diff --git a/downloads-generation/data_mass_spec_benchmark/run_thirdparty_predictors.py b/downloads-generation/data_mass_spec_benchmark/run_thirdparty_predictors.py
index a45115ee26b17e58fe22070cc4a180bad9285108..26b5c6949542747d6235957dafca2687c1a1f676 100644
--- a/downloads-generation/data_mass_spec_benchmark/run_thirdparty_predictors.py
+++ b/downloads-generation/data_mass_spec_benchmark/run_thirdparty_predictors.py
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from mhcnames import normalize_allele_name
 import tqdm  # progress bar
 tqdm.monitor_interval = 0  # see https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm/issues/481
-from mhcflurry.class1_affinity_predictor import Class1AffinityPredictor
 from mhcflurry.common import configure_logging
 from mhcflurry.local_parallelism import (
@@ -43,7 +42,16 @@ parser.add_argument(
-    choices=("netmhcpan4", "netmhcpan4-el"))
+    choices=("mhcflurry", "netmhcpan4"))
+    "--mhcflurry-models-dir",
+    metavar="DIR",
+    help="Directory to read MHCflurry models")
+    "--mhcflurry-batch-size",
+    type=int,
+    default=4096,
+    help="Keras batch size for MHCflurry predictions. Default: %(default)s")
@@ -73,27 +81,79 @@ add_local_parallelism_args(parser)
-def load_results(dirname, result_df=None, col_names=None):
+def load_results(dirname, result_df=None):
     peptides = pandas.read_csv(
-        os.path.join(dirname, "peptides.csv")).peptide.values
+        os.path.join(dirname, "peptides.csv")).peptide
     manifest_df = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(dirname, "alleles.csv"))
-    if col_names:
-        manifest_df = manifest_df.loc[manifest_df.col.isin(col_names)]
+    print(
+        "Loading results. Existing data has",
+        len(peptides),
+        "peptides and",
+        len(manifest_df),
+        "columns")
     if result_df is None:
         result_df = pandas.DataFrame(
             index=peptides, columns=manifest_df.col.values, dtype="float32")
         result_df[:] = numpy.nan
+    else:
+        manifest_df = manifest_df.loc[manifest_df.col.isin(result_df.columns)]
+        peptides = peptides[peptides.isin(result_df.index)]
+    print("Will load", len(peptides), "peptides and", len(manifest_df), "cols")
     for _, row in manifest_df.iterrows():
         with open(os.path.join(dirname, row.path), "rb") as fd:
-                peptides, row.col
+                peptides.values, row.col
             ] = numpy.load(fd)['arr_0']
     return result_df
+def blocks_of_ones(arr):
+    """
+    Given a binary matrix, return indices of rectangular blocks of 1s.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    arr : binary matrix
+    Returns
+    -------
+    List of (x1, y1, x2, y2) where all indices are INCLUSIVE. Each block spans
+    from (x1, y1) on its upper left corner to (x2, y2) on its lower right corner.
+    """
+    arr = arr.copy()
+    blocks = []
+    while arr.sum() > 0:
+        (x1, y1) = numpy.unravel_index(arr.argmax(), arr.shape)
+        block = [x1, y1, x1, y1]
+        # Extend in first dimension as far as possible
+        down_stop = numpy.argmax(arr[x1:, y1] == 0) - 1
+        if down_stop == -1:
+            block[2] = arr.shape[0] - 1
+        else:
+            assert down_stop >= 0
+            block[2] = x1 + down_stop
+        # Extend in second dimension as far as possible
+        for i in range(y1, arr.shape[1]):
+            if (arr[block[0] : block[2] + 1, i] == 1).all():
+                block[3] = i
+        # Zero out block:
+        assert (
+            arr[block[0]: block[2] + 1, block[1] : block[3] + 1] == 1).all(), (arr, block)
+        arr[block[0] : block[2] + 1, block[1] : block[3] + 1] = 0
+        blocks.append(block)
+    return blocks
 def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
     global GLOBAL_DATA
@@ -125,8 +185,8 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
         print("Creating", args.out)
     GLOBAL_DATA["predictor"] = args.predictor
+    GLOBAL_DATA["args"] = args
     # Write peptide and allele lists to out dir.
     out_peptides = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.out, "peptides.csv"))
@@ -150,11 +210,40 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
     print("Wrote: ", out_manifest)
     result_df = pandas.DataFrame(
-        index=peptides, columns=manifest_df.columns.values, dtype="float32")
+        index=peptides, columns=manifest_df.col.values, dtype="float32")
     result_df[:] = numpy.nan
     if args.reuse_predictions:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        print("Loading predictions", args.reuse_predictions)
+        result_df = load_results(args.reuse_predictions, result_df)
+        print("Existing data filled %f%% entries" % (
+            result_df.notnull().values.mean()))
+        # We rerun any alleles have nulls for any kind of values
+        # (affinity, percentile rank, elution score).
+        print("Computing blocks.")
+        start = time.time()
+        blocks = blocks_of_ones(result_df.isnull().values)
+        print("Found %d blocks in %f sec." % (
+            len(blocks), (time.time() - start)))
+        work_items = []
+        for (row_index1, col_index1, row_index2, col_index2) in blocks:
+            block_cols = result_df.columns[col_index1 : col_index2 + 1]
+            block_alleles = sorted(set([x.split()[0] for x in block_cols]))
+            block_peptides = result_df.index[row_index1 : row_index2 + 1]
+            print("Block: ", row_index1, col_index1, row_index2, col_index2)
+            num_chunks = int(math.ceil(len(block_peptides) / args.chunk_size))
+            print("Splitting peptides into %d chunks" % num_chunks)
+            peptide_chunks = numpy.array_split(peptides, num_chunks)
+            for chunk_peptides in peptide_chunks:
+                work_item = {
+                    'alleles': block_alleles,
+                    'peptides': chunk_peptides,
+                }
+                work_items.append(work_item)
         # Same number of chunks for all alleles
         num_chunks = int(math.ceil(len(peptides) / args.chunk_size))
@@ -162,7 +251,7 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
         peptide_chunks = numpy.array_split(peptides, num_chunks)
         work_items = []
-        for (chunk_index, chunk_peptides) in enumerate(peptide_chunks):
+        for (_, chunk_peptides) in enumerate(peptide_chunks):
             work_item = {
                 'alleles': alleles,
                 'peptides': chunk_peptides,
@@ -173,19 +262,24 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
     for (i, work_item) in enumerate(work_items):
         work_item["work_item_num"] = i
+    if args.predictor == "mhcflurry":
+        do_predictions_function = do_predictions_mhcflurry
+    else:
+        do_predictions_function = do_predictions_mhctools
     worker_pool = None
     start = time.time()
     if serial_run:
         # Serial run
         print("Running in serial.")
         results = (
-            do_predictions(**item) for item in work_items)
+            do_predictions_function(**item) for item in work_items)
     elif args.cluster_parallelism:
         # Run using separate processes HPC cluster.
         print("Running on cluster.")
         results = cluster_results_from_args(
-            work_function=do_predictions,
+            work_function=do_predictions_function,
@@ -196,7 +290,7 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
         print("Worker pool", worker_pool)
         assert worker_pool is not None
         results = worker_pool.imap_unordered(
-            partial(call_wrapped_kwargs, do_predictions),
+            partial(call_wrapped_kwargs, do_predictions_function),
@@ -231,7 +325,7 @@ def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
         prediction_time / 60.0))
-def do_predictions(work_item_num, peptides, alleles, constant_data=None):
+def do_predictions_mhctools(work_item_num, peptides, alleles, constant_data=None):
     # This may run on the cluster in a way that misses all top level imports,
     # so we have to re-import everything here.
     import time
@@ -242,7 +336,7 @@ def do_predictions(work_item_num, peptides, alleles, constant_data=None):
     if constant_data is None:
         constant_data = GLOBAL_DATA
-    predictor_name = constant_data['predictor']
+    predictor_name = constant_data['args'].predictor
     if predictor_name == "netmhcpan4":
         predictor = mhctools.NetMHCpan4(
             alleles=alleles, program_name="netMHCpan-4.0")
@@ -262,5 +356,37 @@ def do_predictions(work_item_num, peptides, alleles, constant_data=None):
     return (work_item_num, results)
+def do_predictions_mhcflurry(work_item_num, peptides, alleles, constant_data=None):
+    # This may run on the cluster in a way that misses all top level imports,
+    # so we have to re-import everything here.
+    import time
+    from mhcflurry.encodable_sequences import EncodableSequences
+    from mhcflurry import Class1AffinityPredictor
+    if constant_data is None:
+        constant_data = GLOBAL_DATA
+    args = constant_data['args']
+    assert args.predictor == "mhcflurry"
+    predictor = Class1AffinityPredictor.load(args.mhcflurry_models_dir)
+    start = time.time()
+    results = {}
+    peptides = EncodableSequences.create(peptides)
+    for (i, allele) in enumerate(alleles):
+        print("Processing allele %d / %d: %0.2f sec elapsed" % (
+            i + 1, len(alleles), time.time() - start))
+        for col in ["affinity"]:
+            results["%s %s" % (allele, col)] = predictor.predict(
+                peptides=peptides,
+                allele=allele,
+                throw=False,
+                model_kwargs={'batch_size': args.batch_size}).astype('float32')
+    print("Done predicting in", time.time() - start, "sec")
+    return (work_item_num, results)
 if __name__ == '__main__':