<?php function custom_people_desc_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if(in_array($form_id,['user_form','user_edit_form'])) { $form['account']['mail']['#description'] = t('Add email address of user being added.'); $form['account']['name']['#description'] = t('Note: Put the full name.#@osu.edu of the person being added. If they are not an Ohio State person then insert their email address.'); } if(in_array($form_id,['user-register-form','user_register_form'])) { $form['account']['mail']['#description'] = t('Add email address of user being added.'); $form['account']['name']['#description'] = t('Note: Put the full name.#@osu.edu of the person being added. If they are not an Ohio State person then insert their email address.'); } }