Drupal 8 Buckeye Alerts ======================= This module adds [BuckeyeAlerts](code.osu.edu/ucom/buckeye-alert) to the top of your Drupal 8 pages. The JavaScript and CSS was pulled directly from the BuckeyeAlert code. Usage Notes ----------- The settings page can be found under configuration->system->buckeye alerts. From there you will be able to manage the following settings: * **Use test Buckeye Alerts** -- Determines whether or not to use the testing Buckeye Alerts feed. Defaults to off. * **Alert feed URL** -- The RSS feed to check for alert messages. * **Container class** -- Optional classes to add to message container. * **Animate** -- Enables jQuery animations. * **Add styles** -- Include the recommended alert message styles. * **Responsive styles** -- Use the included responsive style sheet. * **Breakpoints** -- Responsive CSS tablet and phone breakpoints. To add the module to your site add the following to your theme's info.yml libraries: - buckeye_alert/buckeye_alert Add the "Administer Buckeye Alerts" permission to any necessary roles.