhcflurry/select_pan_allele_models_command.py b/mhcflurry/select_pan_allele_models_command.py
index 12f53a3699655912c3fc2c30f6d6f6d146e79800..8102e7fed96285bcc14c0bc36c3d65a8cf40fdc9 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/select_pan_allele_models_command.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/select_pan_allele_models_command.py
@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
     configure_logging(verbose=args.verbosity > 1)
+    df = pandas.read_csv(args.data)
+    print("Loaded data: %s" % (str(df.shape)))
     input_predictor = Class1AffinityPredictor.load(args.models_dir)
     print("Loaded: %s" % input_predictor)
@@ -131,8 +134,6 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
     metadata_dfs = {}
-    df = pandas.read_csv(args.data)
-    print("Loaded data: %s" % (str(df.shape)))
     if args.folds:
         folds_df = pandas.read_csv(args.folds)
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
         assert num_folds == training_info['num_folds']
         (lst, hash) = folds_to_predictors[fold_num]
         train_peptide_hash = training_info['train_peptide_hash']
-        #numpy.testing.assert_equal(hash, train_peptide_hash)  #enable later
+        numpy.testing.assert_equal(hash, train_peptide_hash)
     work_items = []
diff --git a/mhcflurry/train_pan_allele_models_command.py b/mhcflurry/train_pan_allele_models_command.py
index a2bf3944912767fbb07dee585487afc7ba28b4ce..8e56bbd468e9508c0f95c6ae96c87bea42a6ebb7 100644
--- a/mhcflurry/train_pan_allele_models_command.py
+++ b/mhcflurry/train_pan_allele_models_command.py
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ parser.add_argument(
 def assign_folds(df, num_folds, held_out_fraction, held_out_max):
     result_df = pandas.DataFrame(index=df.index)
@@ -284,6 +285,14 @@ def main(args):
     print("Will use %d / %d allele sequences" % (
         len(allele_sequences_in_use), len(allele_sequences)))
+    # All alleles, not just those with training data.
+    full_allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding(
+        alleles=allele_sequences.index.values,
+        allele_to_sequence=allele_sequences.to_dict()
+    )
+    # Only alleles with training data. For efficiency we perform model training
+    # using only these alleles in the neural network embedding layer.
     allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding(
@@ -366,9 +375,6 @@ def main(args):
             results_generator = worker_pool.imap_unordered(
                 partial(call_wrapped_kwargs, train_model),
@@ -411,7 +417,11 @@ def main(args):
     print("Saving final predictor to: %s" % args.out_models_dir)
-    predictor.save(args.out_models_dir)  # write all models just to be sure
+    # We want the final predictor to support all alleles with sequences, not
+    # just those we actually used for model training.
+    predictor.allele_to_sequence = full_allele_encoding.allele_to_sequence
+    predictor.clear_cache()
+    predictor.save(args.out_models_dir)
     print("*" * 30)
diff --git a/test/test_changing_allele_representations.py b/test/test_changing_allele_representations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84492fad51b2b1dca59d0ddc81a5e80efb68f15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_changing_allele_representations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import time
+import pandas
+from mhcflurry.allele_encoding import AlleleEncoding
+from mhcflurry.amino_acid import BLOSUM62_MATRIX
+from mhcflurry.class1_affinity_predictor import Class1AffinityPredictor
+from mhcflurry.downloads import get_path
+from numpy.testing import assert_equal
+ALLELE_TO_SEQUENCE = pandas.read_csv(
+    get_path(
+        "allele_sequences", "allele_sequences.csv"),
+    index_col=0).sequence.to_dict()
+    'activation': 'tanh',
+    'allele_dense_layer_sizes': [],
+    'batch_normalization': False,
+    'dense_layer_l1_regularization': 0.0,
+    'dense_layer_l2_regularization': 0.0,
+    'dropout_probability': 0.5,
+    'early_stopping': True,
+    'init': 'glorot_uniform',
+    'layer_sizes': [4],
+    'learning_rate': None,
+    'locally_connected_layers': [],
+    'loss': 'custom:mse_with_inequalities',
+    'max_epochs': 40,
+    'minibatch_size': 128,
+    'optimizer': 'rmsprop',
+    'output_activation': 'sigmoid',
+    'patience': 2,
+    'peptide_allele_merge_activation': '',
+    'peptide_allele_merge_method': 'concatenate',
+    'peptide_amino_acid_encoding': 'BLOSUM62',
+    'peptide_dense_layer_sizes': [],
+    'peptide_encoding': {
+        'alignment_method': 'left_pad_centered_right_pad',
+        'max_length': 15,
+        'vector_encoding_name': 'BLOSUM62',
+    },
+    'random_negative_affinity_max': 50000.0,
+    'random_negative_affinity_min': 20000.0,
+    'random_negative_constant': 0,
+    'random_negative_distribution_smoothing': 0.0,
+    'random_negative_match_distribution': True,
+    'random_negative_rate': 0.0,
+    'train_data': {},
+    'validation_split': 0.1,
+def test_changing_allele_representations():
+    allele1 = "HLA-A*02:01"
+    allele2 = "HLA-C*03:04"
+    allele3 = "HLA-B*07:01"
+    peptide = "SIINFEKL"
+    allele_to_sequence = {}
+    for allele in [allele1, allele2]:
+        allele_to_sequence[allele] = ALLELE_TO_SEQUENCE[allele]
+    data1 = []
+    for i in range(5000):
+        data1.append((allele1, peptide, 0, "="))
+        data1.append((allele2, peptide, 50000, "="))
+    data1 = pandas.DataFrame(
+        data1, columns=["allele", "peptide", "affinity", "inequality"])
+    predictor = Class1AffinityPredictor(allele_to_sequence=allele_to_sequence)
+    predictor.fit_class1_pan_allele_models(
+        n_models=1,
+        architecture_hyperparameters=HYPERPARAMETERS,
+        alleles=data1.allele.values,
+        peptides=data1.peptide.values,
+        affinities=data1.affinity.values,
+        inequalities=data1.inequality.values)
+    (value1, value2) = predictor.predict([peptide, peptide], alleles=[allele1, allele2])
+    assert value1 < 100, value1
+    assert value2 > 4000, value2
+    allele_to_sequence[allele3] = ALLELE_TO_SEQUENCE[allele3]
+    predictor.allele_to_sequence = allele_to_sequence
+    predictor.clear_cache()
+    (value1, value2, value3) = predictor.predict(
+        [peptide, peptide, peptide],
+        alleles=[allele1, allele2, allele3])
+    assert value1 < 100, value1
+    assert value2 > 4000, value2