diff --git a/web/sites/default/settings.php b/web/sites/default/settings.php
index a85cc129effcd569dc80e5488237bc1baef43295..e98dade78b9b9ce5ec5a65e3fc16216c8ed767fd 100644
--- a/web/sites/default/settings.php
+++ b/web/sites/default/settings.php
@@ -19,8 +19,31 @@
  * Place the config directory outside of the Drupal root.
+if (is_dir($_ENV['HOME'] . '/files/private/config')) {
+  // error_log("Config sync dir: _ENV[HOME]/files/private/config exists, using this.");
+  $config_sync_dir = $_ENV['HOME'] . '/files/private/config';
+else if(!empty($_ENV['FILEMOUNT'])) {
+  // error_log("Config sync dir: _ENV[FILEMOUNT] exists, using it.");
+  $config_sync_dir = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $_ENV['FILEMOUNT'] . '/private/config';
+else {
+  // error_log("Config sync dir: fell through to default.");
+  $config_sync_dir = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/files/private/config';
+// error_log("Config sync dir: $config_sync_dir");
+if(!is_dir($config_sync_dir)) {
+  error_log("Config sync dir '$config_sync_dir' doesn't exist, attempting to create it.");
+  if(mkdir($config_sync_dir, 0700, true)) {
+    error_log("$config_sync_dir created");
+  }
+  else {
+    error_log("Failed to create $config_sync_dir");
+  }
 $config_directories = array(
-  CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY => $_ENV['HOME'] . '/files/private/config',
+  CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY => $config_sync_dir,